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Inorganic Compounds

Our product range contains a wide range of PTSC Crepe 6188 Releasing Agent, P Micro-P Drainage Aid and P-Floc Retention Aid

PTSC Crepe 6188 Releasing Agent

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 200 Kilogram
  • Appearance Clear to Slightly Hazy, Yellow - Amber Liquid
  • Flash Point > 100 Deg C
  • Specific Gravity (25 Deg C) 0.88 - 0.94
  • Solubility (Water) Emulsify

PTSC CREPE 6188 is an oil based crepe release aid containing a blend of oils, esters and nonionic surfactants that makes this product easily emulsify in water. PTSCCREPE 6188 is specifically formulated as an effective crepe release in the manufacturing of tissue and towel products. It is compatible with all commercial crepe adhesives, to provide the proper balance for effective creping.



  • Excellent releases
  • Effective in hard water
  • Excellent lubrication
  • Economical - concentrated product
  • Increases blade life
  • Complies with FDA regulations 21 CFR 176.170 and 176.180


Guidelines for use

PTSCCREPE 6188 is applied through the spray boom onto the Yankee dryer surface. Our representative will recommend the optimum dosage rates and delivery system required for your process.


Handling and Compatability

Diaphragm pump with Teflon diaphragm, PVC, 316 SS drum transfer or air diaphragm pumps are recommended for feeding. Refer to Safety Data Sheet containing detailed information relative to this product before handling.


Regulatory Information

PTSC CREPE6188 is manufactured in compliance with the regulations of 21 FDA 176.170 and 176.180.


Packaging and Storage

PTSC CREPE 6188 is available in 210-litre capacity drum and 1, 000-litre capacity tote bin. PTSC CREPE 6188 should be stored at 10 - 40 ° C .Recommended shelf life is 12 months from the date of manufacturing.

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P Micro-P Drainage Aid

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 200 Kilogram
  • Appearance Viscous Milky Liquid
  • Shelf Life 6 Months
  • pH (0.2% solution) 7±1
  • Bulk Density 1.0±0.05
  • % NVS 37±3
  • Emulsion Charge Anionic


P MICRO-P is recommended to be used after preparing the solution in range of maximum upto 5 GPL concentrations and the final concentration at the point of addition should be 0.5 GPL. The best point of addition is in thin stock after the pressure screen and after the point of addition of retention aid.


Solution Preparation

To prepare a ready to use polymer solution it is recommended to use suitable make-down equipment which provides a homogenous and lump free solution and a minimum holding time of 60 minutes prior to application. In-line filtration of the polymer solution is recommended.


P-MICRO-P is an anionic copolymer of acrylamide/ sodium acrylate to enhance drainage phenomenon without affecting the formation of paper and board.



Material Safety Data Sheet

This chemical is declared in "NON-HAZARDOUS" category


Chemical Handling Instruction

  • Wear protective gloves
  • Wear protective shoes - Spilled substance increases risk for slipping
  • Do not flush with water. Dam up. Soak up with neat absorbent material. If liquid has been split in large quantities clean up promptly by scoop or vacuum.


Action in case of contact with Chemical

  • Wash with plenty of soap & water
  • Does not cause harm/irritation to skin
  • In case of swallowing of the chemical immediately allow vomiting & contact doctor


Ecological Information

  • Fish - LC50/Fathead minnows/96h>1000mg/l
  • Algae - EC 50 / Selenastrum capricornutum /96h >500 mg/l
  • Bioaccumulation - The product is not expected to bioaccumulate.
  • Degradability / Persistence - Readily biodegradable
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P-Floc Retention Aid

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 200 Kilogram
  • Appearance White to Off White Powder
  • Shelf Life 12 Months
  • Ph (0.2% Solution) 7±1
  • Bulk Density 0.80 g/ml
  • % NVS 90 ±5
  • Emulsion Charge Cationic


P-FLOC is recommended to be used after preparing the solution in a range maximum up to 5 GPL concentrations and the final concentration at the point of addition should be 0.5 GPL. The best point of addition is in thin stock either before or after the pressure screen depending upon the machine response.


Solution Preparation

To prepare a ready to use polymer solution it is recommended to use suitable make-down equipment which provides a homogenous and lump free solution and a minimum holding time of 60 minutes prior to application. In-line filtration of the polymer solution is recommended.


P-FLOC is a cationic polyacrylamide powder to serve the purpose of retention of fines and fillers in paper & board production.



Material Safety Data Sheet

This chemical is declared in "NON-HAZARDOUS" category


Chemical Handling Instruction

  • Wear protective gloves
  • Wear protective shoes - Spilled substance increases risk for slipping
  • Do not flush with water. Dam up. Soak up with neat absorbent material. If liquid has been split in large quantities clean up promptly by scoop or vacuum.


Action in case of contact with Chemical

  • Wash with plenty of soap & water
  • Does not cause harm/irritation to skin
  • In case of swallowing of the chemical immediately allow vomiting & contact doctor


Ecological Information

  • Fish - LC50/Fathead minnows/96h>1000mg/l
  • Algae - EC 50 / Selenastrum capricornutum /96h >500 mg/l
  • Bioaccumulation - The product is not expected to bioaccumulate.
  • Degradability / Persistence - Readily biodegradable
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