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We offer a complete product range of Customization Services and Bio NPK Fertilizer Granule

Effective Microbes 2

52 /liter Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 200 Liter

CFU of the Product :

  • 5X 10^8 per ml for liquid formulation.

Contains :

  • Agricultural beneficial microbial consortia which are developed and targeted to solve problems related to growth and chlorophyll content of Plants.

Mode of action :This is perfect combination of various microbes and nutrients which are extracted from natural sources and processed. The microbes in this combination of bacillus and pseudomonas which act as PGPR for plant growth. This works to increase the microbial activity in leaves and stems of plant to increase chlorophyll content and photosynthesis process. This lead to better growth of crop and increase the yield.

EM 1 Benefits :

  • Specialized Microbial PGPR.
  • Helps in better management of growth.
  • Reduces wastage of costly chemical inputs.
  • Helps in healthy development of Plant.
  • Helps in building chlorophyll content.
  • Helps in increasing yield but also reducing the cost per kg of yield.

Target Crop :

  • All crops including cereals, vegetables, sugarcane, horticulture and similar.

Method of application and dosage :

  • Crops  – 1-2 Litre per Acre.
  • Plantation Crop – 2-5 Litre per Acre.
  • Repeat Dosage – Repeat after every Fortnight to get best result.

Compatibility :

  • Friendly with bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides.
  • Don’t mix with chemical Bactericide (antibiotic).
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Effective Microbes 1

50 /Liter Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 200 Liter

CFU of the Product :

  • 5X 10^8 per ml for liquid formulation.

Contains :

  • Agricultural beneficial microbial consortia which are developed and targeted to solve problems of Soil.

Mode of action :This is perfect combination of various microbes and nutrients which are extracted from natural sources and processed. The microbes in this combination of Lactobacillus and yeast which act to remove toxins from soil and also reduce the fertilizer and pesticides residue from soil. This works to increase the microbial activity of soil and increase natural nutrients and carbon in the soil to reverse the cycle which is destroying the soil fertility.

EM 1 Benefits :

  • Specialized Microbial Soil Conditioner.
  • Enriches soil with all required natural nutrients in most natural cycle.
  • Helps in better management of Soil pH.
  • Reduces wastage of costly chemical inputs.
  • Helps in healthy development of Soil.
  • Helps in building organic carbon in soil.
  • Helps in increasing yield but also reducing the cost per kg of yield.
  • Increases soil’s porosity and Water holding Capacity.

Target Area :

  • Farm Soil and Barren soil targeted to convert to farm soil.

Method of application and dosage :

  • Barren Soil – 2-5 Litre per Acre.
  • Farm Soil – 1-2 Litre per Acre.
  • Repeat Dosage – Repeat after every Fortnight to get best result.

Compatibility :

  • Friendly with bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides.
  • Don’t mix with chemical Bactericide (antibiotic).
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Private Label Services

Product PersonalisationWe enable our customers to offer the markets customized products, specially developed and formulated for their specific requirements. Knowledge and use of a vast selection of raw materials allow the product to be optimized and calculated to meet the customer’s individual needs.

PackagingOur customers receive assistance in the choice of packaging and the relative technical and graphic customisation. A vast assortment of packaging allows the customer to define his product’s marketing image exactly as he wishes.

Technical and marketing supportWe offer our customers technical and marketing support for the choice of the most suitable products and packaging for the target countries and markets. Our specific experience enables us to guide customers towards marketing approaches tailored to the consumer’s real needs. This is an aspect which must never be underestimated, especially on today’s rapidly changing markets.

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White Label Services

Product PersonalisationWe enable our customers to offer the markets customized products, specially developed and formulated for their specific requirements. Knowledge and use of a vast selection of raw materials allow the product to be optimized and calculated to meet the customer’s individual needs.

Graphical Designing and LabelsGraphical design of products are left to the customers choice and we help them to get every details required for the designing purpose but Orgogrowth Supply products under White label which is replaced by the customer with their labels at their end.

PackagingOur customers receive assistance in the choice of packaging. A vast assortment of packaging allows the customer to define his product’s marketing image exactly as he wishes.

