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Pharmaceutical Capsules

We offer the best product range of Face Nikhar Capsules, Ridstone Capsules, Menstrual Regulator Capsules, Leukof Capsules and Stamin Capsule.

Face Nikhar Capsules

  • Shape Capsules
  • Application For Extra Fairness & Glow Acne Pimples & Blemishes
  • Ingredient Herbal
  • Feature Good Quality, Long Shelf Life, Safe Packing
  • Packaging Size 10x10 Capsule
  • Brand Name Shane

Face Nikhar is an Ayurvedic Skincare providing a simplistic skincare regime that really works. Face Nikhar works from deep within your body to help remove all the impurities present in the blood that cause pimples, blackheads, boils, acne, cysts, spots and other skin problems. It increases blood circulation and helps your skin to stay healthy and clear. Face Nikhar also acts as a liver stimulant and detoxifies this vital organ with the help of the herbs Bhunimba and Katuki. By detoxifying the liver and cleansing the bloodstream, Face Nikhar increases resistance to skin infections.
Name    Packing
FACE NIKHAR CAP (For extra fairness & glow acne pimples & blemishes)    10X10 Cap.
There are twelve herbs in this unique combination formulated to provide a totally safe and natural healing preparation to eliminate toxins from the bloodstream and cleanse the entire system resulting in a healthy and radiant complexion.
Skin speaks about the health is an old proverb. To understand its truth try to recall glowing face of someone, by just watching his face you can tell how much happy and healthy he is! Skin is the largest organ of the body and gives an outlook of your inner body to the rest of the world. Skin covers the body, gives security from the ups and downs of the outer world. Along with this it also makes the Aura surround the body. What is inside one can tell just after looking at the body, just like a cover of book, which can tell you what inside the book is!

Skin is an outer most part it is true, but on the other hand it is similarly true that skin gets nourishment by the inner body, through minor capillaries. This capillary system makes it enriched with blood. That is why this is a common way to give medication to the body through applying some medicines and putting some patches on the skin, right from ancient times.
Whenever it comes to the nourishment of the skin we people only think that top apply something on the skin is enough, for skin’s betterment!! It is not so. While skin is getting its nutrition fro the rest of the body, one needs to provide that particular range of nutrition for the skin through the foods and herbs. So if you want to do a complete care for your skin, do it from both the sides. If you feel that applying some cream on the skin is enough for your skin, you are going on a wrong side. Cream makes a layer on the skin, which protects it from the external world for a small time (try to recall the label of your sun-screen lotion, it does has a time limit, but alas not the sun and wind outside?). Along with this these creams seem to be absorbed in the skin as these changes into a very-very thin layer, confusing you that it has been absorbed. While making a film these creams closes the outlets of the skin causing different diseases!
Ayurveda has found the particular way to nurture your skin 5000 years back. It has two parts. First, provide proper nutrition to your skin by using proper diet and herbs and if you want to care your skin properly, apply only oil. As Oil and Ghee (Indian purified butter) are the only two things which get absorbed in the skin very easily. Secondly concept of Ayurveda about beautiful skin is entierly different from the concept of the modern sciences….The Ayurvedic Concept about skin says that skin is a result of inner activities of the body, not only the presence on the outer part of the body. Ayurveda says that skin is the result of the inner environment of the human body, not the external one, only. So to nourish the skin in well manner, you should have your inner environment very strong and cultured. All the parts of body are in harmony, if; then only it is possible skin will be beautiful. So to make your skin healthy and beautiful, the most important thing is that you should work on the internal environment of your body. That is the reason Ayurveda has recommended many herbs which are essential for the building up the skin internally. The cosmetics we use usually have an indication that doesn’t swallow these, because these are harmful for the internal system of the body but according to Ayurveda this is totally different. Skin has an capability to digest, whatever comes in contact with the skin, so whatever you apply on your skin should be compatible with rest of the body, only then it is possible to have a better skin over all. This concept of Ayurveda can be summarized in one line-

What you apply on your skin should be same what you can intake.The main purpose of the Ayurvedic care about the skin is to nourish the skin and to maintain it naturally. Don’t hide something under cover of some makeup foundation, just let the natural beauty come out from inside you and you will be amazed how amazing you are naturally.
False things are false and true are true….and nature is the truest phenomenon of the universe so is to be natural. So what matters is- how beautiful you are naturally. The creams and cosmetics make a layer over your skin and suffocates the skin and never let it to breath easily, so this is the main thing also in management of the skin in a healthy way.

