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Feed Additives
1 Products availableLeading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Electro Cool, Orbit E Herbal Poultry Feed Additive, Immuon Veterinary Medicine, Biocox 4 Poultry Supplement and Vitafort a.
It is an ideal combination of three powerful factors to combat heat stress problems and replace lost nutrients in poultry. Electrolytes present in it replace lost electrolytes due to flushing. Vitamin C boost immunity and helps in maintain integrity of blood vessels. Dextrose present in Electro Cool is the source of energy. Lactobacillus helps in establishing beneficial intestinal micro flora.
Egg production, egg fertility and hatchability are among the most important economic traits for chicken breeder farms. Vitamin E is primarily known as an antioxidant in reducing cellular free radical damage. In addition, ORBIT-E HERBAL affects the development and maintenance of immunocompetence through multiple functions by acting directly on the immune cell or by indirectly altering metabolic and endocrine parameters, which in turn influence immune function. ORBIT-E supplementation in bird has been shown to increase production of interleukin (IL)-2, leading to enhanced proliferation of T-cells, and reduce production of prostaglandin E, a T-cell suppressive factor, as a result of a decreased peroxynitrite formation.
Under normal physiological conditions most nutrients in feed are directed towards growth. The immune system is only moderately active and therefore requires little energy and nutrients. IMMUON is having lmmunomodulator and immunity triggered herbs therefore important to control the immune response. IMMUON having Anti-inflammatory molecules which help to overcome stress. Anti-inflammatory molecules act by inhibiting the overproduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines, thereby shifting the major supply of nutrients from the immune system to growth.
Antibiotics have been used since long as growth promoters for pig and poultry.
Currently, there is controversy surrounding the use of antibiotic growth promoters for animals destined for meat production, as overuse of any antibiotic over a period of time may lead to adverse and unwanted results such as undesired residue in animal products viz. meat, milk or eggs, residua in tissues, long withdrawal period and development of resistance in microorganisms, allergies, genotoxicity and harmful effects on human health by development of microbial resistance to specific products. On the other hand,
BIOCOX 4 containing plant extracts, essential oils or main components of the essential oil blended with probiotics Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the alternative growth promoter which is herbal remedies for indigenous poultry health management.
vitafort-a is necessary for support of growth, health and life of all major animal species. in the absence of vitamin a, animals cease to grow and eventually die. vitafort-a contains vitamin a and its derivatives, the retinoids, have a profound influence on organ development, cell proliferation, and cell differentiation and their deficiency originates or predisposes a number of disabilities. during embryogenesis, vitafort-a has been shown to influence processes governing the patterning of neural tissue and cranio-facial, eye and olfactory system development; vitafort-a continues to influence the development, regeneration, and well-being of neurons. vitafort-a also regulates the differentiation of epithelial, connective and hematopoietic tissues.
NEPHROBIT promotes the excretion of uric acid by flushing out urate crystals. As a diuretic, it removes excess fluid and mineral salts. It disintegrates urate crystals by breaking the mucin bonds and preventing the formation of urinary calculi (kidney stones). It works on the urinary tract and helps to reduce the filtration pressure on kidneys. It has nephroprotective properties. NEPHROBIT helps to correct metabolism and thus reduce the formation of waste products produced in the body. NEPHROBIT has a dissolving effect on kidney stones which slowly get eliminated from the body and does not allow the body's tendency to form Stones in future.