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We offer a complete product range of Technical Mycorrhizal Fertilizer, Vegetable Special Bio Fertilizer, Concentrate Mycorrhizal Fertilizer, Tea Special Bio Fertilizer and Acetobacter Bio Fertilizer

Technical Mycorrhizal Fertilizer

750 /Kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 25 Kilogram

Technical Specification :

  • Spore Count : 6000 Spores per Gram

Mode of action :Mycorrhizae are obligate and saprophytic in nature requires a living host for their survival. Commonly divided into three major groups Ectomycorrhiza, Endomycorrhiza and Ectendomycorrhiza. Ectomycorrhiza and Endomycorrhiza are important in agriculture, fungi penetrate into the plant cells, producing balloon like vesicles. The structure of the arbuscules increase the contact surface between the hyphal and the cell cytoplasm to facilitate the transfer of nutrients between them and VAM fungi produce the glycoprotein glomalin which may be one of the major stores of carbon in the soil, management of VAM fungi enhances phosphate uptake and mobilize immobile micronutrients like Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Bo, Mo. Besides these to impart resistance to plant against drought, soil borne fungal pathogens and nematodes. There is no septum in their hyphae. The fungi hyphae penetrate in to cortex layer of the root and form the hyphal organ “vesicles” and “arbusculus”. The interaction between AM fungi and plants is generally mutualism based upon nutrient exchange.

Benefits to the crop :

  • Improve plant root growth and development.
  • Increase the uptake and mobilization of phosphate in all crops.
  • Increase and facilitate nutrient and translocation from the soil and root cuticle parenchyma to xylem , Phloem, elements like nitrogen, potassium, Iron, manganese, magnesium, copper, zinc, boron, sulphur and molybdenum.
  • Effective in overcoming the stress condition like drought, disease incidence and deficiency of nutrients.
  • Enhance product quality and increase immune power of the crop.
  • VAM supplement root hair in water absorption hence prevents reduction in crop relative water content of cells and helps to overcome drought.

Target Crops :

  • Cereals like Paddy, Wheat, Millet, Vegetables namely Cabbage, Cauliflower, Pea, Bean, Brinjal, Chilly, Onion, Potato, Leafy vegetables, Tomato, Flowering plants and Fruit crops; Grapes, Citrus, Apple plants.

Method of application and dosage :

  • Seed Treatment – Mix 4 – 5 gm VAM Bio Fertilizer in 50 – 100 ml of water, mix thoroughly with the seed and shade drying for 1 hour before sowing the treated seed.
  • Seedlings Treatment– Mix 4 – 5 gm VAM Bio Fertilizer per lit. of water. A solution of KMB Bio Fertilizer is prepared; seedlings are dipped in this solution for about 30 minutes before transplanting.
  • Soil Application – Mix 100 gm/acre of Bio Fertilizer VAM in 40-50 kg of well decomposed F.Y.M/compost or vermi compost or field soil and broadcast in the field before sowing or broadcast up to 45 days after sowing in standing crop and irrigate the field.
  • Drip irrigation – Mix Bio Fertilizer VAM 100 gm /Acre in 100 liter of water and irrigate the field through drip irrigation.

Compatibility :

  • Friendly with bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides.
  • Don’t mix with chemical Bactericide (antibiotic).
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Vegetable Special Bio Fertilizer

55 /Litre Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 200 Litre

CFU of the Product :

  • 8X 10^8 per ml for liquid formulation.

Contains :

  • Agricultural beneficial microbial consortia with enriched nutrients (Highly Beneficial for Vegetable plants) both for plant and microbes extracted from various soils, seeds, terrestrial or marine plants and others.

Mode of action :This is perfect combination of various microbes and nutrients which are extracted from natural sources and processed. The microbes in this combination are symbiotic to plant and helps plant uptake nutrient better by either breaking down complex nutrients into smaller nutrient or fixing nutrients from natural sources which where earlier inaccessible to the plant. Nutrients which are inside the product are made from natural sources and readily available to the plant and also helps in increasing microbial activity in the soil. This perfect combination not only benefits plant by providing microbes and nutrients but also helps soil to increase its productivity and fertility by increasing microbial activity in it and also increase natural nutrients and organic carbon.

