These led wall washers are designed for large area and building illumination, they are a popular choice for special events like competitions, concerts, and set designs.
Our innovative LED retrofit lamp solutions offer sustainable opportunities to reduce energy consumption and maintenance costs in applications where high quality light is required. Offering low cost of ownership, and with paybacks of less than 1 year in professional applications our led retrofit lamp finds a defined market, these lamps are true retrofits which does not compromise to achieve energy savings.
Our LED strips can be widely used for decoration projects. Indoor or outdoor, our led flexible strips can easily meet your demand. Of all, RGB LED strips are most popular models for decoration. By connecting with RGB controller, these strips can provide more than 21 color changing methods.
Programmable LED Displays for Store fronts. Outdoor LED Messages Centers for street marketing. LED Billboards for marketing. LED information displays for buildings. LED signs for Transportation. Amber Alert Displays, LED Bus signs., LED Arrival Departure Boards.