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Useful in : Controlling any vitamin A deficiency or stress conditions. Combating teh blind calving problem. Growth & maintenance and regeneration of skin & mucus cell. Bone formation & fertility Stimulates antibody production and enhance increases immunity. &nbs more...
Benefits : Improves semen quality & quantity Improves fertility & hatchability Improves libido & sexual performance For full development and functional maturation of sexual oragans. POULTRY Feed Inclusion Rate: Male breeder birds : 50 gm. Per 100 birds For 7-10 days every month CATTL more...
Formulated for reproductive performance in poultry, including proper egg production and hatchability Composition Composition Each 5 ml contains Vitamin A 1000000 I.U Vitamin D 3 100000I.U Folic acid 10 mg Advantages Maintaining good eyesight in poultry supporting the immune system health and integrity of epit more...
Inclusion Level-: Chicks / Growers/ Layers 200gm / Ton Of feed In Drinking Water:5gm/100 birds (Chicks / Growers/ Layers ) Q.S 5gm/50 in broilers or as advise of the consultant veterinarin more...
ALWAYS GROW is Bypass Fat product for Poultry. It is balanced combination of slow release encapsulated carbohydrates and fats to improve energy efficiency inpoultry. It increase weight gain with better FCR. more...
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Probiotics : Bacillus Subtillis Bacillus Lincheniformis Nitrosomonas Nitrobacter Aerobactor Benifits Reduce the toxicity of feed. Removes the Ammonia toxicity in farm. It Prevents the Proliferation of Pathogens. Reduce the toxicity of feed more...
Enrich suspension of Calcium, Phosphorous, minerals & Vitamins more...