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Industrial Chemicals

Our product range contains a wide range of Tabular Alumina, Activated Alumina and Silica Gel

Tabular Alumina

Our PGT99 series Tabular Alumina is used in several renowned plants worldwide for high temperature and critical applications since 1981. The high mechanical strength, thermal shock resistance, smooth surface, low porosity, ability to withstand temperature of 1900 deg C plus, long life, etc have prompted most customers to specify this product for trouble free process conditions and to protect their expensive catalysts.

High Purity Alumina Balls

Petrogas series PG099 products are mostly used in petrochemical and fertilizer industries, petroleum refineries, gas processing and liquefaction industries.

Fused Alumina

Some speciality chemical plants have applications for this product under our PGFA series that provide inertness, high temperature resistance, acid resistance and process optimization.

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Activated Alumina

Activated Alumina is a higly porous form of Aluminium Oxide with enhanced surface area. It is used for the adsorption of liquids and gases . One major application of Activated Alumina is as desiccant , either for the removal of bulk quantities of water or for drying of gases containing low concentration of water. The substances that can be treated with Activated Alumina are :Air, Ammonia, Argon, Carbon Dioxide, Furnace Gas, Hydrocarbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen Sulphide, Benzene, Gasoline, Lubricating Oil, Naptha, Vegetable oil, Kerosene.

Special Features

Petrogas Activated Aluminas offer the following advantages:

    • High water adsorption capacity

The highly developed surface and desired pore size distribution results in high water adsorption capacity. The benefits are extended operating life smaller vessel design and longer cycle time.

  • Low pressure drop

Low attrition loss and high crush strength minimises dusting in the bed and reduce pressure drops.

  • Regeneration Procedure

When Activated Alumina is loaded with water, it is regenerated by passing gas of lower relative humidity at a temparature around 2000C.

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Silica Gel

Synthetic Amorphous Silicon Dioxide(SiO2)-Sorbent/Sorbead Silica for industrial use are supplied to meet customer's requirements. It is a hard granular desiccant with the appearance of crushed glass. It is slightly softer than ordinary window glass, odorless, insoluble and nonconductor of electricity. Its action in adsorbing moisture is purely physical and there is no change in size or shape of the particle as it adsorbs vapour. Silica Gel has a very strong affinity for water, which give it an adsorption capacity of over 40% of its own weight at 100% relative humidity.

Its major application is moisture adsorption from air/gas streams and from organic liquid such as ethanol, benzene, etc. It is also used for preferential chemical adsorption to remove polar contaminates from non polar solvents-e.g., butanol from butyl chloride. Indicator Silica Gel is used where visual indication is required to show the need for regeneration. Granular and beaded, indicating and non indicating silica gel, etc, are supplied by us exactly to customers specifications.

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