Our Products
2 Products availableWater Treatment Plant
2 Products availableAgriculture Equipment And Supplies
1 Products availableClean Room Equipment
1 Products availableWashers
1 Products availableFilters & Filtration Systems
1 Products availableIndustrial Blowers, Coolers & Fans
1 Products availableCrusher, Shredder & Presses
1 Products availableAutoclaves
1 Products availableOur product range contains a wide range of Biomethane Plant, Multi Clones, Solid, Biomethanation Plant and Heat Recovery
Autoclave /Steam Sterilization offered is a low heat thermal process and is designed to bring steam into direct contact with waste in a controlled manner for a defined period of time at defined pressure and temp.
We are prime Biomethane Water Treatment Plants Manufacturer from New Delhi. In our Biomethane Plant, Bio-Methane is generated from Anaerobic Digesters, Anaerobic Lagoons, Biomass Gasification, Biogas Recovery of Bio-Methane, and Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. Unlike most companies, we are equipment supplier/vendor neutral.
We manufacture Sewage Water Treatment Systems that are widely used to treat household waste water from sewage. Our Sewage Water Treatment System has been designed keeping the growing amount of waste water from the urban center and have been a great assistant to the municipal corporations in the management of waste water.
PECMA is a well known Effluent Wastewater Treatment System Manufacturer in New Delhi.
These incinerator are classified as controlled air incinerators, where the heat and air for combustion is regulated in such a way as to first volatilize/ gasify the waste in conditions of inadequate air i.e below stoichiometric air condition and then totally destroy it in adequate heat and excess air. In these twin-chambered incinerators volatisation of waste is achieved in the primary hamber with supply for combustion air. The heat source is the high efficiency, automatic ON/OFF fuel oil burner. The volatilized opening to achieve sufficient velocity, where it is subject to stoichiometric conditions. Again the heat source is the auto-control fuel oil burner system. The combustion is carefully regulated for minimum turbulence, thus avoiding emission of pollutants. A specially designed educators system is incorporated at the outlet so that the temperature so the exit gases is brought down from 1200C to 300C before letting them out to the atmosphere, with safe himi for emission, conforming to strict pollution control norms, the mechanism keeps the entire system under negative pressure, hence totally alimenting hazards of ime, temperature and turbulence in these incinerator make them the best technological solution for the destruction of all kinds of waste in today's time CogenerationIn general terms, its system which provides both heat and electricity from the same source of fuel. Such systems often take advantage of what would normally be wasted energy. In a typical power plant, for example, nearly half of the energy consumed is wasted as excess heat. A cogeneration plant would take the excess heat energy and convert it into something which can be used to heat buildings, create domestic hot water or fed into a manufacturing process. Like most other generators, a cogeneration set-up requires a combustion engine of some sort which runs a generator to produce electricity. The difference is that the excess heat is sent through a heat exchanger before being allowed to escape up the smokestack. This second pass at using the combustion energy is what boosts efficiency from 50% or on a typical generator to over 80% at a cogeneration plant.
We are a leading manufacturer of Biomass Gasification System, which is viewed today as an alternative to conventional fuel and energy supplies. The Biomass Based Gasification System are used in wood, charcoal and other biomass materials and gasifies them to produce so called producer gas for power or electricity generation.
Shredder offered is a result in breaking of PVC/Plastic Syringes and other related items. The process involves localized heating, which results in breaking/cutting of Syringes and other waste in to designed size. The size reducing is adjustable with a manual lever. During cutting and breaking dust, generated shall be controlled in a Automatic Pulse-Jet Bag filter, which results in collection of sub-micronic dust particles.
PECMA offers HEPA Filtration System with a true, certified HEPA filter. The HEPA Air Filtration System, manufactured by us, can be used as a true portable unit or attached to any HV-AC system in the partial by-pass configuration.
