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Feed Additives
2 Products availableCattle Feed Additives
2 Products availableNutraceutical
1 Products availableVitamin Supplements
1 Products availableAyurvedic & Herbal Powders
1 Products availableDietary Supplements & Nutraceuticals
1 Products availableOres And Minerals
1 Products availableCattle Feed
1 Products availableGastrointestinal Drug
1 Products availableOur Complete range of products are Act Organic Choline, Nurmin Broiler, Nurmin Layer, Naadzyme + and Nurmin Gold.
Choline is a vitamin like essential feed supplement for animal nutrition. It an essential structural component for synthesizing phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin, two major phospholipids to form & maintain the structural integrity of all cell membranes. Acetylcholine, a derivative of choline is an important neurotransmitter for muscle control & nervous system functions. It is a source of labile methyl groups required for many metabolic steps & is known as Lipotiopic factor due to its role in transport & metabolism of fats in the liver. However choline is inorganic/synthetic form is less bioavailable, enhances oxidative destruction of other vitamins due to its hygroscopic nature & portions of it are converted to TMA which is toxic to the animals.
ACT ORGANIC CHOLINE is an herbal, non-toxic, bioavailable choline in conjugated/esterified form (phosphatidylcholine, lecithin & equivalents). It optimizes energy metabolism, controls fatty liver syndrome and supports several other metabolic functions in the animals body. It supports the synthesis of choline in the animal body & prevents abnormal accumulation of fat (fatty liver) by promoting its transport as lecithin or by increasing the utilization of fatty acids in the liver itself.
In addition ACT ORGANIC CHOLINE has ingredients with multi functional activity that increases resistance against microbial infections, prevents oxidative damage by free radicals, reduces oxidative stress, prevents shortage of nutrients by storing vitamins, minerals & sugar and enhances utilization of dietary energy for productive body function improvements. All these effect strengthen liver and regulate body metabolism to inhibit further liver cell damage in favor of their regeneration that readily reflects in terms of increased growth performance.
NURMIN BROILER is a well balanced combination of essential minerals for poultry birds.
NURMIN BROILER act as perfect supplement for feed, suitable for all types of poultry birds and has been formulated with select, highly nutritive value ingredients based on their nutritional requirements.
NURMIN BROILER has excellent digestibility by broilers/breeders & is essential for the normal functioning of all bio chemical processes in poultry birds and to maintain health & productivity.
NURMIN LAYER is a well balanced combination of essential minerals for poultry birds.
NURMIN LAYER act as perfect supplement for feed, suitable for all types of poultry birds and has been formulated with select, highly nutritive value ingredients based on their nutritional requirements.
NURMIN LAYER has excellent digestibility by broilers/breeders & is essential for the normal functioning of all bio chemical processes in poultry birds and to maintain health & productivity.
NAADZYME+ is a unique multienzyme ingredient, specifically based on the nutritional requirements of poultry birds, with the high nutritive value of ingredients. Moreover, it is cost effective and can be used in feed scenarios.
Traditional poultry diets contain a large amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Around 85% of the common corn-soyabean meal diet is digestible. The indigestible portion is higher in young animals that have minimal endogenous enzymes production within their digestive tracts. Not only are these costly ingredients not being utilized, they are also causing detrimental effects in the gut. Undigested nutrients cause gut irritation and possibly diarrhea creating suboptimal conditions affecting nutrient absorption.
Enzymes supplemented in animal feeds improve the efficiency of raw material digestion and nutrient absorption. They help in reduction of diet costs. Enzymes also play a role in enteric health management. High-fiber diets alter the viscosity of the gut, and excess fermentation can result in mortality. Pathogenic bacteria can also thrive with an excess of dietary nitrogen and phosphorus.
NURMIN GOLD is a mixture of Essential Vitamins & Chelated Minerals which helps maintain the overall health of the animal. Fortified with Lactobacillus sporogenes, NURMIN GOLD acts as a pro-biotic, facilitates a healthy gut, improves metabolism & helps combat pathogenic bacteria.
Probiotic Benefits:
ACTMIN 7 is a product resulting from the stable chelation of essential trace elements & hydrolyzed proteins. Due to its chelation with proteins, its bio-availability is high & is readily absorbed through intestine into blood. ACTMIN 7 boosts the animal physiological & biological metabolism by providing all these minerals in suitable amounts for the animals.