Ayurveda gives you a chance to grow more beautiful naturally!According to Ayurveda, everything revolves around the three Doshas- Vata, Pitta and Kapha and the same is applicable on the skin also.

Acne & Pimple occur at the age of puberty, when there is an insufficient activity of the germinal glands. It is a social problem, and for few months spoils charm of the face, as pimples & acne form disturbing spots on a pretty face. In fact acne is a condition in which inflammation & infection of the sebaceous (oil) glands & ducts results in skin eruption giving rise to pimples, pustules and cysts on the skin surface. In majority of cases-acne is a transitory condition that gradually diminishes with the stabilization of hormones in the adulthood.

In pimples, the head cells & oil don’t flow smoothly out of the pore to the surface. Instead of falling apart, the cells stay stuck together & begin to build up along the wall of the follicle. The follicle wall thicknens. When this happens it spells trouble. This is how all acne strarts. Eventually the build up process will completely plug the pore with dead cells & oil. While the follicle is not yet completely plugged at this stage, pressure from the oil & dead cells has already caused the follicle walls to bulge. As the dead cells & oil continue to build up they cause the walls of the follicle to bulge more & what was originally a tube-shaped follicle balloons to become the shape of a tiny round ball. Eventually, the ball became large enough so that it is visible on the skin surface.
With continual accumulation of oil & dead cells within the follicle, sometimes the hole at the top is slowly stretched opens. As the pore opening thus enlarges, are can easily see the opening & the pore appears filled with a dark cheery substance. The follicle wall sometimes ruptures & the dead cells, bacteria, sebum & tiny hair get out of the follicle & into the dermis & the dermis gets red-hot angry, inflamed. Microscopic blood vessels in the area get bigger & the area becomes red.

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Ridstone Capsules

  • Shape Capsules
  • Application Crystals & Calculi
  • Ingredient Herbal
  • Feature Good Quality, Long Shelf Life, Safe Packing
  • Packaging Size 60 Capsules
  • Inner Form Powder
  • Brand Name Shane

Ridstone flush out the toxins, wastes and bacteria from your body which can cause disease, infections and kidney stones. It prevents from dehydration which can cause you to develop kidney stones. It resolves Potassium deficiencies and other common problem.
Ridstone is a safest herbal medicine and a holistic approach for kidney problems. These will improve kidney functioning and ultimately decrease the need for prescription drugs or surgery.
The scientific causes of kidney problems, of kidney stones, are usually a result of bodily dehydration. There are four different kinds of kidney stones. They are listed as follows:

  • Calcium Stones: This is the most common type stone, and is easily treated.
  • Struvite Stone: These can result from a urinary tract infection
  • Uric: This is formed from too much acid in the urine. This indicates that a person needs to cut down on meat.
  • Cystine: These are the rarest type. This type of stone can lead to a heriditary kidney disease


Men are three times more likely women to have kidney stones form within the urinary tract.
A kidney stone can cause blockages within the urinary tract system. When this happens, a person feels pain, and other symptoms. Listed below is a more detailed list of the effects of this blockage:

  • Pain in the lower back
  • Intense pain within the groin or rib area
  • Discolored or bloody urine
  • Nausea and vomiting,
  • The need to urinate frequently
  • Pain or burning during urination
  • Fever and chills.

Product Name    Packing
RIDSTONE Capsules (for Urinary tract infections, crystals & calculi)    60 Caps.
RIDSTONE Syrup (for Urinary tract infections, crystals & calculi)    200 ml
If kidney stones go untreated it can lead to kidney failure. Furthermore, prostate cancer could develop. Various home treatments are available, as well as diet suggestions. These stones are treatable and preventable.

KIDNEY STONE (ASHMARI)Renal stones occur when solutes come out from the solution either because they are present in excessive quantity(urine is over concentrated) or because of lack of inhibitors of crystallization. The majority are composed of calcium, magnesium, phosphate mixtures or urate.

Causes And Symptoms of Renal stones

  1. Less intake of fluid, history of dehydration, diuretic or vitamin D therapy and certain disease like gout and bowel disease lead to stone formations.
  2. Sometimes stones are a symptomatic.Nausea, vomiting, sweating and strangury are common symptoms.Sometimes if a stone gets trapped in urethra or if there is associated infection, fever and haematuria are common symptoms.

If you are suffering from RENAL STONE and want safe and effective herbal medicines. Please fill below form for Doctor’s online consultation.
Kidney stones occur when there is too much of a specific mineral in the urine and the substances hardens to form a stone in the urinary tract, according to PubMed Health. Treatments for kidney stones include hydration and pain relievers; however, you may be looking for natural treatments for this condition. Ayurvedic medicine offers therapies to prevent kidney stones or treat them if they form.