Use : The air shower, a kind of equipment to clean workshop and factory building, can be used to clean away the dust on human body and goods surface. It also acts as an air lock to prevent unpurified air form entering the clean area. It is widely applied in industries such as electronics, precision instrument, meters, and laboratory, etc. Operation Principle : The pre-filtered air in the air shower is compressed into a static pressure chamber by a low noise centrifugal fan before it is filtered by an HEPA filter and sprayed out from the nozzles. The clean air blown out can clean away the dust attached on human body and goods surface. Characteristics : It is widely used equipment for the purification of a local area. By air-showering it can dispose of the dust on the surface of personnel and objects entering the clean area. In addition, it serves as an air valve to prevent unpurified air from entering the clean area. It can effectively reduce the amount of dust entering the clean area to keep a normal working condition.
PECMA Ventury scrubber comprises a contact section called a venture section in combination with a separator section. Dust laden gas is led into the venture section where it passes through a water screen at the venture throat at high velocity. This results in a through mixing of water droplets and dust particles which agglomerate to form large particles which are then collected from the gas in the separator section. The water supply units and the atomizing system permit recirculation of water with high dust content. Ventury Scrubbers have successfully been installed for cleaning particulate matter from exhaust gas streams of foundries crushing plant, electric are furnaces, basic oxygen furnaces and urea prilling towers, phosphatic fertilizer plants and other chemical and petrochemical industries.
Compact efficient long lasting unit for removing from the air stream the acids, alklis, corrosive gases and solid that are present in many industrial plants. Also available for atmosphere air cleaning .Standard sizes handle from 2000m3/hr. to 1.00.000m3/hr High volume and duel stage models are available . Modular panel Designs in MS/SS/PVS. To determine the direction in which the wheel of double inlet fan is rotating , the fan should viewed from the pulley end of the shaft to determine the direction in which of a single inlet fan is rotating , the fan should be viewed from the side opposite the inlet disregard the side of which the pulley is located.
Features :We are a leading Mechanical Multi-Clone Manufacturer in New Delhi, India. The Multi Clones, manufactured by us, are important for any industrial firm because they help to recover particulate matter from exhaust gas and thereby avoids pollution problems.
PECMA now offers a complete range of centrifugal fans. These fans are available in standard or varying widths of the impeller to suit exact duty conditions, optimize efficiency and conserve precious energy. Impeller are of MS For special applications, aluminum alloy, FRP lined or spark-proof construction are also available. Unique radial blade construction permits change in rotation in discharge direction and bi-directional rotation without affecting fan performance Two-Drive arrangement of impeller mounted on drive motor shaft and V-Belt.
PECMA vertical packed bed scrubbers are equipped with a very efficient contact zone, a gas distribution section, a liquid distribution system and a mist eliminator. The specially designed gas distribution section ensures even distribution of gases over the entire cross-section of the tower.
The highly efficient liquid distribution system combined with an even gas flow ensures a very intimate gas-liquid contact. The mist eliminator section effectively removes the carry over of liquid droplets from the contact zone. Packed Bed Scrubbers offer very high collection efficiencies at comparatively lower pressure drops. The effluent liquid can be recycled in this process.
Packed Bed Scrubbers are used to remove corrosive fumes and toxic gases like sulphur dioxide , chlorine hydrochloric, hydrofluoric , hydrogen sulphide, phosphatic acid , cyanides ammonia and other organic and inorganic gases etc.
Outlet Emissions are Even Less Then 1 Ppm. Can Be Achieved.
This system uses the principal of gas and solid chemisorption technique for the removal of toxic gases like hydrofluoric acid, So2 etc. The system usually consists of gas-solid reactor followed by a fabric filter for collecting reaction products. This system is specially suitable for removal of particulate and gaseous fluorides from pot gases in an aluminum smelter and also for cleaning exhaust gases from refuse/chemical incinerators.
Industrial Ventilation and Clean room systems equipments mainly Air shower, Air washer, Centrifugal fans.
Pecma impingement scrubbers are available in different arrangements like spray tower. The air may be forced to impinge on a series of baffles. These are gain low energy category scrubbers and have relatively low degree of particulate removal. The efficiency will range from 90 to 95 % for 10 microns particulars. Water consumption will range from 35 to 70 liters of liquid for per1000 M3 of gas.