Minerals play an important role in regular dietary requirements of animal feed and are essential for growth, reproduction and productivity. Trace minerals are required for the normal functioning of all biochemical processes in poultry birds, are a part of numerous enzyme and are essential to maintain health and productivity. Essential minerals are destroyed during the digestion process due to interactions with other components of feed. Use of ACTMIN 7 in the feed is the optimal way to ensure protection and absorption of minerals through the intestinal walls into the blood stream (chelated minerals are better absorbed than inorganic minerals) and reaching various organs to perform various physiological functions without interruption.
NATACID is a unique blend of short chain and medium chain organic fatty acids effective against both gram-positive & gram-negative bacteria. NATACID is composed of acidifiers that modulate the microflora by controlling the growth of harmful bacteria & improving gut health.
With the increased demand for antibiotic free diets in animal production, producers are looking for organic & safe alternatives. Organic acids have been identified as the best alternative to antibiotic growth promoters as they act like AGPs and control the enteric pathogens which compete for essential nutrients with gut microflora. Organic acids are also beneficial to improve digestive enzyme activity, microbial phytase activity, reduce the pH levels in the small intestines & increase growth of intestinal mucosa. Organic acids also inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria & fungi in stored feed, reduce feed spoilage & improve feed quality.
NATACID provides a combination of selected organic acids in right quantities that optimize gut health throughout the GI tract, improve digestion & nutrient absorption and promote growth & performance.
NATOX + is a specially designed broad spectrum toxin binder & mould inhibitor containing Hydrated Sodium Calcium Aluminosilicate (HSCAS), Organic acids, Mannon Oligosaccharide & Neem leaf powder, which binds with wide range of mycotoxins & pesticide residues present in feed.
Mycotoxins are a group of chemical produced by certain fungi when they get a conducive environment. Feed raw materials & finished feed are inevitably contaminated with a wide range of moulds & mycotoxins, resulting in reduction of quality & palatability of feed. Many of the production problems that are inexplicable are mostly related to mycotoxins and their adverse effects. Mycotoxins present various dangers including reduced immune response, reduced feed intake, nutrient absorption as well as reproduction related uses. HSCAS & MOS bind & absorb a wide range of toxins while the organic acids in NATOX + prevent mould growth & improve feed palatability. The Neem leaf powder in NATOX + is a well known herb that exhibits immuno-modulatory, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and hepatoprotective properties.
The liver is the largest & one of the most vital organ of the body. A healthy liver is key to an animals health. As the central organ of the body, the liver is involved in various process like: metabolism (carbohydrate, protein & lipid), storage (energy & liposoluble vitamins), secretion, detoxification nutrient digestion, metabolization & protection. Liver disease is still a worldwide health problem in most animals. Although viral infection is one of the main reason of hepatic injury, xenobiotics, excessive drug therapy, mycotoxins, bacterial endotoxins, drug metabolites, pressure of peak production, metabolic disorders (hepatic & fatty liver syndrome) & environmental pollutants can also cause severe liver injury. A compromised liver activity may be a limiting factor for growth & feed conversion, egg production, pigmentation in meat & egg, milk output, hatchability, disease resistance, livability & overall productivity.
ACT LIVTON POWDER is a natural liver modulator, composed of a combination of a potent herbal plant mixtures with active ingredients such as Saponins, Alkoids, Inulin, etc. Known for preventing oxidative stress, improving nutrient absorption, enhancing growth & quality of animals and herbal composition of ACT LIVTON POWDER present hepato-protective/anti-hepatotoxic, hepato-regenerating, hepato-stimulant actions and help minimize liver damage, improve digestibility & absorption of proteins, lipids & vitamins.
Nurbro is a complete poultry feed supplement which contains all essential nutrient required by the birds to perform. It contains high quality vitamins, minerals and amino acids which help to improve the bird performance. Also it contains feed enzymes which helps to utilize the nutrient hidden in the feed thereby helps to reduce the cost of production of the feed. Also the emulsifier present in the Nurbro utilizes the oil present in the feed thereby improves the energy level of the feed. The antibiotics and acidifier present in the Nurbro helps to control the bacterial load thereby prevent various disease conditions including E. coli infection, CRD and other diseases.
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : 5 kg & 25 kg Kraft Paper Bags
THE IMMUNE SYSTEM provides protection against infectious diseases that are caused by various microorganisms including viruses, bacteria, genetic, pathogenic fungi and parasites. The immune system uses a variety of mechanisms to achieve this goal, including inactivation of biological agents, lysis (rupture) of foreign cells, agglutination (clumping) or precipitation of molecules or cells and phagocytosis (engulfing & inactivating) of foreign agents. Most of the selection emphasis has been on the improvement of growth performance, and these changes have been shown to be negatively associated with immunological parameters of animal that are normally exposed to different kinds of stresses and diseases. Unchallenged birds are optimal for immune competence and disease resistance.
