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  1. Conveyors 6 Products available
  2. Industrial Valves

    2 Products available
  3. Filters

    2 Products available
  4. Rulers

    1 Products available
  5. Bulk Bag Loaders

    1 Products available
  6. Material Handling Machines & Systems

    1 Products available
  7. Valves & Valve Fittings

    1 Products available
  8. Sealing & Strapping Machines

    1 Products available
  9. Seal Machines

    1 Products available
  10. Lamination, Wrapping & Banding Machines

    1 Products available
  11. Others Products 11 Products available

Our Products

Our Complete range of products are Bag Emptying Machine, Container Loading System, Scrubber System, Flexible Fabric Silos and Destoner Equipments.

Bag Emptying Machine

THE BAG-EMPTYING MACHINE is designed for emptying paper, paper and polythene and polythene and raffia bags containing products in powder or granules. Depending on the customer's requirements, the bags can be sent to the emptying machine by means of a conveyor belt, a vertical elevator or an automatic depalletiser.


  • The bags are crushed by two contrasting rollers or cut open by blades. A rotating drum then enables the bag to be separated completely from the product
  • The product is transferred by means of the vibrating hopper or the screw feeder at the bottom of the machine to the process or to another delivery system
  • The empty bags are sent to the collection chamber, which can be equipped with a screw-press accessory designed for reducing the volume of the bags. Capacity: 150/300/600 bags/hr
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Flap Diverter

Indpro Diverter Flap Valves are manufactured using CNC laser cut portion. The flap is either activated by a manual lever, a pneumatic or an electric actuator.


  • Indpro Diverter Flap Valves have one inlet and two outlets for the diversion of the flow of powdery or granular materials.
  • Materials used enable quick cleaning and maintenance.
  • Rubber type seal ensure minimum leakage & minimum residue
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Speciality Filter

Commonly known as dust collectors. Indpro in association with Herding GmbH are pleased to offer a revolutionary sintered plate filter element based pulse jet filter used to separate dust particulates from fugitive dust emitting sources & process off gas.


  • They have a feature of continuous operation with a built-in facility for automatic regeneration of filter elements by compressed air without plat shut down
  • This cleaning process is controlled through an electronic timer in DP mode or preset mode
  • Today they are the most efficient solution, capable of achieving emission levels as low as 0.1 mg/Nm3, with an filtration equivalence HEPA E-11, having FDA approval ideal for Product recovery
  • The filtration mode is Surface Filtration due to PTFE coating on filtration side enabling a constant air flow & pressure drop conditions
  • The expected filter life possibility up to several years and compact overall construction are the hallmarks of our product range
  • These filters are customized & can be designed for handling normal & explosive dusts
  • Medium like hybrid mixtures of explosive gas with explosive dusts can also be handles with constructive protection measures & several safety features
  • We have offered high pressure, CIP (Cleaning in place), sanitary finish specialty filtration solutions to various industrial demands / applications


  • The complete mechanical assembly consists of dirt gas section & clean gas section divided by a filter mounting plate
  • Dirt section comprises a casing which houses filter elements & hopper with a filtered dust discharge device
  • The clean gas section houses assembly of blow tubes which are connected externally to an assembly of pulse valve & compressed air manifold

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INDPRO Ribbon Blender comprises of a U-shaped horizontal trough and a specially designed Double Helical Ribbon Agitator rotating within. Ribbon Blenders are based on a proven agitator construction that provides a triple mixing action ensuring fast, efficient blending. The dimensions and configuration of the ribbons are carefully balanced to provide a movement of material within the container that avoids dead spots and gives rapid product discharge.


  • Available in working capacity as per application
  • Available in all grades of stainless steel and carbon steel
  • Ribbon agitator for center discharge
  • Designed for atmospheric operation
  • Top cover depending on the length of the blender
  • Centrally located Flush bottom discharge valve
  • Stuffing boxes with easily disassembled housings. Pure Teflon gland packing provided
  • Stainless steel surfaces are polished to desired standards. All exterior non-stainless surfaces are painted with enamel paint
  • Squirrel Cage, Three Phase Induction Motors suitable for 415 Volts, 50 Hz
  • Worm Reduction Gearbox
  • Single Speed Drive
  • Blender is mounted on supports providing adequate discharge clearance

Customized Features :

  • Wear resistant liner plates for abrasive products
  • Ribbon agitator for multiple discharge positions
  • Manually or pneumatically operated Butterfly Valve, Slide Gate Valve, Diaphragm Valve, etc. for discharge
  • Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) models
  • Explosion-proof motors, Variable Speed Drives along with Electrical Control Panel
  • Spraying system for liquid injection
  • Lump breakers for solids or agglomerates size reduction
  • Vacuum and pressure construction
  • Jacket for heating, cooling
  • Inspection, cleaning windows on the container, cover
  • Cover openings, Nozzles as required
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Container Loading System

Pneumatic Bulk Container Loaders provide the ability to make a 90 degree transfer of the product from a low clearance silo into the back of a marine shipping container.

