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Feed Additives
1 Products availableOur Complete range of products are Granules MINMIX, Orbit Choline, Orbi Zyme Poultry Feed Additives, Orbit ProBiotic and Orbi Phytase 5000.
Minmix role in immune function and related physiological roles have been studied. Supplemental trace minerals play a significant role in eggshell formation as co-factors and/or structural components of enzyme systems such as carbonic anhydrase which are inherently involved in eggshell formation. It shows significant positive effects on carbonic anhydrase activity levels in the shell gland of laying hens and a correlated improvement in percent dry shell of eggs laid. Percent cracked eggs during processing, is also reduced by supplementation of Minmix to the layer diets.
ORBIT-CHOLINE is a methyl donor essential nutrient necessary for maintenance of cell structure, cell membrane integrity, normal maturation of bone and cartilage, transport of fat and acetylcholine synthesis. is a methyl donor essential nutrient necessary for maintenance of cell structure, cell membrane integrity, normal maturation of bone and cartilage, transport of fat and acetylcholine synthesis. Synthetic Choline chloride has several disadvantages like corrosive nature and high reactivity with vitamins & minerals. Biotin plays an important role in cell growth, amino acid metabolism, fat metabolism and gluconeogenesis.
Phytoconstituents used in this product mimic the bio-activity of Choline & Biotin, participates in various biochemical pathways and maintain homeostasis
Many cereals have a proportion of their energy in the form of non starch polysaccharides, more commonly known as fiber. Enzymes are to break down these polysaccharides, which lead in increase of metabolizable energy and protein utilization. Zyme-1 0 is a very unique blend of enzymes produced by Orbit Biosciences which takes care of various problems in chickens like, the effect caused due to the presence of non starch poly-saccharides, galactosides, and other anti-nutritional factors present in the feed stuff.
The impact of biotechnology in poultry nutrition is of significant importance. Biotechnology plays a vital role in the poultry feed industry. Orbit Biosciences is continually putting its efforts into producing better and more economical feed. Good feed alone does not serve the purpose but its better utilization is also essential. Dietary changes as well as lack of a healthy diet can influence the balance of the microflora in the gut thus predisposing to digestion upsets.
In broiler nutrition, ORBIT-PROBIOTIC has a beneficial effect on broiler performance, modulation of intestinal microflora and pathogen inhibition, intestinal histological changes, certain haemato-biochemical parameters, improving sensory characteristics of dressed broiler meat, immunomodulation and promoting microbiological meat quality of broilers.
Phytase is used in 60% of swine and 80% of poultry diets, Global feed enzyme maiket values 725 milliOn USS, Growlb trend of roughly 5-7% year-on-year ORSI PHYTASE -5000 is composed of 5000 lJ/ gram of enzyme Phytase on a free flowing earner, converted in to micro-granules for uniform distnbution in feed. The beneficial effect of ORSI PHYTASE -5000 in poultry ration has been supposed to be due to the direct hydrolytic effects on phytase and the subsequent improvement in the availability of minerals, amino acids, and energy. It has also been suggested that ORSI PHYTASE -5000 in poultry diets improves gut health as indicated by reduced secretions from the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) which consequently improves the efficiency of utilization of energy.
Lysine and the sulfur amino acids (SAA), are known to exhibit specific effects on carcass composition. This accounts for the higher requirement when breast muscle (BM) yield is used as the basis for setting the lysine requirement as compared to weight gain. Lysine supplementation, at levels above the requirement for maximal growth rate, results in specific and significant effects on body composition. It is apparent that increasing ORBIT-LYSINE intake affects body composition by increasing BM yield and decreasing AF percentage. These effects, which can be added to a curvilinear effect on growth rate, induce a beneficial effect on FCR.
Respiratory distress is a virus borne infectious disease, which spreads very fast from one bird to another. Commonly known as Ranikhet disease (Newcastle disease), it is widespread all over world including India. The symptoms include watery discharge from nostrils, gasping, trembling, facial swelling, and sometimes twisting of the neck. Depending upon the severity of infection, mortality ranges between 10 to 80 per cent. Under the effect of the infection, adult laying birds decrease their feed and water consumption with considerable drop in egg production as well. This disease thus also poses a severe economic challenge for broiler and layer poultry industry. RESPO-FEED is most effective remedy against respiratory problems.
GUTACID is having acids included in feeds in order to lower the pH of the feed, gut, and microbial cytoplasm thereby inhibiting the growth of pathogenic intestinal microflora. This inhibition reduces the microft ora competing for the host nutrients and resutts in better growth and performance of the chicken. It also acts as mold inhibitors. GUTACID exerts its antimicrobial action both in the feed and in the GI-tract of the animal. The antibacterial effect of dietary GUTACID in chickens is believed to occur in the upper part of the digestive tract (crop and gizzard). GUTACID may provide a signi cant tool for the poultry industry in combating the occurrence of intestinal diseases and in reduction of food borne pathogens.
Orbit-Cal provides mineral nutrients essential to fertility, reproduction, egg shell quality, bone formation, good functioning of the nervous systems, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, mobilization of energy, growth and resistance. Minerals and trace- elements play major roles in all metabolic function.
OMNITOX contains active ingredients in the form of acids, yeast extract, micro and macro nutrients along with MOS. Acids present in the OMNITOX acidifies the gut, thus maintain their integrity and health by inhibiting mold and controlling harmful bacterial population. Live yeast replaces harmful bacteria by competitive inhibition, thus works best after and during antibiotic treatment. Micro and macro nutrients presents in the OMNITOX improve and maintain FCR thus works as performance enhancer. MOS (Mannan oligosaccharides) is a potent prebiotic, wide spectrum mycotoxin and bacterial toxin binder.