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Cattle Feed Additives
2 Products availableFeed Additives
2 Products availableDisinfectant Chemicals
1 Products availableApi Intermediate
1 Products availableDietary Supplements
1 Products availableNutraceutical
1 Products availableVitamin Supplements
1 Products availableAyurvedic & Herbal Powders
1 Products availableDietary Supplements & Nutraceuticals
1 Products availableLeading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Natox (Toxin Binder Mold Inhibitor), Diarrocare Powder & Liquid (Animal Diarrhea Care), Lib Plus (Blend of Libido Boosting Herbs), Calf Tonic (Immunity Enhancing Multivitamins with Choline and Amino Acids) and Act Renton Liquid (Natural Kidney Tonic).
InuSAP is a concentrated extract of Inulin derived mainly from chicory root, shells, seeds and fruits of Sapindaceae and Saponaria plant family. It stimulates the growth of friendly & healthy intestinal bacteria which are associated with supporting digestion & improving bowel
function. This balance gives the most optimum benefit to digestion and ultimately supports good colon health. InuSAP also fulfills the nutritional need of several metabolic functions required for energy utilization by the animals body.
InuSAP is a natural growth promoter that when added to animal feed improves growth, feed utilization, enhances appetite, feed conversion, stimulate the immune system, increases vitality and yields better production & profits without the adverse effects experienced by the use of antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs). Unlike AGPs InuSAP does not bear any risk regarding bacterial resistance, side effects, withdrawal period & residues in animal products and is highly cost effective.
Benefits :
NAT-VITAMIN SUPER is a specially formulated chelated minerals and vitamins supplement, fortified with probiotic & herbal actives for livestock. It provides the nutrition required to manage stress, boost immunity and improve production, reproduction & udder health. Supplementation of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients must be provided externally to most animals to ensure that they are thriving and yield economic benefits through maximized production. NAT VITAMIN SUPER is a complete nutritional package that will aid the animal to develop normally, heartily and evade infections.
Methionine is a sulfur containing essential amino acid needed for healthy & productive animals. Methionine is generally the first limiting amino acid in the animals diet and has to be supplemented from the outside as it cannot be synthesized by the animal themselves. Methionine is essential to sustain life & growth in animal and by providing methyl groups, methionine is responsible for a variety of metabolic reactions
like transmethylation reaction (homocysteine metabolism), a biochemical reaction where amino acids are metabolized to form energy.
Methionine deficiency leads to poor feed conversion, retarded growth, decreased egg production, smaller sized eggs, reduce muscle and fat, poor feathering and general weakness due to immuno suppression.
ACT ORGANIC METHIO is a scientifically developed combination of herbs which contain methionine in a natural and bioactive form. This unique herbal feed supplement supply methionine as a readily digestible composition in conjugated stable form.
ACT ORGANIC METHIO contains an array of active compounds such as L-Methionine & S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) which result in a complex mode of action & amplified effects such as improved performance & enhanced immunity. It optimizes the use of methionine through improved methylation of homocysteine that allows the recycling of methionine ensuring that more methionine is available for protein accretion & other animal functions that result in maximum performance.
ACT ORGANIC METHIO is intended for substitution of synthetic methionine and allows the reduction of feeding costs, while offering superior productive performance. It is effective against heat stress and has no restrictions for organic farming. ACT ORGANIC METHIO is also more heat stable & the perfect compound for Pellet & Mesh feed.
NATOX is a specially designed broad spectrum toxin binder & mould inhibitor containing Hydrated Sodium Calcium Aluminosilicate (HSCAS), Organic acids, Mannon Oligosaccharide & Neem leaf powder, which binds with wide range of mycotoxins & pesticide residues present in feed. Mycotoxins are a group of chemical produced by certain fungi when they get a conducive environment. Feed raw materials & finished feed are inevitably contaminated with a wide range of moulds & mycotoxins, resulting in reduction of quality & palatability of feed. Many of the production problems that are inexplicable are mostly related to mycotoxins and their adverse effects. Mycotoxins present various dangers including reduced immune response, reduced feed intake, nutrient absorption as well as reproduction related uses. HSCAS & MOS bind & absorb a wide range of toxins while the organic acids in NATOX prevent mould growth & improve feed palatability. The Neem leaf powder in NATOX is a well known herb that exhibits immuno-modulatory, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and hepatoprotective properties.
