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Dietary Supplements

We offer a complete product range of Methylcobalamin, Methylcobalamin Capsule and Saccharomyces Boulardii


Vitamin B12, a member of B-Vitamin family is a collective term for a group of cobalt containing compounds known as Corrinoids. The principle Cobalamin are Cynacobalamin, Hydroxycobalamin and the two active co-enzyme form of Vitamin B12 Methylcobalamin and Adenosylcobalamin.
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Methylcobalamin Capsule

Methylcobalamin is one of the two coenzyme forms of vitamin B12. Evidence indicates this form of vitamin B12, in addition to having a theoretical advantage over cyanocobalamin, actually has some metabolic and therapeutic applications not shared by the other forms of vitamin B12. This monograph provides an overview of the pharmacokinetics of methylcobalamin, and will highlight the potential therapeutic relevance for Bell's palsy, cancer, diabetic neuropathy, eye function, heart rate variability, HIV, homocysteinemia, male impotence, and sleep disorders.
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Saccharomyces Boulardii

Saccharomyces boulardii an immunobiotic stimulates the production of Secretory Immunoglobin A(SIgA) which acts as a first line defense and improves the gastrobarrier immunity.
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