Technical and marketing supportWe offer our customers technical and marketing support for the choice of the most suitable products and packaging for the target countries and markets. Our specific experience enables us to guide customers towards marketing approaches tailored to the consumer’s real needs. This is an aspect which must never be underestimated, especially on today’s rapidly changing markets.

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NPK Mycorrhiza Fertilizer

44 /liter Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 200 liter

CFU of the Product :

  • 5X 10^8 CFU with 60 Spores per ml for liquid formulation.
  • 1X 10^8 CFU with 30 Spores per gram for carrier formulation.

Content :

  • Azotobacter, Azospirillum, PSB, KMB and Mycorrhiza (VAM).

Mode of action :Azotobacter in NPK liquid formulation increase nitrogen uptake, produce plant growth hormones (IAA, GA), vitamins enhancement in uptake NO3, NH4, H2PO4, K and Fe. Azospirillum is an associative micro aerophillic nitrogen fixer. This bacterium induce the plant foods to secrete and mucilase which aerate low oxygen environment and helps to fix atmospheric nitrogen. PSB possess the activity to solubilize the Phosphorous by secreting organic acids (Gluconic acid, formic acid, glutomic acid, lactic acid, citrate, malic acid) lower soil pH and turns unavailable forms of soil phosphate to available form. Some of hydroxyl acids ch-e-late Ca, Al, Fe and Mg resulting in effective availability of soil and reduced phosphate dose by 50%. KMB to mobilize potash available in soil of the plant activates the numerous enzymes system involved in formation of organic substances and protein compounds.
Mycorrhizae are obligate and saprophytic in nature requires a living host for their survival. Commonly divided into three major groups Ectomycorrhiza, Endomycorrhiza and Ectendomycorrhiza. Ectomycorrhiza and Endomycorrhiza are important in agriculture, fungi penetrate into the plant cells, producing balloon like vesicles. The structure of the arbuscules increase the contact surface between the hyphal and the cell cytoplasm to facilitate the transfer of nutrients between them and VAM fungi produce the glycoprotein glomalin which may be one of the major stores of carbon in the soil, management of VAM fungi enhances phosphate uptake and mobilize immobile micronutrients like Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Bo, Mo. Besides these to impart resistance to plant against drought, soil borne fungal pathogens and nematodes. There is no septum in their hyphae. The fungi hyphae penetrate in to cortex layer of the root and form the hyphal organ “vesicles” and “arbusculus”. The interaction between AM fungi and plants is generally mutualism based upon nutrient exchange.

NPK + VAM Bio Fertilizer Benefits :

  • It is 100% organic and ideal for organic farming.
  • Improves the yield by 10 to 30%.
  • Reduce the dependency on chemical fertilizer by 25 to 50% and hence reduces input cost.
  • Can Fix 20-250 kg Nitrogen / ha / year is fixed from atmosphere.
  • Mobilizes and solubilizes phosphorous and potash which otherwise remain unused.
  • Apart from nitrogen fixation, growth promoting substance production (IAA), disease resistance and drought tolerance are some of the additional benefits.
  • Improve plant root growth and development.
  • Produce some antifungal substance which inhibits the growth of some soil fungi like Aspergillus, Fusarium, Curvularia, Alternaria, Helminthosporium, Fusarium etc.
  • Make plants healthier and increase their immunity power to fight various diseases.
  • Helps in better development of white roots.
  • Effective in overcoming the stress condition like drought, disease incidence and deficiency of nutrients.
  • Helpful in controlling various roots related diseases.
  • Also work as soil conditioner and hence no need for other soil conditioners.
  • Improves the moisture holding capacity of soil.
  • Makes soil soft and porous.
  • Helpful in maintaining right pH of the soil.
  • Better utilization of organic and inorganic fertilizer and hence reduces the wastage of fertilizers.

Target crops :

  • All Crops like Wheat, Paddy, Maize, Cotton, Potato, Millets, Vegetables, Grapes, Banana, Pomegranate, Oranges, Plantation crops, Fiber and Oil producing crops, Plantation crop like Mango, tea, Coffee, Areca and others .

