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Computer Monitor



  • Feature Developed using state of art ARM7 based SBC working on embedded Linux platform and FPGA technologies, Uses Long Sensitive G.M Detectors for Hand, Foot & Clothing detector assemblies. Etc
Beta-Gamma Hand, Foot & Clothing Monitor BM731 manufactured by NUCLEONIX SYSTEMS primarily serve as a personnel monitoring system for checking the contamination of hands, foot & clothing of radiation worker technicians working in Nuclear Power Plants, reactors, Radiochemical plants and other similar installations. This instrument has been developed using state of art ARM7 based SBC working on embedded Linux platform. GUI & multi-lingual user interface & corresponding voice messages are facilitated by a colour TFT monitor & a stereo sound device. Guidance to the user during monitoring is in the form of colour graphic monitor for left right hand foot & status indications during monitoring & at the end of monitoring are a unique feature for Nucleonix systems make. Advanced fault diagnostic features facilitate the user to diagnose the problem easily. Also provision for faulty channel bypassing feature has been provided. RS485 & Ethernet communication interfaces using MODBUS protocols facilitate remote monitoring, configuration & fault diagnostics. Each Hand & Foot detector assembly shown in figure is modular in construction with two detectors plugged onto a single detector socket box, facilitating easy maintenance incase of problems.
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  • Feature Micro-controller based design. Efficiency > 25% for Am-241. Uses ZnS scintillator coupled to PMT of suitable dia. Provided with a rugged protective grill. 16x4 LCD display for showing counts & configuration screens.Etc
  • Specifications Detector Zns (Ag) Scintillator of dimensions 140x220mm covered with Aluminized mylar film and coupl
  • Efficiency >25%
  • Palm / Clothing Mode By an IR sensors selection
Palm Monitor Type PCM 738 manufactured by NUCLEONIX SYSTEMS primarily serves as a personnel monitoring system for checking the alphabetagamma contamination of Palm of radiation workers technicians working in Nuclear Power Plants, reactors, Radiochemical plants and other similar installations. This is wall mounted design.Start of counting is initiated by an IR source detector arrangement.Guidance to the user during monitoring is in the form of textual messages during monitoring & at the end of monitoring.
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  • Feature Microcontroller based design, Uses He3 Proportional detector, 9” dia polyethylene moderator covers the detector, Measures neutron flux in CPS & CPM & neutron dose rate in mSv/hr.
  • SPECIFICATIONS Radiation detected Neutron Flux.
  • High Voltage 6. Alarm range :
Neutron area monitor Type NM729 manufactured by Nucleonix systems designed using advanced technologies is primarily meant for detecting neutron flux leakages and measure dose rate in reprocessing plants, atomic power plants accelerator buildings and medical cyclotron facilities. It serves as a neutron zone monitor to indicate fluxcountrate or dose rate and gives alarms visualaural once the preset levels fixed by the user exceeds. Also relays will be activated. This unit indicates the dose rate digitally on a 4 x 7 segment LED display. Each of the annunciator windows for NORMAL and ACTIVE conditions has LED array. Once alarm triggers ACTIVE window starts blinking. Unit can be programmedconfigured using front panel keypad which can be deactivated after completion programming.Configuring the unit namely setting preset level, setting reset mode -AUTOMANUAL etc are achieved by this keypad. Unit also performs self-diagnostics for HV failure, pulse processing electronics failure & detectors failure on power up. Alarm acknowledge and reset pins are provided on the circular IO connector for remote acknowledge & reset. RS485 port is also available optionally.
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  • Feature Performance specifications confirm to ANSI N42.17A, EMI/EMC compliance as per IEC 61000, Structural design seismic qualified confirming to IEEE-344 STD, Radiation tolerant upto 104 R. Etc.
High Area Gamma Monitor type HG726, manufactured by NUCLEONIX SYSTEMS employs state-of-art microcontroller based design and is primarily meant to serve as a Gamma Zone Monitor to indicate dose rates and give alarm, visual and aural, once the dose rates exceed the preset level fixed by the user. Also relays will be activated on alarm. This unit will be useful for monitoring Gamma dose rate levels in working areas of radioisotope laboratories, radiology departments, medical & industrial radiological installations apart from its usefulness in Atomic Power Stations and other active labs. This unit indicates the dose rate digitally on a 4 x 7 segment LED display. Each of the annunciator windows for NORMAL and ACTIVE conditions has LED array. Once alarm triggers ACTIVE window starts blinking. Unit can be programmed configured using front panel keypad which can be deactivated after completion of programming. Configuring the unit namely setting preset level, setting reset mode - AUTOMANUAL etc are achieved by this keypad. Unit also performs self-diagnostics for HV failure, pulse processing electronics failure & detectors failure on power up. Alarm acknowledge and reset pins are provided on the circular IO connector for remote acknowledge & reset. RS485 port is also available optionally.