Vegetable Special Benefits :

  • Increasing microbial activity in the soil.
  • Enriches soil with all required natural nutrients.
  • Helps in better uptake of nutrients.
  • Reduces wastage of costly chemical inputs.
  • Helps in healthy growth of plant.
  • Helps in increasing size and shine yield.
  • Helps in increasing yield and also reducing the cost per kg of yield.
  • Helps in increasing root system of plant so that plant can uptake nutrients.
  • Increases soil’s porosity and organic carbon content.
  • Increases water holding capacity of the soil.
  • Help plant fight against various disease in better manner.

Target crops :

  • Applicable to all type of vegetable crops.

Method of application and dosage :

  • Soil Application – Mix 2 – 5 lit/acre of Vegetable Special in 50-100 kg of well decomposed F.Y.M/compost or vermi compost or field soil and broadcast near root zone of plant.
  • Drip irrigation – Mix Vegetable special 2-5 Litres /Acre in 100 liter of water and irrigate the field through drip irrigation.
  • Repeat Dosage – Repeat after every month to get best result.

Compatibility :

  • Friendly with bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides.
  • Don’t mix with chemical Bactericide (antibiotic).
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Concentrate Mycorrhizal Fertilizer

12,000 /kilogram Get Latest Price

Technical Specification :

  • Spore Count : 100000 Spores per Gram.

Mode of action :Mycorrhizae are obligate and saprophytic in nature requires a living host for their survival. Commonly divided into three major groups Ectomycorrhiza, Endomycorrhiza and Ectendomycorrhiza. Ectomycorrhiza and Endomycorrhiza are important in agriculture, fungi penetrate into the plant cells, producing balloon like vesicles. The structure of the arbuscules increase the contact surface between the hyphal and the cell cytoplasm to facilitate the transfer of nutrients between them and VAM fungi produce the glycoprotein glomalin which may be one of the major stores of carbon in the soil, management of VAM fungi enhances phosphate uptake and mobilize immobile micronutrients like Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Bo, Mo. Besides these to impart resistance to plant against drought, soil borne fungal pathogens and nematodes. There is no septum in their hyphae. The fungi hyphae penetrate in to cortex layer of the root and form the hyphal organ “vesicles” and “arbusculus”. The interaction between AM fungi and plants is generally mutualism based upon nutrient exchange.

Benefits to the crop :

  • Improve plant root growth and development.
  • Increase the uptake and mobilization of phosphate in all crops.
  • Increase and facilitate nutrient and translocation from the soil and root cuticle parenchyma to xylem , Phloem, elements like nitrogen, potassium, Iron, manganese, magnesium, copper, zinc, boron, sulphur and molybdenum.
  • Effective in overcoming the stress condition like drought, disease incidence and deficiency of nutrients.
  • Enhance product quality and increase immune power of the crop.
  • VAM supplement root hair in water absorption hence prevents reduction in crop relative water content of cells and helps to overcome drought.

Method of Formulation :

  • This product is used to formulate various products like Mycorrhiza liquid, Mycorrhiza Technical or Mycorrhiza Powder or granules.
  • For technical formulation techniques and calculation please contact us.

Compatibility :

  • Friendly with bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides.
  • Don’t mix with chemical Bactericide (antibiotic).
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Tea Special Bio Fertilizer

55 /Litres Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 200 Litres

CFU of the Product :

  • 8X 10^8 per ml for liquid formulation.

Contains :

  • Agricultural beneficial microbial consortia with enriched nutrients (Highly Beneficial for Tea Plantation) both for plant and microbes extracted from various soils, seeds, terrestrial or marine plants and others.

Mode of action :This is perfect combination of various microbes and nutrients which are extracted from natural sources and processed. The microbes in this combination are symbiotic to plant and helps plant uptake nutrient better by either breaking down complex nutrients into smaller nutrient or fixing nutrients from natural sources which where earlier inaccessible to the plant. Nutrients which are inside the product are made from natural sources and readily available to the plant and also helps in increasing microbial activity in the soil. This perfect combination not only benefits plant by providing microbes and nutrients but also helps soil to increase its productivity and fertility by increasing microbial activity in it and also increase natural nutrients and organic carbon.