What is Ayurvedic Medicine?Ayurvedic medicine has been practiced in India and other countries for thousands of years and makes use of therapies such as herbs, specialized diets and massages, according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The goal of this medical practice is to help balance the body and mind and improve health. One of the health conditions that may benefit from these strategies is kidney stones; Ayurvedic doctors may recommend lifestyle and dietary changes or specific therapies to manage kidney stones. Talk to your doctor before attempting to treat kidney stones or any condition using Ayurvedic medicine.

Ayurveda Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Kidney StonesAyurveda practitioners often recommend some basic changes in your lifestyle to prevent and or manage kidney stones. Drinking 2 to 3 liters of fluid each day — with water being the best choice — can help keep stones from forming, as noted on Water can also help flush any stone that is present out of the urinary system, according to Dr. Poonam Sachdev on the Only My Health website. Starting daily exercise and having an active lifestyle may also lower your risk of stones. Your practitioner may also suggest ways to lower stress because stress may also lead to stone formation, as noted on the Ayushveda website. Some care providers may recommend not sitting for a long while after eating a meal because this may also encourage stone formation, according to You should discuss any specific changes with a health care professional.

Ayurveda Diet for Preventing Kidney StonesIn Ayurvedic medicine, specific dietary changes are thought to lower your risk of developing kidney stones. If you have a history of kidney stones, you should avoid foods that contain vitamin C, such as oranges and tomatoes, according to the Ayushveda website. Fruits that contain iron, such as pineapples, figs and berries, should be eliminated. Alcoholic beverages, tea and coffee should be avoided. If your urine is acidic, Ayurvedic practitioners may recommend a diet with less fish, meat or poultry, because these foods acidify the urine and may lead to increased stone formation. Your health care practitioner may have other dietary suggestions to help you lower your risk.

Ayurvedic Therapies for Kidney StonesIf you do develop a kidney stone, several different therapies may be suggested to manage this condition. Certain herbs have been used to treat kidney stones, such as henna, radish, holy basil and silver saxifrage, according to the Ayushveda website. Each of these herbs may be able to help expel the stones from your system — although they may take months to work. Your practitioner may suggest other herbs for you to try, as there are several herbs that could have this effect. Other mixtures may also be used. An example is kshara parpati, which is a mixture of ammonium chloride, potash alum and potassium nitrate and acts as a diuretic, according to Himalaya Herbal Healthcare. Another possible treatment is chandraprabha, which contains a variety of herbs and can be used to treat urinary problems, as noted by Atharv Ayur Health Care. If your condition worsens or if you develop an infection, consult a medical doctor for further evaluation and management.

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Menstrual Regulator Capsules

  • Shape Capsules
  • Ingredient Herbal
  • Feature Good Quality, Long Shelf Life
  • Packaging Size 10x6
  • Brand Name Shane
  • Application Effective in Irregular Menstruation, Uterine Bleeding, Menstrual Disorder, Secondary Amenorrhea

Are you suffering from following conditions?

  • Irregular menstruation
  • Menstrual disorder
  • Uterine bleeding
  • Primanary amenorrhoea,
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Secondary amenorrhea
  • White discharge

Benefits of Shane’s Regular tablets
Permanent treatment and cure for menstural crampsIt stops abnormal or excessive bleeding from vagina and regulates & restores normal menstural flow.Can be taken even during periodsCompletely safe with no chemicals and artificial hormonesImproves pregnancy outcomes.Does not cause any side effects like Nausea, Vomiting, Breast tenderness, Headache, unlike hormones.Safe for long term useProduct Name    Packing
SHANE`S REGULAR (Regulate The Irregular Menstrual Cycle)