Method of application and dosage :

  • Seed Treatment – Mix 4 – 5 ml NPK + VAM Bio Fertilizer in 50 – 100 ml of water, mix thoroughly with the seed and shade drying for 1 hour before sowing the treated seed.
  • Seedlings Treatment– Mix 4 – 5 ml NPK + VAM Bio Fertilizer per lit. of water. A solution of NPK + VAM Bio Fertilizer is prepared; seedlings are dipped in this solution for about 30 minutes before transplanting.
  • Soil Application – Mix 500ml – 1.0 lit/acre of Bio Fertilizer NPK + VAM in 40-50 kg of well decomposed F.Y.M/compost or vermi compost or field soil and broadcast in the field before sowing or broadcast up to 45 days after sowing in standing crop and irrigate the field.
  • Drip irrigation – Mix NPK + VAM 500 ml – 1.0 lit /Acre in 100 liter of water and irrigate the field through drip irrigation.

Compatibility :

  • Friendly with bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides.
  • Don’t mix with chemical Bactericide (antibiotic).
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Azospirillum Bio Fertilizer

35 /liter Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 200 liter

CFU of the Product :

  • 3X 10^8 per ml for liquid formulation.
  • 1X 10^8 per gram for carrier formulation.

Mode of action :Azosprillium Bio Fertilizer is an associated aerophilic micro-organism which fixes the atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available to the plants.
Azosprillium Bio Fertilizer culture also synthesize some amount of active substances like vitamins, IAA, Gibberellins and Nicotinic acid which helps in seed germination, early emergence and better root growth and development.
Azosprillium Bio Fertilizer colonization is mainly on the root surface, enhance mineral and water uptake. They also conserve water in field.

Benefits to the crop :

  • Bio Fertilizer Azospirillium fixes 20 – 40 kg Nitrogen /Ha in non-leguminous plants.
  • Bio Fertilizer Azospirillium Increase ability by inducing abundant roots under upland condition, stimulates plant growth. Increase in numbers and length of lateral roots, root area.
  • Bio Fertilizer Azospirillium More plant growth, improvement in water and mineral uptake and water conservation in the field.

Target crops :

  • Cereals (Wheat, Paddy, Maize, and Barley etc.), Millets (Jowar, Bajra, etc.), Mono cot vegetables (Onion, Garlic), and horticulture plantation.

Method of application and dosage :

  • Seed Treatment – Mix 4 – 5 ml Azosprillium Bio Fertilizer in 50 – 100 ml of water, mix thoroughly with the seed and shade drying for 1 hour before sowing the treated seed.
  • Seedlings Treatment– Mix 4 – 5 ml Azosprillium Bio Fertilizer per lit. of water. A solution of Azosprillium Bio Fertilizer is prepared; seedlings are dipped in this solution for about 30 minutes before transplanting.
  • Soil Application – Mix 500ml – 1.0 lit/acre of Bio Fertilizer Azosprillium in 40-50 kg of well decomposed F.Y.M/compost or vermi compost or field soil and broadcast in the field before sowing or broadcast up to 45 days after sowing in standing crop and irrigate the field.
  • Drip irrigation – Mix Premium Bio Fertilizer Azospirillium 500 ml – 1.0 lit /Acre in 100 liter of water and irrigate the field through drip irrigation.

Compatibility :

  • Friendly with bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides.
  • Don’t mix with chemical Bactericide (antibiotic).
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Customization Services

Product CustomizationWe enable our customers to offer the markets customized products, specially developed and formulated for their specific requirements. Knowledge and use of a vast selection of raw materials allow the product to be optimized and calculated to meet the customer’s individual needs.

Graphical Designing and Labels CustomizationGraphical design of products are left to the customers choice and we help them to get every details required for the designing purpose.

Packaging CustomizationOur customers receive assistance in the choice of packaging. A vast assortment of packaging allows the customer to define his product’s marketing image exactly as he wishes.

Technical and marketing supportWe offer our customers technical and marketing support for the choice of the most suitable products and packaging for the target countries and markets. Our specific experience enables us to guide customers towards marketing approaches tailored to the consumer’s real needs. This is an aspect which must never be underestimated, especially on today’s rapidly changing markets.

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