Tea Special Benefits :

  • Helps in reducing residues of chemical fertilizer and pesticides in soil and also in final yield.
  • Increasing microbial activity in the soil.
  • Increase growth in natural and organic way, hence increases the aroma and test of tea yield.
  • As the product is organic in nature, helps tea industry to move closer to organic production.
  • Enriches soil with all required natural nutrients.
  • Helps in better uptake of nutrients.
  • Reduces wastage of costly chemical inputs.
  • Helps in healthy growth of plant.
  • Helps in increasing yield and also reducing the cost per kg of yield.
  • Helps in increasing root system of plant so that plant can uptake nutrients.
  • Increases soil’s porosity and organic carbon content.
  • Help plant fight against various disease in better manner.

Target crops :

  • Tea plantation and similar.

Method of application and dosage :

  • Soil Application – Mix 2 – 5 lit/acre of Tea Special in 50-100 kg of well decomposed F.Y.M/compost or vermi compost or field soil and broadcast near root zone of plant.
  • Drip irrigation – Mix Tea special 2-5 Litres /Acre in 100 liter of water and irrigate the field through drip irrigation.
  • Repeat Dosage – Repeat after every month to get best result.

Compatibility :

  • Friendly with bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides.
  • Don’t mix with chemical Bactericide (antibiotic).
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Acetobacter Bio Fertilizer

35 /litter Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 200 Litter

CFU of the Product :

  • 3X 10^8 per ml for liquid formulation.
  • 1X 10^8 per gram for carrier formulation.

Mode of Action :Acetobacter Bio Fertilizer is an obligatory aerobic nitrogen fixing bacteria which is capable for nitrogen fixing in roots, stems and leaves of sugarcane plants.
Acetobacter Bio Fertilizer produces growth promoting substances as IAA (Indole Acetic Acid) and GA (Gibberllic acid) that promote root proliferation and increase the number of rootlets, resulting in uptake of mineral, phosphate solubilisation and water which promote cane growth and sugar recovery in the cane. While all nitrogen bacteria contain nitrogenous in order to utilize atmospheric nitrogen gas as a source of metabolic bio-synthesis, different nitrogen fixing microorganism and protect the oxygen – sensitive microorganism oxygen in different ways.
Acetobacter Bio Fertilizer has symbiotic relationship with many different plants like sugarcane and coffee by colonizing their internal tissues to promote the plant growth.
Acetobacter Bio fertilizer, apparently responsible for this N2 fixation associated with the plants, has unique physiological properties for a diazotroph, such as tolerance to low pH, and high sugar and salt concentrations, lack of nitrate reductase, and nitrogenase activity which tolerates short term exposure to ammonia.

Target Crops :

  • Coffee, Beetroot, Sugarcane, Wheat, Paddy, Juar etc.

Method of application and dosage :

  • Sugar cane set treatment – Mix Bio Fertilizer Acetobacter 1.0 lit. per in 100 lit. Of water for sugar cane sets dipping about 15 – 20 minutes before planting in the field.
  • Soil application – Mix 500 – 1000 ml. Acetobacter Bio fertilizer per acre in 50 kg well rotten FYM/compost/ vermi compost/field soil. Apply Acetobacter Bio fertilizer mixture at the time of planting and also use 55 – 60 days old sugarcane crop in furrows during earthling up operation.
  • Drip Irrigation – Where drip irrigation is being used mix 500 – 1000 ml Acetobacter Bio fertilizer in 200 lit. of water and apply through drip in 1 acre.
  • Foliar spray – Mix Bio fertilizer Acetobacter 5 – 10 ml per lit. of water for foliar spray in standing crop at evening or early morning time to get better results.

Compatibility :

  • Friendly with bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides.
  • Don’t mix with chemical Bactericide (antibiotic).
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Finished Mycorrhizal Fertilizer

24 /kilogram Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 200 kilogram

Technical Specification :

  • Spore Count : 120 Spores per Gram or Per ml.

