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  1. Laboratory Equipments 44 Products available
  2. Laboratory Apparatus 31 Products available
  3. Measuring Instruments & Equipment 26 Products available
  4. Autoclaves 14 Products available
  5. Laboratory Shakers 13 Products available
  6. Clean Room Equipment 11 Products available
  7. Lab Instrument 11 Products available
  8. Refractometer 10 Products available
  9. Testing Equipment 6 Products available
  10. Others Products 169 Products available

Measuring Instruments & Equipment

We offer the best product range of Polarimeter, Conductivity Meter, Digital PH Meter, Antibiotic Zone Reader and Whiteness Meter.


We are offering a qualitative assortment of Automatic Polarimeter which is basically used to measure angle of rotation and specific optical rotation of optically active substance. It has a built in auto controlling system and displays the optical rotation directly within a short duration as soon as the sample filled tube in placed. Our Polarimeter is widely acknowledged for accurate measurement, quick & easy discrimination between right-handed sugars and left-handed sugars. They are widely used in various industries and in college and universities. Details :
  • The Polarimeter essentially consists of a pair of polarisers arrange in a straight line, one of which (analyzer) can be rotated with respect to the other (polariser) and the rotation measured on a divided circle.
  • The circular scales are finely marked on a 10cm diameter circle both in angular measure and in International Sugar Scale.
  • The smallest division on angular scale is 1oISS
  • The Sugar Scale is calibrated between -30o(for Laboratory substances) and +130oISS
  • The Scale is properly illuminated to facilitate reading.
  • Maximum Length of tubes which this model can take is 400mm; smaller tubes can also be used.
  • The tubes supplied have a bubble trap.
  • Polaroid Sheets used for polarishing the incident light.
  • Glass circular scale finely marked in angular degrees and also in ISS degrees. The range on ISS
  • Scale is from -30o to +130o.
  • Permanent focus : Once the dividing line is focused for the eye. The focus is not disturbedby
  • inserting tubes containing solutions, regardless of the nature of solution or of the length of the tube.
  • Permanent good definition even with difficult liquids.
  • Rotating half shadow Effect.
  • Provision for attaching lamp to the instrument thus keeping alignment correct at all times.
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Conductivity Meter

Being an ISO 9001:2001 certified company, we make sure to offer only quality-approved laboratorys products to the global market. We are sharing the space with the topmost Manufacturers, Exporters, and Suppliers of Conductivity Meter in Delhi, India. We make available a comprehensive list of high-quality Conductivity Meter, each of which is offered with 3-digit LED display. In addition, we are competent to meet even the demand for Digital TDS Meter and Microprocessor-based Conductivity/TDS Meter.


Range 0-200 microsemens , 0-2 milisemens , 0-20 milisemens, 0-200 milisemens, 0-1000 milisemens
Accuracy +/- 1% FS +/-1
Digit Resolution 0.01% microsemens per cm
Cell 0.05 To 10.5 Adjustable
Display 3 ½ Digit LED
Power Supply 230V +/- 10%, 50Hz +/-6%


  • Provision of Temperature Compensation
  • Digital Cell Constant Adjustment Along With Conductivity Cell And Temperature Prob
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Digital PH Meter

We make available Digital pH Meter, the mains-operated, tabletop model, all over the country and abroad at affordable prices. Our company is one of the most preferred Manufacturers, Exporters, and Suppliers of Digital pH Meter in Delhi, India. We offer the Meter with auto-temperature compensation facility and 3 fully automated LED display. We, furthermore, are catering with our high-grade Digital pH Meter to various industries including food & beverage and laboratories. Additional Features :
  • Auto Polarity & Decimal Indication
  • Slope Control
Also, available in Microprocessor-based model with 2 point/3 point calibration