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Packaging Details : 25 kg Kraft Paper Bag
BOTANICA E contains Vitamin E and Equivalents in natural and highly bio-available from with greater absorption, higher bio-activity and lower rate of excretion as compared to synthetic Vitamin E. BOTANICA E is a potent antioxidant essential for the maintenance & integrity of all membranes being effective to manage oxidative stress conditions.
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Packaging Details : 25 kg Kraft Paper Bag
BOTANICA-C is a unique blend of potent chosen herbs selected for their synergistic and adaptogenic properties which allow them to work together for a more active and better regulated defence immune system. Its powerful natural wellness herbal formula having potent Antioxidants, Vitamin C, Tannins & other plants phytoconstituents replaces the use of synthetic Vitamin C in feed, It superficially work as Free Radical Scavengers & Adaptogens on its optimum level to control high levels of stress hormones and enhance the function of immune cells throughout the body. They decrease the organisms susceptibility to illness by allowing it to adapt to the stressful circumstances by raising nonspecific resistance towards such stress that leads to allow the body to maintain optimal homeostasis.
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Packaging Details : 25 kg Kraft Paper Bag
DIARRHOEA is an increased frequency, fluidity or volume of fecal excretion and is a symptom of a specific disease or gastro-intestinal infections. Diarrhoea due to bacterial enteritis, dietary error, changes in environment, stress, management error is one of the most common & financially draining diseases in farm animals. It not only affects the digestion of the animal but also is a cause for sudden death & high mortality in farm animals.
DIARROCARE, blend of multi-dimensionall, therapeutic herbal ingredients that act as anti-diarrhoels & help normalize gut function. This unique formulation helps check the presence of pathogens, improve gut microflora, inhibit the growth of undesirable gut microbes and improve gut healing.
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Packaging Details : 25 kg Kraft Paper Bag & 1 ltr HDPE Bottle
Lysin is an essential amino acid which plays a major role in optimizing the growth and production performance of broilers, layers and breeders. Lysine is necessary for the vital functions of body, assets in absorption of calcium, production of antibodies, hormones & enzymes, reduces reactive oxygen & helps viral growth. Lysine is also essential for various physiological functions such as protein synthesis, regulation of cell division & mobilization of fatty acids into mitochondria. Lysine deficiency causes de-pigmentation and reduced haemoglobin in birds. Lysine also supports collagen formation & tissue integrity. Although Lysine is present in various feed ingredients, additional supplementation is required for optimum carcass quality, egg size, weight gain & improved feed conversion (FCR).
ACT ORGANIC LYS is a blend of selected potent herbs with high Lysine activity that not only supply Lysine in natural, conjugated form (increasing the bio-availability of Lysine by stimulation of its synthesis & utilization) but also mimics the activity of synthetic Lysine. ACT ORGANIC LYS provides optimum Lysine activity for proper protein accretion and other functions for poultry birds to reach their maximum growth & performance potential. ACT ORGANIC LYS presents itself as a prominent cost-effective, non toxic and safer replacement for synthetic Lysine.
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Packaging Details : 25 kg Kraft Paper Bag
Libido, refers to sexual motivation, revealed through a behavioural trait as willingness and eagerness. As libido is crucial for fertility, reproductive capabilities of male animal have become of paramount importance. Generally to improve breeding efficiency, synthetic androgenic steroids are used but because of their various side effects, there appears to be a need to go for the natural, better and safer alternatives just like LIB+ A Blend of Libido-Boosting Herbs. LIB+ improves performance levels & ensures optimum fertility of semen in male breeders, improves semen quantity & quality, enhances vitality & vigor and improves strength, stamina & energy in male breeders.
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Packaging Details : 25 kg Kraft Paper Bag
CHELATED NURMIN is a mixture of Essential Vitamins & Chelated Minerals which helps maintain the overall health of the animal. Fortified with Lactobacillus sporogenes,
CHELATED NURMIN acts as a pro-biotic, facilitates a healthy gut, impious metabolism & helps combat pathogenic bacteria.
