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Tension Meter
1 Products availableChemical Reactors & Process Tanks
1 Products availableMedical Pumps
1 Products availableIndustrial Valves
1 Products availableOur offered Product range includes Manual Tensiometer, Automatic Force Tensiometer, Bubble Pressure Tensiometer, Drop Volume Tensiometer and Processor Tensiometer.
Manual Tensiometer K6:ATensiometer for rapid determination of interfacial tension and the surface tension of liquids and avery successfully instrument wherever it is necessary to test the effectiveness of emulsifying agents, soaps and wetting agents.As well as Itisused to indicate the presence of oxidation and polymerization in fats, organic and inorganic oils and fuels, etc
K6 is also suitable for training purposes in schools and universities for demonstrating the action of the surface tension force in a comprehensible manner.
ForceTensiometer K20:Itis the specialist for quality control-everywherethat surfactants are used andfor measuring surface and inter facial tension of liquids using the Wilhelmy Plate or the Du Noy Ring method. In addition, it is able to determine the density of liquids.
The motorized sample stage can be manually as well it is driven smoothly by an electric motor for quickmeasurement. It can be powered by rechargeable batteries, so it is suitable for flexible use as a portable stand-alone instrument.
It is available as the mannual standard version K20S and the semi-automatic instrument K20.
Force Tensiometer K11:The Tensiometer K11 from KRSS is a fully automatic stand-alone instrument with touch screen operation for quality control measurements of the surface and interfacial tension and also able to determine the density of liquids. Measuring density with K11 saves the trouble of carrying out external measurements.
Touch panel software manages the measuring results in a transparent structure. The touch panel also has a vast working memory which makes convenient and fast access to a very large number of storable measurements.
BP50:The surfactants can be characterized by their efficiency and effectiveness, the KRUSS BP 50 allows work with small sample volume to define the efficiency of surfactants by measuring dynamic surface tension. The optional positioning system PAS2510 turns the BP50 into a complete laboratory instrument.
The BP50 measures the dynamic surface tension, which, particularly in the case of high surfactant content, reacts sensitively to changes in concentration i.e BP50 required for checking the concentration of cleaning agents on site or determining the right time for additional dosage of surfactants in the electroplating bath: this is the domain of the BP50.
DVT50:The effect of a surfactant as an emulsifier is based on the fact that it reduces the interfacial tension between phases which do not easily mix. As surfactants need a certain time to do this, the effect of an emulsifier depends on the mixing dynamics. WithDVT50, you can measure the speed with which emulsifiers produce their effect and reduce the interfacial tension.
Whether pumping, stirring or flooding: oil-water interfaces are always in motion.The drop volume technique of the DVT50 from KRSS records the interfacial tension under dynamic conditions in an interface age range from fractions of a second up to several minutes.
Tensiometer K100:The K100is the universal instrument among the Tensiometer series. The measuring processes have been optimized and made more exact by a high degree of automation and the latest technical analysis standards.
The measuring accuracy of the K100can be additionally increased by the use of the built-in ionizer. The high accuracy of the results and the flexible software control make the K100the top-class Tensiometer.
Turbiscan Heavy Fuel:It is the easiest and fastest analytical device to to perform complete stability tests on Heavy Fuel Oil and Crude Oil.This adaptive version of the Turbiscan Classic measures the stability of fuel oil, crude oil, drilling fluids, effects of additives, water-in-oil demulsification.
Formulaction has been a pioneer in the field of precipation tests to characetrise Fuel oils (ASTM method D-7061), but also crude oils.TheTurbiscan Heavy Fuelis used in many oil and petroleum companies to prove the efficiency and quality of their products.
Zeta potential measurements are made using a technique called micro electrophoresis. The measurement is very direct. First, your sample is placed in a viewing chamber called an electrophoresis cell. Then an electric field is activated. This causes the colloids to move with a velocity that is proportional to their zeta potential, and in a direction that indicates whether their charge is positive or negative.