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  • Feature Performance specifications confirm to ANSI N42.17A EMI/EMC compliance as per IEC 61000. Structural design seismic qualified confirming to IEEE-344 STD. Instrument enclosure and detector assembly are IP-54 compliant. Radiation tolerant upto 104 R. Etc
Area Gamma Monitor type GA 720S, manufactured by NUCLEONIX SYSTEMS employs based design and is primarily meant to serve as a Gamma Zone Monitor to indicate dose rates and give alarm, visual and aural, once the dose rates exceed the preset level fixed by the user. Also relays will be activated on alarm. This unit will be useful for monitoring Gamma dose rate levels in working areas of various Radiological Nuclear facilities which may include reactor building, Atomic power stations, Radiochemical Reprocessing plants, waste immobilization plants & other similar facilities. This unit indicates the dose rate digitally on a 6 x 7 segment LED display. Each of the annunciator windows for NORMAL and ACTIVE conditions has LED array. Once alarm triggers ACTIVE window starts blinking. Unit can be programmed configured using front panel keypad which can be deactivated after completion of programming. Configuring the unit namely setting preset level, setting reset mode - AUTOMANUAL etc are achieved by this keypad. Unit also performs self-diagnostics for HV failure, pulse processing electronics failure and detectors failure on power up. Alarm acknowledge and reset pins are provided on the circular IO connector for remote acknowledge & reset.
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Small Article Contamination Monitor, Type: SAM802 manufactured by Nucleonix Systems Pvt Ltd. SAM802 is a high sensitivity Contamination Monitor designed for checking of tools & articles of personnel working in Nuclear Installations. This product is designed for detection of BetaGamma contamination in the articles placed in the sample tray placed inside detection cavities. The detection assemblies are based on PANCAKE GM detectors. Additionally lead shielding is provided of adequate thickness for reducing the background and getting desired MDA. Countscount rate, elapsed time are indicated on 16 X 2 LCD Display. Other textual messages also are indicated in the display. LED indication will be provided for clean, contaminated and high background conditions. Equipment is designed for 240V AC, 50Hz operation.
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  • Feature Measures contamination in CPS, CPM and Preset timer modes, 16x2 LCD dot matrix display, Large Scintillator to cover surface area of approx. 125 Sq.Cm. Etc.
Wide Area Alpha Scintillation monitor type AM736W manufactured and supplied by NUCLEONIX SYSTEMS is provided with drawer assembly to facilitate sample counting, both in Planchets & on filter paper. This unit serves both as a contamination monitor cum counter. It uses a ZnS(Ag) scintillator screen as the Alpha scintillator which is covered with a thin aluminized mylar window to prevent light leakages. Efficiency better than 25% at centre is guaranteed. It is primarily used for routine checking of Alpha contamination on floor, work benches, walls and beams etc. in active labs. Also facilitates counting of wipe samples, air activity samples etc. It is amicro-controller based unit designed to indicate contamination in CPS or CPM or counts for a 'preset time' to indicate on LCD display. It has large sensitive area of about 125 Sq.Cm. It operates on 6V, dry cells. Well designed 'handle'for holding the unit hasbeen provided.
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  • Feature Microcontroller based design has been employed. Measures gamma radiation in cps, cpm & Bq. Auto ranging & auto TC selection in the range of 16 sec to 0.5 sec depending upon dose rate. Large size 4x7 segment LED indication for dose rate is provided. Etc
Online Gamma Ray Monitor type OG724, manufactured by NUCLEONIX SYSTEMS employs state-of-art microcontroller based design and is primarily meant to serve as a Gamma Zone Monitor to indicate dose rates and give alarm, visual and aural, once the dose rates exceed the preset level fixed by the user. Also relays will be activated on alarm. This unit will be useful for monitoring Gamma countrate activity levels in certain process systems like Process cooling Water system, Steam Header landmaster system efficient discharge lines, etc., It comprises of a wall mountable electronic unit with displays and controls and an extendable detector assembly. This unit indicates the dose rate digitally on a 4 x 7 segment LED display. Each of the annunciator windows for NORMAL and ACTIVE conditions has LED array. Once alarm triggers ACTIVE window starts blinking. Unit can be programmed configured using front panel keypad which can be deactivated after completion of programming. Configuring the unit namely setting preset level, setting reset mode - AUTOMANUAL etc are achieved by this keypad. Unit also performs self-diagnostics for HV failure, pulse processing electronics failure & detectors failure on power up. Alarm acknowledge and reset pins are provided on the circular IO connector for remote acknowledge & reset.