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Packaging Details : 25 kg Kraft Paper Bag
Choline is a vitamin like essential feed supplement for animal nutrition. It an essential structural component for synthesizing phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin, two major phospholipids to form & maintain the structural integrity of all cell membranes. Acetylcholine, a derivative of choline is an important neurotransmitter for muscle control & nervous system functions. It is a source of labile methyl groups required for many metabolic steps & is known as Lipotiopic factor due to its role in transport & metabolism of fats in the liver. However choline is inorganic/synthetic form is less bioavailable, enhances oxidative destruction of other vitamins due to its hygroscopic nature & portions of it are converted to TMA which is toxic to the animals.
ACT ORGANIC CHOLINE PLUS is an herbal, non-toxic, bioavailable choline in conjugated/esterified form (phosphatidylcholine, lecithin & equivalents). It optimizes energy metabolism, controls fatty liver syndrome and supports several other metabolic functions in the animals body. It supports the synthesis of choline in the animal body & prevents abnormal accumulation of fat (fatty liver) by promoting its transport as lecithin or by increasing the utilization of fatty acids in the liver itself.
In addition ACT ORGANIC CHOLINE PLUS has ingredients with multi functional activity that increases resistance against microbial infections, prevents oxidative damage by free radicals, reduces oxidative stress, prevents shortage of nutrients by storing vitamins, minerals & sugar and enhances utilization of dietary energy for productive body function improvements. All these effect strengthen liver and regulate body metabolism to inhibit further liver cell damage in favor of their regeneration that readily reflects in terms of increased growth performance.
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Packaging Details : 1 kg & 25 kg Kraft Paper Bag
FenSAP is a natural & organic herbal mixture that when used as part of the livestock diet, supplies all essential nutrients like minerals, protein, vitamins and fat. The nutrients derived from FenSAP are required by livestock to conduct several metabolic functions and for energy utilization. FenSAP also contains Prebiotics and Saponins which significantly improve growth performance by improving feed conversion, nutrient digestibility & the immune defense response and reducing ammonia emission.
FenSAP is essentially a pure plant mixture of Fenugreek Seeds and Chicory Root with absolutely no chemical additives.
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Packaging Details : 25 kg Kraft Paper Bag
CALF TONIC is a nutritional immunity boosting concoction, packed with multivitamins & amino acids. It provides nourishment, increases energy production & promotes growth.
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Packaging Details : 200 ml Pet Bottle
Liver is one of the largest & most important organ in the body. It is the Central Laboratory of body that performs many complex more than 500 vital functions to maintain homeostasis (state of equilibrium among all the system of body). The livers filtration process retains the nutrients that the body needs & dispose of the wastes, toxins & excess substance that the body does not need or could harm the body. NAT LIV a complete liver tonic aids significant effect on liver.
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Packaging Details : 1 ltr HDPE Bottle & 20 ltr Jerry Can
CLEANALL is a Botanical disinfectant made from essential oils to clean, disinfect, deodorize and freshen the livestocks living environment without any harsh chemical smells. As its made of herbal ingredients, the product is perfectly safe and eco-friendly. The plant based aromatic oils used in its composition, not only clean the germs, but also create freshness and boost the animals mood with disinfection for longer time.
ACT RENTON LIQUID is a potent combination of kidney stimulant & protectant herbs. It is a herbal feed supplement essential to optimize kidney functions and help maintain normal regeneration of damaged nephrons.
Kidneys are one of the most vital excretory organs and serve as natural filters of blood, ensure proper filtration, selective reabsorption and excretion of the end product of tissue metabolism, thus regulating volume & composition of body fluids & maintaining homeostasis. If these balance are not maintained , it leads to toxin build up in kidneys, imbalance in regulation of blood pressure, pH, water & electrolyte
levels which lead to several health uses like urolithiasis, gout, nephritis, ascites, urinary tract infections etc. The root cause for all these health issues is too much tissue acid waste in the body & there is a need to cleanse the kidney & urinary tract to optimize their functions & promote a healthy body & life.
ACT RENTON LIQUID prepared from extracts of selected natural herbs helps quick & complete development of nephrons & kidney functions to avoid severe renal stress in poultry birds resulting in reduced growth & increased morbidity & mortality and to improve the health & livability of the poultry birds.
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Packaging Details : 1 ltr HDPE Bottle
ACT CALPHOS is a Fortified Liquid Supplement of Chelated Minerals, Vitamins, Calcium and Phosphorus. It is a high milk yield formula that helps proven various metabolic disorders arising due to deficiency of calcium & phosphorus such as osteoporosis, rickets, pica etc. It supplies nourishment, increases energy and promotes growth efficiently and prominently.