Mode of action :Mycorrhizae are obligate and saprophytic in nature requires a living host for their survival. Commonly divided into three major groups Ectomycorrhiza, Endomycorrhiza and Ectendomycorrhiza. Ectomycorrhiza and Endomycorrhiza are important in agriculture, fungi penetrate into the plant cells, producing balloon like vesicles. The structure of the arbuscules increase the contact surface between the hyphal and the cell cytoplasm to facilitate the transfer of nutrients between them and VAM fungi produce the glycoprotein glomalin which may be one of the major stores of carbon in the soil, management of VAM fungi enhances phosphate uptake and mobilize immobile micronutrients like Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Bo, Mo. Besides these to impart resistance to plant against drought, soil borne fungal pathogens and nematodes. There is no septum in their hyphae. The fungi hyphae penetrate in to cortex layer of the root and form the hyphal organ “vesicles” and “arbusculus”. The interaction between AM fungi and plants is generally mutualism based upon nutrient exchange.

Benefits to the crop :

  • Improve plant root growth and development.
  • Increase the uptake and mobilization of phosphate in all crops.
  • Increase and facilitate nutrient and translocation from the soil and root cuticle parenchyma to xylem , Phloem, elements like nitrogen, potassium, Iron, manganese, magnesium, copper, zinc, boron, sulphur and molybdenum.
  • Effective in overcoming the stress condition like drought, disease incidence and deficiency of nutrients.
  • Enhance product quality and increase immune power of the crop.
  • VAM supplement root hair in water absorption hence prevents reduction in crop relative water content of cells and helps to overcome drought.

Target Crops :

  • Cereals like Paddy, Wheat, Millet, Vegetables namely Cabbage, Cauliflower, Pea, Bean, Brinjal, Chilly, Onion, Potato, Leafy vegetables, Tomato, Flowering plants and Fruit crops; Grapes, Citrus, Apple plants.

Method of application and dosage :

  • Seed Treatment – Mix 4 – 5 ml VAM Bio Fertilizer in 50 – 100 ml of water, mix thoroughly with the seed and shade drying for 1 hour before sowing the treated seed.
  • Seedlings Treatment– Mix 4 – 5 ml VAM Bio Fertilizer per lit. of water. A solution of KMB Bio Fertilizer is prepared; seedlings are dipped in this solution for about 30 minutes before transplanting.
  • Soil Application – Mix 1.0 lit/acre or 4 Kg/ Arce of Bio Fertilizer VAM in 40-50 kg of well decomposed F.Y.M/compost or vermi compost or field soil and broadcast in the field before sowing or broadcast up to 45 days after sowing in standing crop and irrigate the field.
  • Drip irrigation – Mix Premium Bio Fertilizer VAM 1.0 lit /Acre in 100 liter of water and irrigate the field through drip irrigation.

Compatibility :

  • Friendly with bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides.
  • Don’t mix with chemical Bactericide (antibiotic).
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Sugarcane Special Bio Fertilizer

55 /Litres Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 200 Litres

CFU of the Product :

  • 8X 10^8 per ml for liquid formulation.

Contains :

  • Agricultural beneficial microbial consortia with enriched nutrients (Highly Beneficial for Sugarcane) both for plant and microbes extracted from various soils, seeds, terrestrial or marine plants and others.

Mode of action :This is perfect combination of various microbes and nutrients which are extracted from natural sources and processed. The microbes in this combination are symbiotic to plant and helps plant uptake nutrient better by either breaking down complex nutrients into smaller nutrient or fixing nutrients from natural sources which where earlier inaccessible to the plant. Nutrients which are inside the product are made from natural sources and readily available to the plant and also helps in increasing microbial activity in the soil. This perfect combination not only benefits plant by providing microbes and nutrients but also helps soil to increase its productivity and fertility by increasing microbial activity in it and also increase natural nutrients and organic carbon.