They load in a very clean way pellets, granules and powders.


  • The complete system consists starting from the upstream end: a rotary valve feeder attached to the discharge spout of the silo that doses the product into a conveying lance under positive pressure created by a blower package upstream. The air is clean and dry
  • If the pneumatic system is the Dilute Phase type, the air is conveyed at high velocity and low pressure, therefore the pellets, granules or powders enter the bulk container liner at high velocity but in small amounts
  • If the pneumatic system is the Dense Phase type, the air is conveyed at high pressure but low speed, therefore the pellets, granules or powders enter the bulk container liner at low speed but in big quantity batches. This method is much faster than the dilute phase system but requires high pneumatic pressure availability
  • For powder type products, the bulk container liner is equipped with a ventilation port that returns the dust to a bag/filter house in a closed loop system
  • Pneumatic Bulk Loading systems achieve a high usage of the container payload volume but they are high energy users
  • Ideal to be installed under silos with low clearance
  • Dilute Phase (Low pressure/High Velocity) or Dense Phase (High Pressure/Low Velocity)
  • Best fit for pellets, granules and powders that require maximum cleanliness
  • High efficiency in container volume usage
  • Consists of rotary valve feeder, conveying lance, blower package, compressor, air dryer and dust collection system if applicable
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Bin Activator

Designed to overcome all flow related problems like Bridging, Rat holing of Bulk Solids in the storage vessels like bins, hoppers, silos, depending upon the characteristics of material.


  • Available in wide range to take care of any material stored in any sized and shaped vessel
  • Specially developed fixtures & tooling ensures concentricity within various parts
  • Careful design of Suspension Hangers to give complete resilience to the vibrating dish head. Sturdy design to take care of machine load and material head load
  • High performance and low energy consuming
  • Vessel assembly with bolting or welding option
  • Well-equipped laboratory for optimizing equipment configurations
  • Available in Mild Steel, SS304 & SS316 as
  • Vibration motor even for hazardous application
  • Sealing sleeve in food grade white neoprene with nylon reinforcement
  • Flexible connections at Inlet & Outlet
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Dual Tunnel Diverter Valve

Dual Tunnel Type Diverters have been specially designed to route powders and pellets with minimum degradation in pneumatic conveying systems.


  • The Indpro diverter is applied in the chemical, pharmaceutical, plastic, food and other related industries
  • The Indpro diverter consists of an Aluminum housing and end covers in which a plug with two pipes is installed
  • All product contact surfaces are made from SS 304
  • Three approved silicone seals guarantee the sealing between housing and plug
  • The body is pressure tight, so ensuring no leakage to atmosphere
  • The standard diverter can be used in systems with positive pressures up to 3 bar g (static seals)
  • The sizes 50-150 are optionally available for pressures up to 6 bar g (inflatable seals)
  • The Indpro dual tunnel diverter valve is supplied with a complete electro pneumatic control system, including solenoids and inductive position sensors
  • The standard diverter can be used for product temperatures ranging from 25 C up to +80 Cat ambient temperatures of 10 C up to +40 C. Versions for higher temperatures are available on request
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Rotary Air Lock Valve

Rotary Airlock Valve (RAV) is the equipment which is fitted below the Bag Filter, Cyclone etc. The main function of the RAV is to lock the air and discharge the dust / powder. In the Bag Filter system, there is negative pressure in the Bag Filter. So, at the powder discharge point if there is any air leakage the powder will not fall down. So, to restrict the leakage we provide the Rotary Airlock Valve


  • RAV consists of a stator & rotor
  • The radial & axial clearance is between 0.1 to 0.3 mm
  • The rotor has vanes (6 or 8) welded on the shaft
  • The rotor is mounted on the bearings at both the ends of the stator
  • A Geared Motor is provided to rotate the rotor
  • Since the clearance between rotor & stator is so low, air leak is very minimum and it delivers only powder
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Conventional Hose Filters

Commonly known as bag houses, dust collectors, pulse jet bag filters. Indpros fabric dust collectors use filtration to separate dust particulates from dusty gases. They have a feature of continuous operation with a built-in facility for automatic regeneration of filter elements. Today they are the most efficient and cost effective solution, capable of achieving emission levels as low as 5 mg/Nm3.