Calcium is essential for physiological purposes, neuromuscular functions, blood cloting & hormonal secretion. Phosphorus is also a major macro nutrient whose deficiency leads to reduced feed-intate, lower body weight gain, low conception rate & fertility and decreased milk production etc. Vitamins are essential for the metabolism of calcium & phosphorus, improved growth, appetite, milk quality, increased milk yield & fats and general well-being among other benefits. ACT CALPHOS supplies the minerals, vitamins & helps in the appropriate quantities & helps better growth and development.
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Packaging Details : 1 ltr HDPE Bottle
NATOX HERBAL LIQUID is a polyherbal formulation that aids in fighting against the growth and spread of harmful Mycotoxins. Use of NATOX HERBAL LIQUID not only leads to adsorption of a high percentage of mycotoxins and provides essential vitamins & minerals to the animal, but also makes sure the mycotoxins are not desorbed through the intestinal tract one absorbed.
Mycotoxins are a group of chemicals produced by certain fungi when they get a conducive environment. Feed raw material & finished feed are inevitably contaminated with a wide range of moulds & mycotoxins, resulting in reduction of quality & palatability of feed. When mycotoxin are enter the animal, they cause a wide variety of problems called Mycotoxicosis. This problem can lead to various dangers including reduced immune response, feed intake, natural absorption, growth rate, poor feed conversion, lower production and high mortality. NATOX HERBAL LIQUID inhibits mold growth and prevents production of mycotoxins. The unique formulation of NATOX HERBAL LIQUID prevents mold growth and absorbs a wide range of toxins. They also exhibit antibacterial, anti-fungal & hepato protective properties and supply essential vitamins and minerals.
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Packaging Details : 1 ltr HDPE Bottle
ACT HERBAL WOUND SPRAY is a Broad Spectrum Topical Spray for Deep Seated and Maggotted wounds, Eczema, Ringworm, Pruritus & other Skin Problems.
Mastitis is the most widely prevalent of all the major diseases that cause losses to dairy farmers. Physiological changes in milk, pathological change & bacterial growth in glandular tissue, increased leukocyte count in milk and decrease in milk quality & yield are common characteristics of an inflamed udder.
Traditional methods of mastitis treatment involve the use of synthetic solutions that only have the drawbacks of late detection, high costs, residues in milk but also have limited effectiveness due to broad spectrum of pathogens causing mastitis, and can lead to anti-biotic resistance.
ACT ANTIFLAM SPRAY is a non-antibiotic herbal spray for topical application on udder & teats for treatment of mastitis, providing non-irritatant protection against microbes & ensuring hygiene.
Benefits :
ACT HERBAL WOUND SPRAY is a Broad Spectrum Topical Spray for Deep Seated and Maggotted wounds, Eczema, Ringworm, Pruritus & other Skin Problems.
ACT MENTHOLYPTUS is a natural solution of powerful Eucalyptus Oil with Menthol which provides an outstanding, cost efficient performance for alleviation of symptoms associated with infectious & non-infectious respiratory diseases.
PLANTOSAP is a feed additive made from the mixture of Sapindacease and Saponaria Plant family.
PLANTOSAP is a very good alternative to AGPs to improve productivity, increase production, maintain feed conversion, metabolic & environmental ammonia levels and reduce bad odors in order to keep the animal unaffected.
Triterpenoid & Steroid Saponins in PLANTOSAP have been found to be detrimental to several infectious protozoa. They improve all nutrient uptake through the intestinal membrane, stimulate all mediated immune systems and increase the immune response by increasing the uptake of antigens from the gut & other membranes. PLANTOSAP also reduces the rate of methanogenesis via diminished activity of methane producing gene without changing the total methanogen population. It reduces instances of ammonia toxicity in farm animals, reducing protein digestibility, slowing down the process of ammonia production & entrapping ammonia/urea from the supplemented diet.