Sugarcane Special Benefits :

  • Increasing microbial activity in the soil.
  • Enriches soil with all required natural nutrients.
  • Helps in better uptake of nutrients.
  • Reduces wastage of costly chemical inputs.
  • Helps in healthy growth of plant.
  • Helps in increasing size and sweetness of Sugarcane.
  • Helps in increasing yield and also reducing the cost per kg of yield.
  • Helps in increasing root system of plant so that plant can uptake nutrients.
  • Increases soil’s porosity and organic carbon content.
  • Increases water holding capacity of the soil.
  • Help plant fight against various disease in better manner.

Target crops :

  • Sugarcane Plantation.

Method of application and dosage :

  • Soil Application – Mix 2 – 5 lit/acre of Sugarcane Special in 50-100 kg of well decomposed F.Y.M/compost or vermi compost or field soil and broadcast near root zone of plant.
  • Drip irrigation – Mix Sugarcane special 2-5 Litres /Acre in 100 liter of water and irrigate the field through drip irrigation.
  • Repeat Dosage – Repeat after every month to get best result.

Compatibility :

  • Friendly with bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides.
  • Don’t mix with chemical Bactericide (antibiotic).
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Mango Special Bio Fertilizer

55 /Litre Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 200 Litres

CFU of the Product :

  • 8X 10^8 per ml for liquid formulation.

Contains :

  • Agricultural beneficial microbial consortia with enriched nutrients (Highly Beneficial for Mango Plantation and Similar plants) both for plant and microbes extracted from various soils, seeds, terrestrial or marine plants and others.

Mode of action :This is perfect combination of various microbes and nutrients which are extracted from natural sources and processed. The microbes in this combination are symbiotic to plant and helps plant uptake nutrient better by either breaking down complex nutrients into smaller nutrient or fixing nutrients from natural sources which where earlier inaccessible to the plant. Nutrients which are inside the product are made from natural sources and readily available to the plant and also helps in increasing microbial activity in the soil. This perfect combination not only benefits plant by providing microbes and nutrients but also helps soil to increase its productivity and fertility by increasing microbial activity in it and also increase natural nutrients and organic carbon.

Mango Special Benefits :

  • Increasing microbial activity in the soil.
  • Enriches soil with all required natural nutrients.
  • Helps in better uptake of nutrients.
  • Reduces wastage of costly chemical inputs.
  • Helps in healthy growth of plant.
  • Helps in reducing flowering drop and induces better and healthy flowers.
  • Helps in increasing yield but also reducing the cost per kg of yield.
  • Helps in increasing root system of plant so that plant can uptake nutrients.
  • Increases soil’s porosity and organic carbon content.
  • Increases water holding capacity of the soil.
  • Help plant fight against various disease in better manner.

Target crops :

  • Mango Plantation and similar.

Method of application and dosage :

  • Soil Application – Mix 2 – 5 lit/acre of Mango Special in 50-100 kg of well decomposed F.Y.M/compost or vermi compost or field soil and broadcast near root zone of plant.
  • Drip irrigation – Mix Mango special 2-5 Litres /Acre in 100 liter of water and irrigate the field through drip irrigation.
  • Repeat Dosage – Repeat after every month to get best result.

Compatibility :

  • Friendly with bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides.
  • Don’t mix with chemical Bactericide (antibiotic).
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Banana Special Bio Fertilizer

55 /Litres Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 200 Litres

CFU of the Product :

  • 8X 10^8 per ml for liquid formulation.

Contains :

  • Agricultural beneficial microbial consortia with enriched nutrients (Highly Beneficial for Banana plants) both for plant and microbes extracted from various soils, seeds, terrestrial or marine plants and others.

Mode of action :This is perfect combination of various microbes and nutrients which are extracted from natural sources and processed. The microbes in this combination are symbiotic to plant and helps plant uptake nutrient better by either breaking down complex nutrients into smaller nutrient or fixing nutrients from natural sources which where earlier inaccessible to the plant. Nutrients which are inside the product are made from natural sources and readily available to the plant and also helps in increasing microbial activity in the soil. This perfect combination not only benefits plant by providing microbes and nutrients but also helps soil to increase its productivity and fertility by increasing microbial activity in it and also increase natural nutrients and organic carbon.