What is Shane’s Regular?Shane’s Regular tablet is a wonderful menstrual medicine that is very effective in irregular menstrual cycles and secondary amenorrhea. It is also useful in Menstrual Disorder and is a good remedies for menstrual cramps
Shane’s Regular tablets are the best Home remedies for menstrual cramps, as it cure it naturally and is the safest herbal medicine as it possesses various Ayurvedic herbs that will cure your menstruation problem and will also help you conceive.
Women are the most beautiful creation of God. She has been blessed with the benediction to make our species to carry on. She has been assigned duty by god to make our progeny to continue. But she also has to face so many difficulties in following the rules laid by God.
Her reproductive tract is under complete control endocrine system. These produce various hormones to make the female reproductive tract working. Females have to face so many problems such as irregular menstruation, menstrual disorder, uterine bleeding, primanary amenorrhoea, irregular menstrual cycles, secondary amenorrhea, and white discharge. She is most of the time troubled with these above mentioned problems that make her very irritated and really need care of people around her.
Constantly she requires your love and special care that will make her feel that the pain and agony that she suffers is worth. Being her partner or well wisher you should always help her. But here question arises that what can be done…….Think.
Yes these are the primary things that come to your mind instantly. Your love and proper care will make her relieved from these conditions. Give her the right treatment for her problem. Heal her problem naturally and with safety. Give her the herbs that will treat her problem with no side effects.
Teen girls and women in their early twenties experience painful periods. Menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) is characterized by pain in pelvic and/or abdominal region.
Other menstrual disorders are infrequent or irregular menstruation, polymenorrhea (menstruation in less than 21 days), oligomenorrhea (menstruation in more than 35 days), amernorrhea (absence of menstrual periods) and Menorrhagia (an abnormally heavy and prolonged period).
Primary dysmenorrhea is not the indication of any diseases or conditions, but secondary dysmenorrhea can be the symptoms of anything from pelvic inflammation to uterine displacement.
How to control menstrual pain naturally
Many studies have found vegetarian food can reduce menstrual pain. A good advice here will be to avoid red meat from at least a week before monthly periods. Teenage girls who didn’t take meat for two months experienced considerable reduction in pain.  Fish and sea food can be included in diet.
Include fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains and avoid junk food from your dietary habits.
Menstrual hygiene should be observed to keep the pains under control. DonÂ’t use perfumed pads or tampons and change them every four-six hours.
Douching is counter productive. There is no need for douching. It actually eliminates the anti-bacterial, anti-fungal present naturally in vaginal lubrication. Your daily bath and change of pads in four or six hours is enough hygiene. Also donÂ’t use heavy soaps to wash vagina. This also destroys the bacteria fighting capacity of vaginal fluids.
Stress is a cause of menstrual cramps. Practicing yoga and relaxing meditation will help control menstrual cramps.
Commonly called pre-menstrual syndrome or PMS is a group of disorders that attack just before the menstrual periods is a nightmare to many women. The exact reasons are not known.
The imbalances to body due to unsuitable food habits and daily routines can be the main reason for PMS. Avoid alcohol, cigarette smoking, excess sugar and junk food, red-meat products as first steps to control PMS.
There is also a psychological aspect for PMS. Normally anxious woman can feel tensed when the date of menstruation ensues. This cause the woman to feel the pain that really is not there. Yoga and relaxation techniques help such women.
Regular exercises can help a young woman feel less anxious about the days. Though there is no solid clinical evidence of exercise programs reducing menstrual cramps, it is still a good idea to follow a healthy exercise regimen. It regulates blood circulation and keeps you in good mood.
Take precautionary methods to control depression and anxiety. Identify the reasons of depression and anxiety as the first step to control them.
Regular menstruation is the sign of the ability of the woman to bear a child in her womb.
According to ancient Ayurvedic principle, the menstrual flow of a woman purifies her just like the water purifies a river. This is one reason women are not easily susceptible to many diseases.

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Leukof Capsules

  • Shape Capsules
  • Ingredient Herbal
  • Feature Good Quality, Long Shelf Life, Safe Packing
  • Packaging Size 3x10 Capsule
  • Application Supplement Diet, Treatment of Leucorrhoea
  • Brand Name Shane


Normal vaginal discharge should be differentiated from the so-called white discharge. Just as the degree of sweating differs in various people, the degree of vaginal discharge also differs considerably in various women. Most women do not know these variations, and a number of ailments like backache, weakness, joint pains and all ill-health in general are often attributed by them to the so-called ‘white discharge’. Some doctors are also inclined to endorse their thinking.

The common local causes of leucorrhoea are:

  • Trichomonal vaginitis
  • Monilial vaginitis and
  • Cervicitis

Signs & SymptomsTrichomonal Vaginitis: It is the most local cause of leucorrhoea with a history of yellowish and frothy discharge, and the presence of itching locally more or less confirms this. Sometimes, the husband of the patient also develops itching of the penis after a sexual intercourse. Monilial Vaginitis: This occurs in any case of leucorrhoea where the patient is a diabetic or is pregnant or is receiving antibiotics or oral contraceptive pills.
Cervicitis: This is the third most common local cause of leucorrhoea, with associated problems like back pam.
Product Name    Packing

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Stamin Capsule

  • Shape Capsules
  • Application Supplement Diet, Male Sex Enhancement
  • Ingredient Herbal
  • Feature Good Quality, Long Shelf Life, Safe Packing
  • Packaging Size 10x10 Capsule
  • Brand Name Shane