  • Inertial collection -Dust particles strike the fibers placed perpendicular to the gas-flow direction instead of changing direction with the gas stream
  • Interception -Particles that do not cross the fluid streamlines come in contact with fibers because of the fiber size
  • Brownian movement -Submicrometre particles are diffused, increasing the probability of contact between the particles and collecting surfaces
  • Electrostatic forces -The presence of an electrostatic charge on the particles and the filter can increase dust capture
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Scrubber System

INDPROs SWEET SCRUBis a revolutionary design to achieve consistency in sticky products such as Sugar.

SWEET SCRUBTMis a unique cyclone & scrubber design ensures that sugar does not stick to it and is separated effectively.


  • Dilute Phase pressure conveying
  • Up to 15 TPH capacity
  • Up to 30 meter (100ft) conveying distance
  • All SS 304 construction
  • Internal mirror finish
  • Noise reduction blower (Optional)
  • CIP enabled
  • Minimum downtime
  • No Sticking, No Choking, No Product loss
  • Minimum suspended particle discharge
  • Additional safety equipment not required
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Flexible Fabric Silos

These HIGH-TENACITY TREVIRA containers, suitable for indoor storage, consist of a large reinforced bag made of breathable dust-proof material and equipped with a filtering cover for venting and filtering air during the loading operations.


  • Lower raw-material costs
  • Raw material always in the best condition for use and storage, no condensation and as little wastage as possible
  • Construction of tailored storage facilities to exploit the storage area in the best possible way, occupying even narrow and otherwise unusable spaces
  • Cost-effectiveness. Belt replacement - The belt is specially designed to cope with maximum rotation speeds. No component of the machine needs to be removed in order to change the belt


  • They are made to measure and the base can be square or rectangular, to meet even the most demanding storage requirements
  • The tubular structure is hot-galvanised
  • The storage capacities range from 3 to 60 cubic metres
  • This type of container is supplied complete with its own loading pipe and vibrating extractor made of AISI 304 stainless steel, ideal for pneumatic and/or mechanical extraction systems

Several optional accessories are available on request :

  • Inspection window
  • Bladed or induction-type level indicators
  • Weighing systems with visual control and acoustic indicators of the quantity stored, etc

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Rotary Sifter

Indpro Rotary Sifters are designed to classify, scalp or de-lump dry powders or granules. These are ideal for sizing, sifting, scalping and classifying applications.


  • The material to be sifted is fed into the cylindrical screen by a screw mounted on the rotating shaft
  • The rotating cylindrical screen with rotates at a higher RPM compared to a series of paddles, which rotate inside the screen without contact, centrifugally force the material against the screen to break up any soft agglomerates
  • Sub-sieve material (fines) that pass through the screen discharge into a collection hopper at the base of the machine
  • Oversize material and hard lumps (that cannot be broken) traverse down the length of the screen to the overs outlet
  • An anti blinding brush continuously clean the cylindrical wire mesh of the sieve, ensuring maximum separation efficiency
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Destoner Equipments

Indpro Destoner comes to rescue, for efficient removal of high-density matter from grains. The contamination can be stones, metallic particles, glass etc.


  • The product fed through an air shut-off gate after preliminary cleaning by gravity
  • The product passes on to an inclined oscillating deck. The deck is designed as screen; through which an upward current of air is passed with the help of a blower. This results in fluidizing the product
  • Due to their different specific gravities, the heavy particles such as stones sink to the bottom of this layer of fluidized material, while the lighter particles supported by the cushion of air, float on top
  • The oscillating action of the screen causes the heavy particles to work their way to the upper end of the deck
  • There is an adjustable counter of air, this causes the final separation of heavy particles from light material and the stone discharged
  • The throughput capacity vary according to product to be handled and contamination. Variety of products can be handled Rice, Wheat, Millets, Sorghum, Barley, Malt etc. Typically the capacity ranges from 8 TPH to 20 TPH
  • The air volume can be adjusted to achieve the optimal degree of separation
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Bag Dump Station

INDPRO bag dump stations facilitate the integration of manually dumped dry bulk materials into all types of bulk material processing equipment, including material mixers, agitator hoppers and bulk storage bins, size reduction equipment, and dry bulk material conveyors.