3 ½ Digit LED



0 to 14.00


0 to ± 1999


pH mV

0.01 ± 1 digit


pH mV

± 0.01 pH ± 1 digit


Auto : 0 to 100oC


Manual : 0 to 100oC

Slope Control

80 to 120%


230V ± 10% AC, 50 Hz


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Antibiotic Zone Reader

Antibiotic Zone Reader is an instrument that measures the strength of antibiotic material and gives the most reliable results. We are catering to the global market with our high-quality Antibiotic Zone Reader, offered at inexpensive rates. We are one of the premier Manufacturers, Exporters, and Suppliers of Antibiotic Zone Reader in Delhi, India. Our Antibiotic Zone Reader is characterized by unique design and is an apt instrument to determine inhibited zone with diameter of 0.1mm, within 0-35mm range. Highlights
  • Most suitable to measure the diameter of the inhibited zone in microbiology, botany, zoology, bacteriology and pathology labs
  • Light from a source in the base passes up through the transparent and Semi transparent portion of the agar-agar, then to a reflecting mirror supported by an arm above the unit
  • The mirror reflects the light to a glass prism mounted at the front of the unit and the magnified image of the zone of inhibitions can be clearly seen on the prism
  • Supplied complete with accessories like prism, petri dish
  • Suitable for operation on 230 V, 50 Hz, single phase AC supply
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Whiteness Meter

Whiteness Meter is based on the principle of photoelectric effect and D65 light source (R457). Meanwhile except solution or liquid samples, Whiteness Meter can be widely used for measuring the whiteness value of any substance like powder, board, paper, paste, sheet, clay etc. We are named among the renowned Manufacturers, Exporters and Suppliers of Whiteness Meter from Delhi, India. We are efficient enough to process retail as well as bulk orders for Whiteness Meter even at short notice period.


Measurement Range

0 - 100%





Power supply



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Digital Colony Counter

Our Digital Colony Counter is acclaimed for providing the most accurate count by displaying the clear image of bacterial cells and colonies over a dark background. We are bracketed with the chief Manufacturers, Exporters, and Suppliers of Digital Colony Counter in Delhi, India. We are offering Digital Colony Counter instrument in different sizes and formats to the global market at minimal prices. We are an ISO 9001:2001 certified company that is manufacturing each product in compliance with international norms. Features :
  • Dark Field Illumination
  • Bright Dividing Lines
  • Oblique Non-Glare Bright Light (20 W) for uniform illumination
  • Variable Focus
  • Automatic Registration through resettable electromagnetic counter
  • Marking Pen for accurate counting
  • With three Digit Display 0-999 and four Digit Display 0-9999
  • Magnifying glass is also provided
Available in models :
  • 3 digit display (Upto 999 counts)
  • 4 digit display (Upto 9999 counts)
  • 6 digitdisplay (upto 999999 counts)
In different outer body construction like M.S. Body duly powder coated / S.S. 304.
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Digital Pocket Meter

Our more than 36 years of experience led us to acquire all the requisite resources, knowledge, and industrys faith in our impeccable dealings. To furtherer our offerings, we plunged into manufacturing high-quality Digital Pocket Meter, by keeping each Meter in line with industrys guidelines. Our best-in-class Pocket Meter delivers unquestionable results and is used for various purposes in the laboratories. All these benefits add up to making us the prominent Manufacturer, Exporter, and Supplier of Digital Pocket Meter in Delhi, India.


Range (ph)

0.00 TO 14.0 pH

Accuracy (ph)

± 0.1 pH


0 TO 50oC


± 0.1oC


Portable Tds Meter

Measuring range TDS

0 – 19990 PPM

Temp. 0 - 50oC

Resolution TDS

10 ppm

Temp. 0.1oC

Accuracy TDS

+/-2% F.S.

Temp. +/-1oC


Portable Conductivity Meter

Measuring range Conductivity

0 – 19990 µS/cm

Temp. 0 - 50oC

Resolution Conductivity

10 µS/cm

Temp. 0.1oC

Accuracy Conductivity

+/-2% F.S.