Colloids are comfortably observed and tracked using video optics or a high quality stereo microscope. Once your sample is in the cell, you get your first results in a matter of seconds, and complete results in minutes.
DSA100:Drop Shape Analyzer (DSA100) is ahigh-quality system solution for almost all tasks in the analysis of wetting and adhesion on solid surfaces. From the basic unit for precise measurement of the contact angle to the fully automatic expert instrument for serial measurement of surface free energy, This is the right instrument for your special requirements.
DSA100 Series configuration.
MSA measures surface free energy with two liquids, fully automatically and mobile using our new One-Click SFE method. The MSA doses two parallel drops with one click, followed by the direct analysis of the contact angles and the derived results of the surface free energy. All steps are automated and happen within a second.
The precise measurement and scientific evaluation are performed with a single button click. Thus, measurement errors due to incorrect operation are virtually ruled out.
Fully automatic measurements on many positions of large sample areas: Large Surface Analyzer LSA combines a precise positioning robot withMobile Surface Analyzer MSAfor measuring surface free energy within a second. The system is especially suitable for quality control of cleaned, pre-treated or coated large surfaces due to its easy handling and programming as well as high measuring speed.
The instrument measures interfacial tension with a high degree ofaccuracy and a particularly wide measuring range. The SDT is the ideal solution for the quality control anddevelopment of emulsions and surfactants wth help ofits enormous bandwidth, low number of samples andsimple handling during preparation. Exact capture of extremely low interfacial tensions also makes the SDTan instrument particularly well-suited for analyzing the interfacial behavior of mini-emulsions and microemulsions.
Suitable for measuring transparent liquids nominal overall length 300mm. Approximate sample volume 25ml. Complete with ISO 17025 certificate of calibration.
Suitable for measuring transparent & opaque liquids, nominal overall length 305mm. Approximate sample volume 3ml. Complete with ISO 17025 certificate of calibration.
Suitable for measuring transparent liquids, nominal overall length 275mm. Approximate sample volume 1ml. Calibrated at 400C. Supplied Complete with ISO 17025 certificate of calibration
Type BS/IP/RF Suitable for measuring transparent liquids nominal overall length 275mm. Approximate sample volume 12-25ml. Complete with ISO 17025 certificate of calibration.
Recommended for measuring opaque liquids. Nominal overall length 295mm. Approximate sample volume12ml. Calibrated at 400C. Complete with ISO 17025 certificate of calibration with constants stated at 400C and 1000C
Type BS/U suitable for measuring transparent liquids nominal overall length 250mm. Approximate sample volume 4ml Supplied compelete with ISO 17025 certificate of callibration.
Type BS/U suitable for measuring transparent liquids nominal overall length 300mm. Approximate sample volume 13-40 ml Supplied compelete with ISO 17025 certificate of callibration.
Suitable formeasuring transparent liquids. Nominal overall length 385mm. Approximate sample volume8ml which can be diluted up to 40mL.Supplied complete with ISO 17025 certificate of calibration.
Type BS/U suitable for measuring transparent liquids nominal overall length 330mm. Approximate sample volume 22-40 ml Supplied compelete with ISO 17025 certificate of callibration.
DSL:The Differential Scale Loop is a tube blocking system as fully automated laboratory device to examine the precipitation and deposition of sacle and salt at simulated pipeline and water pipe conditions.
The DSL was particularly developed to observe the process of barium sulphate and calcium carbonate (scale) forming under realistic conditions and to design counteractive measures.This is carried out in three steps:
Rheotest-RN-4-1:The Rotary viscometer uses a high dynamic measuring motor, which can function either by using the controlled shear rate or the controlled shear stress.This viscometer is PC controlled rheometer and is available in two versions.
Version 1:PC-controlled rheometer seriesRHEOTEST RN 4.1with complete software for realization and evaluation of rheological tests in CR-, CS- and oscillation mode. With ball bearings, it can also perform oscillation tests.