Use Stamin Capsules and OIL for :

  • Depressed libido.
  • Sexual weakness.
  • Functional impotence.
  • Unsatisfactory sexual performance.
  • Sexual neurasthenia.
  • Unsatisfactory erection.
  • Loss of Vitality.
  • Mental and physical tiredness

Product Name    Packing
STAMIN OIL (For Vigour & vitality)    15 ml.
STAMIN CAPSULES (For Vigour & vitality)    10x10 Capsules 
Sex & Ayurveda

Sex has always been an issue of dichotomy. An integral part of our lives and essential for the continuation of the species, it is far more than just a technical necessity. While social structures in India are quite strict on this, the study of sex – from both its physical and psychological perspectives – has been practiced here from ancient times. Unlike in the west, where this is a fairly recent phenomenon and they are yet to find the proper line of distinction between sex in general and pornography in particular.
On the other hand Maharishi Vatsayan’s Kamasutra is yet unparalleled as the most comprehensive documentation ever on the practice of sex. Unfortunately, its classic treatment of the act and the art has often been misrepresented. The ancient Ayurvedic text of Charaka Samhita provided complete sexual solutions over 3000 years ago And the time-frozen, stone-carved, erotic sculptures in the temples at Khajuraho and Konarak leave millions of visitors utterly awe-struck by their sheer beauty, elegance and variety. An undying testimony to how intrinsic sex was to the daily lives of people in ancient India.
The importance of sex in our lives has remained quite unchanged. The crucial points to be kept in mind in relation to the same being :

  • Sex is an integral part of our daily habits.
  • Night and after two hours of dinner is the ideal time for intimacy, as it is kapha time.
  • An absolutely satisfying sexual union, when developed over time, bestows you and your partner with health and vitality.
  • For best results, each of the partners should be physically, emotionally and spiritually involved with the other.Touch, smell, food, music and ambience play a vital role in developing, increasing and prolonging intimacy.
  • Perverted or unsatisfying sex has adverse effects on your mental and physical health, as it aggravates your vital energies (doshas) and reduces immunity. An aggravated vata will make you more emotionally vulnerable and fear-prone, increased pitta will move you to anger and even frustration and enhanced kapha will make you more possessive.
  • The frequency of sex depends on your constitution and seasons – kapha types indulge in sex more frequently than your vata & pitta types thanks to the extra stamina they possess.
  • Vata types might find satisfaction in changing partners. While the difficult-to-quench-their-desires pitta types are usually in quest for more intensity.

For more and better sex therefore, one can practice Vajikaran therapy (virlification) – that part of Ayurveda which enhances male fertility and potency. However, any misuse of the same may open up a deluge of emotional and psychological complications. Use of similar medication (aphrodisiac supplements) instantly induces sexual pleasure and excitement, increases sexual stamina and promotes fertile seminal secretions.
For each of the most common types of problems that can occur the remedies have been listed below:

The most common problem of sexual dissatisfaction is premature ejaculation in males. Because it cut shorts the duration of intimacy and the couple cannot achieve full orgasm.

In most cases the root cause for this is very psychological. However, it is imperative to first check on all the pathological / physical causes. After treating them, the patients’ self-confidence needs to be restored too.

The hectic pace of ultra modern lifestyle causes severe tension and excessive fatigue within individuals. This is usually the prime cause for lack of libido and unsatisfactory sexual performance.

Male infertility is often due to the sperm count falling below the fertility level. A large number of sperms are not motile, viable or exhibit morphological abnormalities.

It is an involuntary discharge of semen without undergoing orgasm. A distressing symptom in many patients, it leads to psychosomatic complaints as lack of concentration, headaches, excessive sweating, giddiness etc. Usually happens during sleep.

With the hectic lifestyles of this age and advancing years, the male desire for sexual intercourse tends to taper off early and sexual intimacy tends to become unsatisfactory.

Mainly psychogenic in origin, it is directly related to anxiety regarding sexual performance.
In the west there was some initial therapeutic enthusiasm over use of testosterone in impotence. But it did not stand the test of time. According to an article in The British Medical Journal testosterone is quite ineffective when impotence is the sole symptom and testosterone levels per se are largely irrelevant. Its rise in blood level is secondary to sexual arousal. The reduction in the plasma testosterone level, which may be found in chronically impotent men, probably reflects sexual apathy rather than causes it. This is in accord with the generally disappointing results using androgen replacement. And the high incidence of impotence in old age is not hormonal in origin.

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