Temp. +/-1oC


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Stability Chamber

Stability Chamber is a double Walled system that is known for its highly advanced features. It has an inner chamber that is made from S.S. 304 and the Outer body is made from M.S. duly powder coated S.S. 304. It also comprises of CFC free compressor, digital temperature and humidity controller. The gap between the walls of Stability Chamber is filled with special PUF Insulation. It is supplied with S.S. wire mesh trays and cutoff device system for the safety of heater. Details :
  • Model : Refrigerated model
  • Temp : Temp. From +5oC to 50oC 1oC, Humidity From atmospheric humidity upto 95% 3% RH
Working size :
  • 450 x 450 x 700 mm
  • 600 x 600 x 600 mm
  • 600 x 600 x 900 mm
Outer Body of construction : M.S. duly powder coated body OR Stainless steel S.S. 304 Body
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TDS Meter Digital

  • Power Supply 230V +/- 10%, 50Hz +/-6%
Table Model With The Following Specifications :Range : 0-200 PPM , 0-2000 PPM, 0-20 PPT, 0-200 PPT, 0-1000 PPT. Accuracy: +- 1% FS +-1 , Cell : 0.05 To 10.5 Adjustable, Provision of Manual Temperature Compensation, Digital Cell Constant Adjustment TDS cell, Display : 3 Digit LED.
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Microprocessor Based Cond./TDS Meter

  • Accuracy ±0.5% FS ±1 Digit
Range:0-20, 0-200uS, 0-2, 0- 20, 0-200mS , 0-20, 0-200 ppm, 0-2, 0-20, 0-200 ppt, 0-100C. Resolution :0.01 uS, 0.1C . compensation :AutoManual (0-50C), AutoManual.Coefficient:Adjustable (0.1-4.0%), Adjustable (0.1-4.0%).
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Digital Tds Meter

  • Accuracy +/- 1% FS +/-1
Table Model With The Following Specifications :Range : 0-200 PPM , 0-2000 PPM, 0-20 PPT, 0-200 PPT, 0-1000 PPT. Provision of Manual Temperature Compensation. ALSO AVAILABLE MICROPROCESSOR BASED CONDUCTIVITY TDS METER . Display : 3 Digit LED, Digital Cell Constant Adjustment TDS cell.
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Digital Salinity Meter

  • Accuracy ± 1% FS, ± 1Digit
Digital Salinity Meter is reliable and accurate instrument for measurement of Salinity of aqueous solutions. It measures Salinity in three ranges. The cell constant is flashed on a digital display & can be adjusted from the front panel. The instrument have the Check facility to calibrate the instrument. This instrument is ideal for monitoring salt contents in water and soluble salts in soils. It is extremely useful for agriculture, soil analysis, swimming pools, fertilizer plants, petroleum refineries and textile plants etc.
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Microprocessor Based PH Meter

Range:pH: 0-14 pH , mV: 0 to 1999 , Temp:0 to 100C. Calibration:2 Point OR 3 point. Accuracy:pH: 0.01pH, mV: 1mV, 0.1C. Slope Control:80 to 120% , Sensor:pH electrode . Auto Buffer recognition, Storage for 90 samples, Printer Attachment Facility (Optional)
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Portable Temp. Indicator

With External Temperature Probe, Battery operated.Available in models of ranges:Temperature range(i) (-50 to +50C)(ii) (0 to 199.9C)(iii) Ambient to 400C(iv) Ambient to 1000 1200C
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Digital Polarimeter

  • Optical Wavelengths   589.44nm
Automatic polarimeter is the basic scientific instrument used to measure angle of rotation, specific optical rotation of optically active substance, built in auto controlling system and displays the optical rotation directly within a short duration as soon as the sample filled tube in placed.Polarimeter is a reliable instrument for accurate measurement of Optical Rotations, for study of Polarisation effects and for quick and easy discrimination between right-handed sugars such as Dextrose and left handed sugar such as laevulose. The instruments find use in industries as well as in Colleges and Universities. The Polarimeter essentially consists of a pair of polarisers arrange in a straight line, one of which (analyzer) can be rotated with respect to the other (polariser) and the rotation measured on a divided circle. The circular scales are finely marked on a 10cm diameter circle both in angular measure and in International Sugar Scale. The smallest division on angular scale is 1 ISS. The Sugar Scale is calibrated between -30o (for Laboratory substances) and +130 ISS. The Scale is properly illuminated to facilitate reading.
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  • Accuracy pH mV
Auto Temperature Compensation Facility3 digit LED DisplayAuto Polarity & Decimal IndicationSlope Control. COMPENSATION :Manual : 0 to 100oC.SLOPE CONTROL :80 to 120%.
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Digital Turbidity Meter