Benefits :
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Packaging Details : 1 ltr HDPE Bottle & 40 ltr Jerry Can
Delivery Time : 10 working days
RESPIRARE is a balanced and synergistic combination of powerful essential oils that provides an outstanding, cost-efficient performance in alleviation of symptoms, associated with infectious or non-infectious respiratory diseases, boosts appetite and enhances the growth of livestock. Respiratory problems can be triggered due to infections by bacteria, viruses & fungi, exposure to allergens, and management or environmental changes. The resultant irritation and inflammation of the respiratory tract rapidly spreads the infection through the flock through sneezing, wheezing and coughing. It is therefore important to pre-empt this and react quickly to alleviate respiratory distress. The build-up of mucus in the respiratory tract severely reduces oxygen intake causing breathlessness, loss of dietary intake and a drop in energy levels of the animals, which has a negative impact on weight gain and performance. RESPIRARE is a respiratory system defense support product with flavoring and aromatic effects, which helps to alleviate respiratory symptoms and to provide extra comfort for livestock.
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Packaging Details : 1 ltr HDPE Bottle
InuSAP is a concentrated extract of Inulin derived mainly from chicory root, shells, seeds and fruits of Sapindaceae and Saponaria plant family. It stimulates the growth of friendly & healthy intestinal bacteria which are associated with supporting digestion & improving bowel function. This balance gives the most optimum benefit to digestion and ultimately supports good colon health. InuSAP also fulfills the nutritional need of several metabolic functions required for energy utilization by the animals body.
InuSAP is a natural growth promoter that when added to animal feed improves growth, feed utilization, enhances appetite, feed conversion, stimulate the immune system, increases vitality and yields better production & profits without the adverse effects experienced by the use of antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs). Unlike AGPs InuSAP does not bear any risk regarding bacterial resistance, side effects, withdrawal period & residues in animal products and is highly cost effective.
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Packaging Details : HDPE Bottle
Rice Gluten Ddgs/rice Protein Dried Distilled Grains & Soluble (DDGS) This is Rice based Protein Source for Animal feed usage and an optimum partial replacer for SBM/CG (5% to 10%). Can be a good Protein source in Aqua, Poultry, Dairy Feeds. It is 100% malenine and GMO free and urea free.
Conclusion: In the opinion of the undersigned the sample referred above is of Standard Quality and the sample complies per IH analytical specification. Hence on the basis of aforesaid data the above mentioned product is of standard quality and is released.
Test Report No. :AL/TS-SGS 1802-003 | Date : 12-02-2018 |
Sample Description | Rice Protein 50% |
Condition of the sample received | OK |
Batch No. | NR. 02.004 |
Quality / number ofsample | 1x200gm |
Certifcate Of Analysis
Parameter | Test Method | Range Specification | Result |
Total Aflatoxin (B1+B2+G1+G2) | AOAC 19 End (Chp:999.07) | NMT 20ppb | 4.46ppb |
Crude Protein (on dry basis Nx 6.25) | IS: 7874 (Part I) 1975 | Min 50% | 55.47% |
Crude Fiber | GAFTA 130:10.0:2005 | Max 5% | 3.82% |
Moisture | GAFTA 130:2:1:2003 | Max 12% | 11.02% |
Ash | GAFTA 130:12:0:2003 | Max 5% | 4.18% |
Energy | USDA Handbook 74:1973 | Min 350 Kcal/ 100gm | Kcal/ 100fm |
Calcium Salt of Long Chain Fatty Acid
DescriptionOur calcium salt of long chain fatty acid (ACT FAT 84) is made from freshly produced palm oil fatty acids and naturally mined calcium sources. It is an excellent concentrated energy feed supplement for dairy ruminants such as cows and goats offering high level of inertness and intestinal digestibility. Consumption of ACT FAT 84 improves overall performances of dairy animals in terms of milk production and the maintenance of energy balances.
DosageGenerally calculated to optimize total fat in feed at 6% but may be fed at higher percentages under the professional recommendation of the nutritionist. Typically feed up to 500gm per cow per day.
Parameter | Test Method | Standards | Typical |
Crude fat | Acid-Ether Extraction (Modified Werner crude fat achmidt method adapted from AOAC 954.02) | 84% min | 84.6% |
Moisture | Oven dry | 5% max | 2.71% |
Free Fatty Acid | AOCS Ca 5a-40 | 3%max | 1.61% |
Ash | Gravimetric at 850 Degree Celsius | 14% max | 12.67% |
Calcium | Calculated | 8-10% | 8.37% |
Protein | - | Nil | Nil |
Appearance | - | - | Brown granules of between 300microns to 3mm |