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Feed Additives
1 Products availableWe are leaders in the market for providing best range of Multiplex B, Orbit Meth, Livon Cattle Feed, Viro Go Poultry Medicine and ORBI TONE
MULTIPLEX-B removes the amino acid homocysteine from the blood of birds. High levels of homocysteine are associated with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Helps bird's body converts food into energy. Bird brain depends on vitamin B-1 to metabolize glucose, and bird's nerves need it to function properly. Bird's body needs vitamin B-12 to make neurotransmitters, hemoglobin and DNA. It also lowers bird's levels of homocysteine, but in a different way than vitamin B-6. Vitamin B-12 helps convert homocysteine into S-adenosylmethionine, or SAMe, which is essential for the synthesis of hemoglobin and vitamins.
Methionine is an essential nutrient for poultry. In addition, this amino acid provides methyl groups, which are needed for several metabolic reactions such as the synthesis of carnithine and creatine. Methionine is considered to be the first limiting amino acid in broilers fed practical corn-soybean meal diets. Adequate dietary level of this amino acid is needed to support optimum growth and carcass yield of fast-growing commercial broilers. ORBIT-METH is for various vital functions in body such as: protein synthesis, regulation of cell division, methyl donor, reduces reactive oxygen species etc. An important aspect of protein and methionine interrelationship is the ability of both to act as lipotropic agents. The production of lean carcasses has become especially important as producers are changing gradually from selling live birds to selling meat. ORBIT-METH acts as a lipotropic agent through its role as an amino acid in balancing protein or through its role as a methyl donor and involvement in choline, betaine, folic acid and vitamin B metabolism.
Liver disorders are manifested through various digestive and systemic malfunctions and immediate medical attention is warranted, failing to which prognosis may be grave. Livon helps to keep liver healthy which is is essential for various bio- functions necessary to maintain homeostasis.
Changing weather is a time of the year when viruses thrive on almost everything and anything. It is around this period when one experiences problems like cold, cough, fever, constant irritation, etc. One thing that should be kept in mind during this period is that viruses are not really same as bacteria. They are different and it is the very reason that anti-biotics have no impact on them, whatsoever. Viro-Go, contains herbal extracts, which do have a positive impact on these viruses and help in cardiovascular, digestive and anti-inflammatory support.
ORBI-TONE is an ages proven formulation as stress reliever during all kinds of stress. It reduces stress due to vaccination, deworming, transportation, debeaking, etc. and improves growth, production, fertility and hatchability.
Liver is a vital organ involved in metabolism, storage, secretion, detoxification and protection. Being the central organ of metabolism, liver is always subjected to damages of various kinds. Liver stimulants and protectants are usually supplemented to support liver in detoxification and to improve the structural and functional integrity of liver cells. 0-Liv contains all the essential nutrients formulated to protect, maintain and stimulate liver to perform various functions and to optimize production.