Banana Special Benefits :

  • Increasing microbial activity in the soil.
  • Enriches soil with all required natural nutrients.
  • Helps in better uptake of nutrients.
  • Reduces wastage of costly chemical inputs.
  • Helps in healthy growth of plant.
  • Helps in increasing size and sweetness of banana fruits.
  • Helps in increasing yield and also reducing the cost per kg of yield.
  • Helps in increasing root system of plant so that plant can uptake nutrients.
  • Increases soil’s porosity and organic carbon content.
  • Increases water holding capacity of the soil.
  • Help plant fight against various disease in better manner.

Target crops :

  • Banana Plantation.

Method of application and dosage :

  • Soil Application – Mix 2 – 5 lit/acre of Banana Special in 50-100 kg of well decomposed F.Y.M/compost or vermi compost or field soil and broadcast near root zone of plant.
  • Drip irrigation – Mix Banana special 2-5 Litres /Acre in 100 liter of water and irrigate the field through drip irrigation.
  • Repeat Dosage – Repeat after every month to get best result.

Compatibility :

  • Friendly with bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides.
  • Don’t mix with chemical Bactericide (antibiotic).
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Microbes Decomposer

55 /Litter Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 200 Litter

Contains of the Product :

  • Liquid formulation : Consortia of various decomposing microbes in liquid formulation.
  • Carrier formulation : Consortia of various decomposing microbes coated on carrier material.

Mode of Action :Decomposer consist of various microbes which has capability to decomposer agricultural and plant waste in more efficient ways. This microbes produces various enzymes and organic acids which helps in breaking down some most difficult molecules from waste and hence reduces decomposing time. As this microbes are also agriculturally beneficial, adds extra benefit to the compost made from them. Not only this compost is prepared in much less time compared to traditional method but also enriched the agriculturally benefical microbes. This lead to increase on microbial soil activity and also yield of the crop.

Target Waste :

  • CWaste collected after harvest and other agricultural weeds and leafs.

Method of application and dosage :

  • Apply one litre on one ton of waste and mix it thoroughly to cover it for 30 to 45 days. Mix the mixture after every 10 to 20 days to get better result.

Compatibility :

  • Friendly with bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides.
  • Don’t mix with chemical Bactericide (antibiotic).
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Areca Special Bio Fertilizer

55 /Litres Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 200 Litre

CFU of the Product :

  • 8X 10^8 per ml for liquid formulation.

Contains :

  • Agricultural beneficial microbial consortia with enriched nutrients (Highly Beneficial for Areca and Similar plants) both for plant and microbes extracted from various soils, seeds, terrestrial or marine plants and others.

Mode of action :This is perfect combination of various microbes and nutrients which are extracted from natural sources and processed. The microbes in this combination are symbiotic to plant and helps plant uptake nutrient better by either breaking down complex nutrients into smaller nutrient or fixing nutrients from natural sources which where earlier inaccessible to the plant. Nutrients which are inside the product are made from natural sources and readily available to the plant and also helps in increasing microbial activity in the soil. This perfect combination not only benefits plant by providing microbes and nutrients but also helps soil to increase its productivity and fertility by increasing microbial activity in it and also increase natural nutrients and organic carbon.

Areca Special Benefits :

  • Increasing microbial activity in the soil.
  • Enriches soil with all required natural nutrients.
  • Helps in better uptake of nutrients.
  • Reduces wastage of costly chemical inputs.
  • Helps in healthy growth of plant.
  • Helps in reducing flowering drop and induces better and healthy flowers.
  • Helps in increasing yield but also reducing the cost per kg of yield.
  • Helps in increasing root system of plant so that plant can uptake nutrients.
  • Increases soil’s porosity and organic carbon content.

Target crops :

  • Areca and similar.

Method of application and dosage :

  • Soil Application – Mix 2 – 5 lit/acre of Areca Special in 50-100 kg of well decomposed F.Y.M/compost or vermi compost or field soil and broadcast near root zone of plant.
  • Drip irrigation – Mix Areca special 2-5 Litres /Acre in 100 liter of water and irrigate the field through drip irrigation.
  • Repeat Dosage – Repeat after every month to get best result.

Compatibility :

  • Friendly with bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides.
  • Don’t mix with chemical Bactericide (antibiotic).
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