We are leaders in the market for providing best range of PVC Braided Hose, Nexcol PVC High Stability Grade Aeration Tubing, PVC Fire Extinguisher Booster Hose and Nexcol PVC General Service Tubing
Aeration Tubing circulates air to keep stagnant water fresh and free of unwanted build-up. The heavy tubing suppresses buoyancy to stay submerged and eliminates the need for monitoring or weighted attachments.
Booster Hose is flexible and kink resistant for easy handling and reliable service in an emergency. The hose is manufactured to close tolerances, eliminating the need for multiple coupling components and reducing labor costs in high volume assembly operations. The hose is resistant to abrasion, ozone and weathering for maximum performance.
Nexcol PVC General Service Tubing provides low pressure standard duty service across multiple applications. The tubing is available in multiple colors for easy identification and color-coding, and is resistant to abrasion and weathering for maximum performance.