  • Accuracy ± 3% FS, ± 1Digit
Resolution :0.1 NTU in 0-200, 0.01 NTU in 0-2 & 0-20. 1 NTU in 0-1000 , 0.1 NTU in 0-200, 1 NTU in 0-1000 . Display:3 Digit 7-Segment LED. Light Source:6V, 0.3Amp Tungsten Lamp. Sample System :30 mm Clear Glass Test Tubes. Accessories:Test tube Set of 5, Operation Manual.
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Standard Penetrometer

It consists of a vertical pillar mounted on a base, the head, together with diameter plunger rod and cone (or needle) slides on a pillar and can be clamped at any desired height. The dial is graduated in 400 110 and the millimeter subdivisions Supplied with a penetration needle, ring weights. and two sample containers
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For testing penetration in grease creams.It consists of a vertical pillar mounted on a base, the head, together with diameter plunger rod and cone (or needle) slides on a pillar and can be clamped at any desired height. The dial is graduated in 400 110 and the millimeter subdivisions .Supplied with a penetration needle, ring weights. and two sample containers.
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Digital Conductivity Meter

  • Display 3 ½ Digit LED
Table Model With The Following Specifications :Range : 0-200 microsemens , 0-2 milisemens , 0-20 milisemens, 0-200 milisemens, 0-1000 milisemens, Accuracy: +- 1% FS +-1 , Digit Resolution: 0.01% microsemens per cm, Cell : 0.05 To 10.5 Adjustable, Digital Cell Constant Adjustment Along With Conductivity Cell And Temperature Probe .
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Digital Gloss Meter

  • Measurement range 0-200 Gu
The surface luster meter for printing ink, bake lacquer, coat, woodwork, construction decoration materials like marble, granite etc, plastic, sheet and other non metal materials.
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Automatic Polarimeter

Automatic polarimeter is the basic scientific instrument used to measure angle of rotation, specific optical rotation of optically active substance, built in auto controlling system and displays the optical rotation directly within a short duration as soon as the sample filled tube in placed.Polarimeter is a reliable instrument for accurate measurement of Optical Rotations, for study of Polarisation effects and for quick and easy discrimination between right-handed sugars such as Dextrose and left handed sugar such as laevulose. The instruments find use in industries as well as in Colleges and Universities. The Polarimeter essentially consists of a pair of polarisers arrange in a straight line, one of which (analyzer) can be rotated with respect to the other (polariser) and the rotation measured on a divided circle. The circular scales are finely marked on a 10cm diameter circle both in angular measure and in International Sugar Scale. The smallest division on angular scale is 1 ISS. The Sugar Scale is calibrated between -30 (for Laboratory substances) and +130 ISS. The Scale is properly illuminated to facilitate reading.
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Digital Antibiotic Zone Reader

  • ange : 00.0 to 39.9 mm
Most suitable to measure the diameter of the inhibited zone in microbiology, botany, zoology, bacteriology and pathology labs. Unique in design and measures the diameter of the inhibited zone to 0.1 mm within the range of 0 to 35 mm.Light from a source in the base passes up through the transparent and Semi transparent portion of the agar-agar, then to a reflecting mirror supported by an arm above the unit. The mirror reflects the light to a glass prism mounted at the front of the unit and the magnified image of the zone of inhibitions can be clearly seen on the prism. Supplied complete with accessories like prism, petri dish. Suitable for operation on 230 V, 50 Hz, single phase AC supply.
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Laboratory Polarimeter