Version 2:Stand alone rheometer typeRHEOTEST RN 4.1-SEfor CR- and CS-tests with operating and display unit and serial interface.
Hoppler-KD-3-1:It is a Ball Pressure Viscometer.During measurements, aball moves at a definite load through the substance being investigated in a measuring vessel.The dropping speed of the ball is a measure of vicosity.That speed is registered automatically, processsed by the computer and displayed as a dynamic viscosity.
More than 70 years ago Fritz Hppler developed the Hppler-Rheoviskometer which is based on the patented ball pressure method. It is used for viscosity determination of lightproof fluids which have a wide range of viscosity.
ROCKTOP:In oilfield laboratory instrumentations, there are a wide variety instruments for drilling and stimulation fluid preparation and the oil well cement testing, designed to measure the thickning time of cement slurries with wide pressure and temperature operating ranges.
The measure of rocks, cement, soil permeability or porosity is a key issue in the construction industry.TOP INDUSTRIE has developed a full range of high pressure cells for this application.
Suitable for measuring the dynamic viscosity of bituminous binders.
Nominal overall length 270mm
Calibrated in accordance with EN12596 and ASTM D2171
Suitable for measuring the dynamic viscosity of bituminous binders.
Nominal overall length 245mm
Calibrated in accordance with EN12596 and ASTM D2171
We offer Cement Autoclave units, thses autoclaves are designed for conducting accelerated soundness tests on cements as well as the autoclave expansion test, needing a constant steam pressure by the corresponding contant pressure.
Hydrothermal Synthesismeans crystallizing substances from high temperature aqueous solutions at high vapor pressures.
Top Industrie provides autoclaves for hydrothermal synthesis with high temperature high pressure.
DySL -Stress-Test of Oilfield Chemicals:The Dynamic Stability Loop (DySL) is designed for testing oilfield chemicals on long term stability under most rigorous conditions in laboratory. The DySL combines multi-loop testing of viscosity and filter blocking tests for low and high temperature under pressurized conditions.
In respect to extensive testing demands, the DySL is specially designed for multiple loop test runs.It comprises up to 6 test loops forparallel testing of different alternatives oilfield chemicals or different product types.Each loop is operated seperately Cleaning and refill is possible while other loops are still runnings.
TLAB TOWER:The brand new spearhead of the Turbiscan range - to fully characterize the stability of concentrated dispersions (emulsions, suspensions, foams).Operating on the same principle as the Turbiscan Lab, the new innovative and patented Turbiscan Towercan simultaneously measures up to six independent samples over a temperature range from 4oto 90oC.
The new turbiscan tower analyzes the stability of complex media (emulsions, suspensions, creams, foams etc.) and detect instabilities up to 200 times faster than human eye.
Turbiscan Tower accelerates and documents ageing test for a fast and deep understanding of destabilisation mechanism (creaming, sedimentation, flocculation, coalescence).
1/8"-1/16"hand valveswork for pressures up to 2000 bar. They are highly reliable and renowned for their perfect sealing.
Top Industrie valves set standards in the high pressure industries.
Two types of viscometer holder.
Both types ofholder are designed to assist you by keeping the viscometer vertical at all times.
The Spring Holders have the advantage that the viscometer is supported from underneath - which means less breakages! Spring Holders are viscometer specific.
A versatile reactor for any type of static corrosion samples
PMHP:Top Industrie hifh pressure syringe pump or PMHP (high pressure metering pump) is designed to provide truely pulseless pumping with high precision and accuracy.
These metering pumps, also called high pressure syringe pumps, are ideas for working with aqueos solutions, brines, hydrocarbons, refined oils, supercritical fluids, in many areas of research; rock mechanics, geochemistry, PVT, catalysis, polymers.
TOP INDUSTRIE has been developing technical means for researchcentres working in the following areas:
Suitable for measuring transparent liquids, nominal overall length 269mm. Approximate sample volume 10ml. Calibrated at 400C , supplied complete with ISO 17025 certificate of calibration.