Product code types of oil oil % poly ol solvent solid contents % acidvalue max viscosity at 30 oc by ford cup bu seconds reduced to modifications recommended usepg 1103 linseed 40 penta mto 50 + 2 25 180 + 20 40% in mto rosin industrial finishes, air drying cum stoving enamels knitting pastespg 1122 d.c.o. 44 penta mto 507080 + 2 25 140 + 20 40% in mto rosin lower cost air drying cum stoving enamel, primers, luster coatspg 1125 d.c.o. 42 penta mto 50 + 2 25 150 + 10 40% in mto rosin air drying cum stoving enamel, furniture enamelpg 1162 d.c.o. 15 penta mto 75 + 2 40 70 - 80 60% in mto rosin subsitute of compound varnishes and malic solution in furniture enamelpg 1171 linseed d.c.o. 40 penta xylene 66 + 2 20 50 - 60 60% in xylene rosin harmer tone mediumpg 1181 soya fatty acid 60 penta mto 55 + 1 5 100 + 10 50% in mto iso - cynide use in single pack wood furnishes marine varnishes, quick drying enamelpg 1182 soya fatty acid 60 penta mto 60 + 1 5 35 + 3 50% in mto iso - cynide wood furnishes, pale colour and resistance to household consumable.