  • Bag dump stations allow for efficient, effective emptying of bags of bulk solids or powder while mitigating loss of product through dusting
  • Dust is naturally generated when material is emptied from bags, boxes, drums, and other containers, into the collection hopper
  • With integral dust collection system, it reduces material waste and eliminates the need to continually clean or have a remote dust collection location
  • Effective dust collection protects against creating explosive environments and while reducing contamination and capturing all product for use in your process
  • Our complete bag dump station with integral dust collector will optimize the batch material handling process
  • Centrifugal blower with reverse-pulse jet filter automatically captures dust and returns it to your process
  • The complete process is automatic and does not require any additional manual intervention in normal operation
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Pneumatic Conveying System

The pneumatic conveying is necessarily custom made conveying system & based on product characteristics, particle size, throughput capacity, number of sources and number of destinations.

Dilute phase is a suspension flow wherein the material to be conveyed is introduced into a moving air stream inside a pipeline.


  • The dilute phase conveying system uses low-pressure air at pressures less than one bar in case of pressure conveying and (-) 5000 mm in case of vacuum convening, which is generated by positive displacement type roots blowers or by centrifugal blowers
  • For the material to remain in suspension there is a minimum conveying velocity which varies for different materials.
  • The quantity of material that is fed into an air stream is also dependent on material characteristics like bulk density, particle size, sieve analysis, frequency distribution etc
  • Generally, the material to air ratio varies between 3 to 10 kg of material to kg. of air
  • Conveying velocities are in the range of 18 to 28 m/sec depending on the product characteristics
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Magnetic Separator

A powerful permanent magnetic field uniformly covers the entire drum width to ensure maximum tramp iron removal.


  • Indpro classifier removes coarse and fine impurities from the grain by sieving.
  • The smooth stainless-steel shell with single wiper strip assures positive tramp iron discharge and a minimum of product carryover on powdery or cohesive materials
  • They are available in 12-36" (305-915 mm) diameters
  • Replaceable auxiliary shells are available are recommended where highly abrasive materials are being handled
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Vacuum Conveying System

The Pneumatic Conveying is necessarily custom made conveying system & based on product characteristics, particle size, throughput capacity, number of sources and number of destinations. Each pneumatic conveying system is designed & customized as per the application popularly known as custom conveyor system.The provided solution is assured to be the best pneumatic conveying system solution for the application. Being the application experts & pneumatic conveying system manufacturer, we always assure to deliver best of both the worlds (commercial & technical worlds).
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Powder Transfer System

Indpro makes PTS system is an efficient, reliable method of transferring and dispensing bulk powders, granules.

This system is a significant enhancement to any conventional, mechanical or pneumatic material conveying process and provides total dust free means of material transfer.


  • Advantage over conventional systems especially in the charging of different vessels
  • Compact design and modular construction
  • Use of TCN end connection wherever feasible for ease of assembly
  • Powder transfer and dispensing is by a clean and reliable method
  • Powder can be transfer in Reactor / vessel without opening, maintaining it atmosphere
  • Powder can be charged into reactor under pressure / vacuum or with solvent present into the vessel
  • Can be used to transfer materials with wide range of properties
  • Total Discharge without wastage
  • Absence of Oil or grease usage avoids material contamination
  • Dust free system due to operation on vacuum principle
  • Vessels under vacuum or pressure can be charged
  • Enhanced productivity with inbuilt safety and hygiene are highlights of this system
  • This system facilitates, reduction in batch time & total process integration


  • Powder feed hopper / Powder suction tool
  • PTS vessel with automated valves & regeneration type filter
  • Vacuum pump
  • Intermediate piping & fittings
  • Control Panel
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Inline Weigh Scale

We have installed thousands of Net Weighers. This is with the latest state-of-art technology, Mechanical design and with its own dedicated Microcontroller MCB+. We have fastest Servo Feeder Net Weigher with 2200-2400 bags per hour for free-flowing granules depending upon product characteristics.


  • Net weigher is built in different material depending upon product and application
  • Having wide range of product feeding systems depending upon the product characteristics
  • Net weighers are versatile and suitable for wide range of products such as Grains, Plastics, Cattle feed, Fertiliser, Pallets, Flakes and Speciality chemicals
  • We in association with PAYPER offer Net weigher with Fully Automatic Bagging Line or With Semi Automatic Bagging line depending upon application and customer requirement
  • Net weigher can be upgraded with Fully Automatic Bagging System if needed
  • Weighing into weigh hopper prior to filling
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Pneumatic System

The provided solution is assured to be the best pneumatic conveying system solution for the application. Being the application experts & pneumatic conveying system manufacturer, we always assure to deliver best of both the worlds (commercial & technical worlds).
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Industrial Vacuum Sealer

We have streamlined inventory system and spacious warehouse that assist us in meeting the voluminous requirements of the clients and that too in the stipulated time span. With the latest facilities, we efficiently ensure year round availability of the products. Catering to the voluminous and urgent requirements of our clients from Maharashtra(India); count on us to avail the same
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