We will Train in you in following Domains: 1. IT 5. MANUFACTURING 9. BANKING 2. ITES 6. ENGINEERING 10. FINANCE 3. RETAIL 7. ACCOUNTING 11. HOSPITALITY 4. LOGISTICS 8. SECURITIES Basics of Recruitment • Gap analysis • Telephonic conversation • Recruitment Dialogue • Preliminary Round of Interview • Screening • Job analysis • Preparing Job description • Scheduling interviews • Feedback • Negotiation • Preparing Invoice • Recruitment cycle • External recruitment process • Internal recruitment process • Technical knowledge about Job Portals • Man power planning • Head Hunting • Passive Search • Parameters of ITITESMFG sectors • Key skills & Skills sets for each Domain & Verticals • Payment cycle with clients Statutory Compliances: Basically it contains entire form filling and covers legal compliances to be followed by the companies. It needs high level knowledge where domain expertise even in large companies they have the legal department for the same. Contents: 1. Minimum Wages Act, 1948 • Implementation and follow up of the Minimum Wages declared by Govt. Of Maharashtra from Time to time. Display of abstract of minimum wages in Form-I and Form-II rule 27 I. Attendance Card cum wages slips, compliance of the visit remarks by the Govt.Labour Officer and inspection under minimum wages act. 2. Professional Tax Act, 1975 • Registration of the Act, Monthly deductions, Compliance, Assessments etc. 3. Payment Of Gratuity Act, 1972 • Implementation of P.G.A. 1972 submission of declaration, Claims etc. 4. Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1953 • Registration, Follow-ups Compliance, inspection etc. 5. Employees Provident Fund & Misc.Provisions Act, 1952 • Registration of the unit under this Act, monthly deduction, monthly preparation & submission of Declaration and Nomination form in form 2 revised, monthly returns of employees Qualifying for membership in form 5, monthly returns of members Leaving Service in form 10, monthly statement of contribution in form 12A revised, Annual Contribution statement in from 6A, Contribution Cards in form 3A, Handling the matter like Family Pension Fund and deposit linked insurance, inspection, Clearance from P.F. authorities etc. 6. Factories Act , 1948 • This is an important Act, as unless we submit all the applications exactly as per this rule we can not run our business smoothly. We undertake the work of building plan approval from Director Of Factories, Getting registration of the factory under factory Act, 1948. Leave records, half early & early returns, license follow-ups, periodical testing & inspection, test reports submission, compliance of visit remarks of factory inspector, safety precautions and its implementation, guidance to all other industrial and labour supports etc. 7. Payment of Bonus Act , 1965 • Maintaining the Register ‘A’ for computation of Allocable Surplus, Register ‘B’ for set on and set off for Allocable Surplus, Register ‘C’ for Bonus Payment & Form ‘D’ for annual return. 8. The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976. • Maintaining of Register ‘D’ for Remuneration. 9. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 • Maintenance of Register of Fines & Deductions, Register of Advances, Register of Overtime, Annual Return of deductions, Notice of date & Disbursement of wages, Compliance of Inspection Report etc. 10. The Maternity Benefit Act , 1961 • Maintenance of maternity benefit Register, Annual Return submission etc. 11. The Contract Labour ( Regulation & Abolition ) Act , 1970. • Obtaining Registration Certificate, Maintenance of Register of contractors in form VIII, Regarding Rate of wages, hours of work and abstract of the Act etc. Submission of Annual Returns, Display of notice. 12. Mumbai Shop Act • Applicability • Form filling