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1 Products availableWe are leaders in the market for providing best range of Bioclean Septic - best septic treatment bacteria from bad odour, Bioclean Septic Plus Tank Cleaner - efficient cleaning of toilet tank, Toilet Bowl Cleaner and Bioclean Aquarium Natural Fish Tank Cleaner
In most households, residential buildings, hotels, restaurants and resorts, poorly maintained septic tanks are likely to wreak havoc if left unchecked. Poor degradation of faecal matter and food waste increases sludge buildup in the septic tanks causing overflowing septic tanks. Inappropriate septic tank treatment containing food and toilet waste can lead to clogging of septic tanks resulting in emission of foul odour and occurrence of backflows due to sludge build up. Moreover, septic tank cleaning becomes a necessity.
Bioclean® Septic is a natural microbial septic tank treatment product that contains septic tank enzyme producing bacteria that are capable of completely degrading faecal matter. The microbes in Bioclean® Septic break down existing sludge and minimize its build up as well, preventing choke ups. Bioclean® Septic is a septic tank cleaner that curbs foul odour by inhibiting the growth of putrefying bacteria. It degrades organic blockages in drain pipes, gravel leach pits and porous stone wall, thus resolving your overflow and backflow issues and aids in septic tank treatment.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T,
Packaging Details : As per buyer's specification
Bioclean Septic Plus is a highly effective septic tank cleaner with consortium of microbes that is capable of degrading both fecal matter and food waste in septic tanks equally efficiently. The unique septic tank enzymatic machinery of the microbes senses the type of organic matter present in the tank and acts on it accordingly. The septic tank cleaner’s ability to completely degrade organic matter prevents sludge build up and breaks down accumulated sludge as well.
Bioclean Septic Plus is one of the most effective septic tank cleaners that aggressively acts on fats, oils and grease from food waste which mainly causes choking and leads to bad odour from the septic tank. Bioclean Septic Plus curbs foul odour by inhibiting the growth of putrefying bacteria that release malodours making your septic tanks smelly. Its ability to minimize the sludge volume reduces the need for frequent pump outs making Bioclean Septic Plus an easy to use and cost effective way of septic tank cleaning.
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T,
Packaging Details : As per buyer's specification
this organic toilet cleaner is a unique enzymatic formulation utilizing nanobiotechnology which is eco-friendly when compared to other toilet cleaners which use a blend of corrosive chemicals . this unique blend effectively cleans toilets and removes stains giving your ceramics a fresh and sparkling look. this organic toilet cleaner is also effective on hard water stains and prevents scale buildup. it can be used on indian and western toilet bowls and urinals and is septic tank safe.
all ob care cleaning products
this is a ready to use product
benefits :
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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T,
Packaging Details : As per buyer's specification
Raising fish as pets at home comes with a lot of challenges and worries. Are the tanks clean? Is it time to change the water? How frequently should the water be changed? Is the water clean? Are there harmful germs in the tank? How to clean the fish tank to remove excreta and uneaten food? Each of these questions is directly linked to the health of the fish in your tank and can be addressed by using a fish tank cleaner.Using a fish tank cleaner is one of the best methods to provide a healthy and clean environment for fishes to survive and thrive in the aquarium. Furthermore, fish tank cleaner takes care of the dirt, waste, slime and debris which can conceal the beauty of an aquarium and colourful fishes.
Using a fish tank cleaner is one of the best methods to provide a healthy and clean environment for fishes to survive and thrive in the aquarium. Furthermore, fish tank cleaner takes care of the dirt, waste, slime and debris which can conceal the beauty of an aquarium and colourful fishes.
Bioclean Aquarium a natural fish tank cleaner is a consortium of beneficial bacteria and enzymes that cleans the water in the aquarium. It degrades organic matter like uneaten fish feed and fish excreta in the aquarium, it controls pathogenic bacteria and reduces the need for frequent water changes. It is also effective at odour control and reducing ammonia levels in water.