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : 1 ltr HDPE Bottle & 25 kg Kraft Paper Bag
ZILCOX is a preventive control to the most important realistic problem spread worldwide in animals The Coccidiosis, a protozoal infection caused by parasite genus Eimeria (coccidia) which cause damage to the birds intestinal lining, resulting in leakage of proteins, including plasma into the bowel. This causes a disruption of digestive processes or nutrient absorption. It normally manifests itself as diarrhea, bloody droppings, ruffled feathers, poor appetite and lethargy results in an inability to absorb nutrients in food that may leads to weight loss and eventually death. ZILCOX is a blend of plant extracts and natural compounds that help supports the birds own immune system to fight Coccidiosis.
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : 1 ltr HDPE Bottle & 25 kg Bag
Highly Concentrated formula :
Can Animal Feed Supplementfor Veterinary Use Only Not for Medicinal/human Use
NURGOUT NIL is a poultry feed supplement widely used as an aid to prevent Gout.
NURGOUT NIL helps flush the kidney of all toxins, allowing the passage of uric acid, preventing recurrence of urate deposition in joints & soft tissues and maintain the vital functions of the urinary tract.
NUTRIVIT-H is a well-balanced combination of Essential Vitamins, Minerals and Amino acids for Ruminants, Cattles, Poultries, Broilers and Layers.
Probiotic Benefits:
CLEAN UTRO is a Nutritional Liquid Feed Supplement fortified with Fertility Minerals & is an instant Energy Source. As a combination of standardized herbs & fertility minerals, CLEAN UTRO helps prevent uterine infection, improve fertility, conception rates, milk production & overall health of the animal. It is an uterine restorative & cleanser that helps increase immunity, assists in timely uterine involution and helps treat the diseases related to postpartum infection.
MILKOMORE GOLD is a fortified liquid supplement of chelated minerals, vitamins & milk enhancing herbs. It is a high milk yield formula that helps proven various metabolic disorders arising due to deficiency of calcium & phosphorus such as osteoporosis, rickets, pica etc. Calcium is essential for physiological purposes, neuromuscular functions, blood clotting & hormonal secretion. Phosphorus is also a major macro nutrient whose deficiency leads to reduced feed intake, lower body weight gain, low conception rate & fertility and decreased milk production etc. Vitamins & Herbal Extracts are essential for the metabolism of calcium & phosphorus, improved growth, appetite, milk quality, increased milk yield & fats and general well-being among other benefits.
MILKOMORE GOLD supplies the minerals, vitamins & herbs in the appropriate quantities & helps in better growth and development.
Additional Information:
Packaging Details : 1 ltr HDPE Bottle & 20 ltr Jerry Can
ACT TONIC is a nutritional, immunity boosting potion, packed with multi-vitamins and amino acids.
ACT TONIC provides nourishment, increases energy production and promotes growth.
Vitamins are a group of complex organic compounds present in minute amounts in natural food material and required in trace amounts in the diet for health, growth & reproduction. Omission of a single vitamin from the diet of an animal will produce signs of deficiency.
Nutritionally Essential Amino Acid (EAA) are so termed because the carbon skeleton of the AA cannot be synthesized in the biological system, and thus must be supplied through the diet of farm animals. If a diet is not sufficient in any essential amino acid, the protein synthesis cannot proceed beyond the rate at which that amino acid is available. Dietary EAA are required by animals primarily for maintenance & protein accretion and their deficiency impairs whole-body homeostasis.
Non-Essential Amino Acids (NEAA) play important roles in regulating gene expression, cell signaling, anti-oxidative responses, fertility, neuro-transmission and immunity. Additionally few NEAAs are major metabolic fuels for the small intestine to maintain its metabolic function & protect the integrity of the intestinal mucosa.
ACT TONIC is the complete nutritional package providing essential Vitamins, Amino Acids & other nutrients to help maintain a healthy animal.
ACT FAT 99 (Feed supplement and additive) Act Fat 99 is made from freshly produced palm oil fractions for use as an energy source for use as an energy source for both ruminants and monogastric animals. The product contains high content of C16:0 Palmitic fatty acid which is known to increase milk fat content when fed to high yielding dairy ruminants.
Parameter | Standard |
Crude Fat | 99% minimum |
Moisture | 0.5 max |
Free Fatty acid | 1 % Max |
Iodine Value | 21 max |
Melting Point | Of White |
Appearance | Round beans of about 600microns |
Fac C16:0 Palmitic C18:0 Stearic C18:1 Oleic C18:2 Linoleic |
Typical Values 75% 5% 15% 4% |