The laboratory polarimeter which we manufacture is a reliable instrument for accurate measurement of optical rotations, for study of polarisation effects and for quick and easy discrimination between right-handed sugars such as dextrose and left handed sugar such as laevulose. The instruments find use in industries as well as in colleges and universities. We are rated among the top analytical polarimeter manufacturers as well as suppliers. our measurement polarimeters are essentially consists of a pair of polarizes arrange in a straight line, one of which (analyzer) can be rotated with respect to the other (polarizer) and the rotation measured on a divided circle. The analyzer is rotated till it is crossed with the polarizer. In this position the planes of he polarization of the polarizer and the analyzer, are mutually perpendicular, so that there is no transmission of light across the pair. Now if a tube containing an optically active solution is introduced between the polarizer and the analyzer, the light transmission is partially or wholly (if the optical rotation of the liquid equals90 o ) resorted. The analyzer is rotation again to obtain the no transmission position. This rotation equals the optical rotation of the liquid. Since it is difficult to recognize the actual no transmission position, one is able to obtain a range only for no transmission. The definition of this range is quite subjective. To overcome this difficulty, in modern polarimeters, an extra device is used. This device is a half-wave plate, covering half of the circular field of view. This plate introduces a certain path difference between light waves in the two halves of the field of view. Thus when the analyzer is rotated the intensity in one half of the field of view is extinguished slightly before the other half. At this point it is easy to continue rotation of the analyzer to obtain a uniform illumination of the field of view. This position can be determined quite accurately and is used as the desired position. The optically active substance (solution) is now introduced between the polarizer and the analyzer and the uniform, field of view position is determined again to obtain the optical rotation of the liquid. The circular scales are finely marked on a 10cm diameter circle both in angular measure and in international sugar scale. The smallest division on angular scale is 1 o iss. The sugar scale is calibrated between 30 o (for levorotary substances) and +130 o iss. A divided of 0.05o (3 minutes) on the angular scale and 0.1 o iss. The scale is properly illuminated to facilitate reading.Maximum length of tubes which this model can take is 220mm; smaller tubes of course can be used. The tubes supplied have a bubble trap.polaroid sheets used for polarizing the incident lightglass circular scale finely marked in angular degrees and also in iss degrees. The range on iss scale is from30 o + 130 opermanent focus: once the dividing line is focused for the eye. The focus is not disturbed by inserting tubes containing solutions, regardless of the nature of solution or of the length of the tubepermanent good definition even with difficult liquidsrotating half shadow effectprovision for attaching lamp to the instrument thus keeping alignment correct at all times.
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Tds Meter

We offer tds meter.Our tds meters are reliable and accurate test instruments for measurement of tds of aqueous solutions. They measure conductivity in five ranges. The resolution is 0.1 ppm respectively, in the lowest range. The cell constant is flashed on a digital display & can be adjusted from the front panel. The instruments have the "check" facility to calibrate the instruments. We are well positioned amongst the foremost digital tds meter manufacturers. this instrument is perfect for observing salt contents in water and soluble salts in soils. They are extremely useful instruments for agricultural and soil analysis labs, swimming pools, fertilizer plants, petroleum, refineries, textiles plants etc. We are reckoned as a reliable electronic tds meter exporter.
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Lab Balance

We are a principal name amongst the laboratory balance manufacturers. For accurate and quick reading use the analytical lab balance manufactured by us. We use the finest grade raw materials to ensure the high quality and durable performance of our lab balance. Our electronic digital lab balance is available in a host of different sizes and shapes. It is well known for digital weight indication with large and clear figures. High weighing accuracy and very short response timenon-magnetic build in type weights working on drop weight systemclear vision of lit scale window, consecutive figures above and below the actual value are also visualized through transparent shademaster zero arrester for setting the loaded machine to zero readingsliding side glass doors and fixed glass front of weighting chamberelectric cum battery operated machine with in-built battery and charger.
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