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2 Products availableCorrosion And Rust Control Products
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Mr. Dharmenrdra Shah, The Proprietor of M/s Patidar Oil is Veteran in the Lubricating OIl Industries having more than 10 Years of experience.
Formed in November 2014, in less than 2 years , Patidar Oil has started dealing in around 100 different types of oil out of around 345 different types, prior to Patidar Oil ,
Mr. Dharmenrda Shah was associated and part of the Management of Patidar Buildcon Ltd for approx 5 years,
a reputed company listed on the Recognised Stock Exchange. Mr. Dharmendra Shah focuses on offering
High Quality Services and ensures that all the work is done within the committed time.
In addition, we are have also tied up with some the reputed companies few of which are:
1) Henkel Chembond Surface Technologies Ltd
2 ) Corrogard Chemicals Pvt Ltd
3) Carol Petroleums Pvt Ltd
4) HPCL (Under COD)
Geographically Patidar Oil covers wide area in the Saurashtra Region : Surendranagar, Rajkot, Jamnagar, Junaghad, Bhavnagar, Porbandar. and in these areas there following kinds of industries like:
1) Bearing Manufacturing
2) Bearing Job Worker
3) Fasteners- MS and SS
4) Water Pump and Motor Manufacturers
5) Engineering Units
6) Textile units
7) Ginning and Pressing units
8) Salt Industries
9) Auto Parts Manufacturers
Basic Information