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1 Products availableWe offer the best product range of 3 Mukhi Rudraksha, 4 Mukhi Rudraksha Mala, Garbh Gauri Rudraksha, 15 Mukhi Rudraksha and 17 Mukhi Rudraksha.
4 mukhi rudraksha mala is for getting creative mind and peace. Used for japam and self enhancement. Used and benefited for all scholars, artists, or all those who use their mind intelligence. Super enhance your creativity and focus along with learning and knowledge with this mala. Good communication power is felt after wearing this mala. From ancient times, it has been used for curing all types of mental diseases. four mukhi symbols the four veda or the knowledge of the universe.Brings success in every direction.
Passage from Linga puran which brings attention toShiva and Gauri: Being energy and outward form or Shiva, the three worlds represented by gauri whose soul is Sankara. Shiva and gauri making all things and creating all things are the reason for all. Gauri representing the Mother Nature and creating the whole world and making us existing shows her power through creation. The female deity representing her as the energy and power of the lord is married to the lord is blessing us. Her energy much better represented with thegarbha gaui rudrakshabead also being represented as garva ganesh.
Most sought after bead for wealth. Brings good monetary fortune to the wearer. Bestows with richness within short span of time. Improves crafting and creativity within the wearer. Gives immense spiritual knowledge and power. Bring chances to own lottery, games, share etc. Gives 4 attainments to wearer namely Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha.
12 Mukhi Rudraksha ruled by Sun and the wearer is blessed with the quality of sun to rule and move with radiance and strength. Wearer is freed from fear of fire and diseases. Gives wealth and happiness. Wearer never gets poverty. Removes sins committed by killing animals. Dispels fear of armed men, horned animals, lion. Wearer never suffers from mental/physical pain. Makes fearless and trouble free. Has power to cure several diseases. Gives leadership quality, power to control over people. Gives inner strength to rule like sun. Removes all doubts of mind and makes happy from within. Believed to remove all types of problems. Used for vastu problem(directional issues) and black magic.
>Gauri Shankar Rudraksharepresents unified form of Shiva and Shakti.> Posses the power of 2 mukhi rudraksha.> Improves relationships in family, friends. Helps in getting married and to have children.> Used widely for fertility and male power, emotional stress also.> Best thing for peace and unity in family.
7 mukhi rudraksha bead offers several powers to the wearer. Wearer is not affected by any type of poisoning (as described). Removes sins resulting from theft, drug abuse, adultery. Wearer may get hidden treasure. Gets increased attention from opposite sex. Sublimates enemies and their power. Goddess Mahalakshmi is pleased with the wearer. Removes bad luck. Provides health and wealth. saat face bead is owned my Lakshmi. Opportunities and wealth is blessed immediately after wearing. Long standing miseries and issues are eased.
Those who want all success in life.
Those who want fame and Prosperity in life.
Controls reproductive organs of human body.
Retain health of wearer.
Restores fertility & power in men.
Om Hreem Hoom Shivamitraye Namah.
Om Namah Shivaya
Om Heem Hreem Heem Shreem Shreem Shreemaim.
This is known as siddha mala. Sidha mean accomplished. The wearer gets accomplished in all respect of comfort and luckalso with accommodating personality, spiritual interest, interest in rituals and Please nature. Also the sadhya yoga blessings are blessed. Sadhya means amenable. Wearer becomes well behaved with accomplished manners and etiquette.
Auspicious time starts after keeping this most sacred rudraksha mala. Auspicious blessings like lustrous personality, health wealth comes easily to the wearer as per the descriptions in purans.
Configuration of the mala- The mala is made with good quality indonesia rudraksha beads. Total 45 beads are used. 1 mukhi chandrakar is used for making. Other beads are used of Indonesia or Java origin of high quality. Each bead is capped with pure silver (90 % silver used). 1 mukhi to 14 mukhi + gauri sankar + ganesh mukhi beads all are capped with best quality silver.
1 mukhi - 1pcs - Size 28 - 20 mm (Indian origin, Half moon shape, Silver capped)
2 mukhi to 8 mukhi, Ganesh - 1pcs - Size 11 to 13 mm (Indonesian Origin)
9 mukhi to 14 mukhi, Gauri Shankar - 1 pcs - Size 16 to 20 mm (Indonesian Origin)
Puja for the mala- The mala is properly energized to keep its power and soul highly powerful. We make Yanjgya for the buyer on request and do all necessary japam and mantra sidhi puja before hand over.
Who should wear this most sacred mala? All can procure such a blessed mala. It will bring spiritual enhancement and better luck.
Makes the wearer fearless, stress free, purified conscience, powerful, self confident. Protects from untimely death. Removes fear of death. Gives peace of mind. Brings in wealth. Very good for all working women/Housewives (who have tension/concern for children, husband). Brings in courage, endurance, devotion, will power. Can be worn on left hand wrist. Nine face bead is owned by Mata Durga. Log of energy and dynamism is the feeling on wearing. Fearlessness and success is blessed.
Importanceof 13 mukhi rudraksha bead-13 mukhi rudrakshaFulfills all desires. Gives perfection in alchemy, research, medicine work.- Gives everything to wearer to enjoy a life of full.- Removes sin of killing close relatives.- Brings in good luck. Gives both spiritual and material attainments.- Gives leadership power, name/fame, attraction, excellence in fine arts, writing, oratory, convincing power.
Affects adrenal part of the body.
Diabetics cured. Deafness & eye power problems are eased.
All diseases are caused by planetary positions and all planets are controlled by 20 Mukhi.
For them who want to achieve all success & fame in life.
Om Hreem Hreem Hum Hum Brahmane Namah.
Om Namah Shivaya
Mahamrityunjaya Mantra
Represents Prithvi ( the earth ). Brings all wealth possible to the wearer. Removes all diseases from the wearer. Very effective for new business ventures, new project work. For success in any type of work. Gives power to meditate and concentrate effectively. Females get relief if they are facing abortions often. Mata Bhumi owns this eighteen face bead. Mother earth blesses with prosperity, health and wealth. When one wants to get more health, wear this bead. Business prosperity increases multi fold.
Represents Lord Vishnu(Narayana Prabhu). Fulfills all desires of the wearer. Bring tremendous energy in wearer for analysis and analytical ability. Gives understanding ability, power to do business, service, social activity & political work. Wearer gets success in all actions, enjoys all luxuries & wealth. Unish face bead is owned by Narayana. Immense health, business benefits are bless. Best health and perfect suffess in job / business / education is promised. Wearer gets the most preferable life partner.