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Gate monitor Type: GA727, manufactured & supplied by NUCLEONIX SYSTEMS is designed primarily to monitor low levels of gamma radiation. It uses state-of-art electronic devices (latest) including microcontroller with associated peripheral devices and other discrete ICs & components. Use of these devices makes it compact & highly reliable. Powerful embedded code adds-up and enhances its performance and gives extra advantage from the angle of fault diagnostics, programmable features & measurement of dose rate & data communication under networked environment. This unit is primarily designed to indicate dose rates in the measuring unit selected & produces audio visual alarms, if the dose rate exceeds preset value. By default the unit is set to be in mRhr & the range is (0-10000 Rhr). This Gate Monitor GA727 unit will be useful for monitoring Low Gamma dose rate levels in working areas of Radio Isotope Laboratories, Radiology departments, Medical & Industrial Radiological installations apart from its usefulness in Atomic Power Stations, radiochemical plants, waste immobilization plants etc.,
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Contamination Monitor Type : CM 712 manufactured & supplied by Nucleonix systems essentially serves as a frisker and is primarily designed to measure Alpha, Beta & Gamma contamination, on work benches, clothing, hands etc., in Radiochemical plants, Nuclear Power plants and other similar installations. It is designed to be table top model or it can be mounted on a mobile stand with castors. It operates on AC mains 230V, 50 Hz. This unit has a wide choice of contamination probes for Alpha & Beta-gamma contamination measurement.
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Radiation Monitor

RADMON (micro) Type : RM703E is a G.M. Detector based, battery powered, hand-held, general purpose radiation Survey Meter. This will be useful for dose rate measurements in Nuclear installations, Radiochemical plants, Reprocessing plants, etc. Additionally it will be useful in medical, agricultural, industrial and other installations where radioactive isotopes are used for a variety of applications. This product is designed around a Microcontroller Chip. It is provided with alpha Numeric LCD display for indicating the doserate in digits, dose rate as a bar graph, cumulative dose in digits. It covers wide range from 0 to 20 R/hr above the 20 R/hr it will indicate the OVR in the display. This unit has a facility for storing the data into built-in EEPROM along with real time. The stored data can be recalled on to the display or transmitted to PC.
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Area Gamma monitor (Micro) Type: GA 720H, manufactured & supplied by NUCLEONIX SYSTEMS is designed using state-of-art electronic devices (latest) including microcontroller with embedded code. Use of these devices makes it compact & highly reliable. Powerful embedded code adds-up and enhances its performances and gives extra advantage from the angle of fault diagnostics. This unit is primarily designed to indicate dose rates in the range of (0-100mRhr). This unit will be useful for monitoring Gamma dose rate levels in working areas of Radio Isotope Laboratories, Radiology departments, Medical & Industrial Radiological installations apart from its usefulness in Atomic Power Stations and other active labs. This unit goes into acquisition mode directly after power on after the initial introduction & self check. It indicates dose rate digitally on 6 x 7 segment LED display as well a 16x2 LCD display. There are two visual annunicator lamp windows GREEN & RED for NORMAL & ACTIVE conditions. The ACTIVE window flashes once the dose rate alarm occurs and in normal condition the NORMAL lamp glows. The user interface is through a front panel keypad comprising of EHT, PROG, INC, DEC, ACK & RESET keys. PROG key shows up different menu options on successive operation. INC, DEC are used to scroll select various PROG options. ACK and RESET are used for acknowledging and resetting the unit during Active mode. The unit has user selectable options like Alarm preset level, Baud rate (for serial communication), Reset mode (auto or manual) and other system settings. Pressing EHT key displays the current EHT value in the detector probe. For external detector arrangement the detector can be connected 10 meters away from the monitor through a cable arrangement.
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60,000 - 70,000 /unit Get Latest Price
  • Brand Name NUCLEONIX
  • Color Black
  • Feature Conforms To ANSI N42.17A Performance Specifications For Health Physics Instrumentation (portable) & Compliant.Microcontroller Based Design. Compact, Elegant And Light Weight. External Probe With Cover For Beta / Gamma Selection. Etc
  • Detector Type : Pancake GM detector Dimension : 50mm dia Sensitivity (Approx) : 60 cps/mR/h

Digital Contamination Monitor (Micro) Type CM 710P designed, manufactured and supplied by Nucleonix Systems is a state-of-art, microcontroller based unit which essentially serves as a low level alarming survey meter cum Beta contamination monitor. Unit can measure Alpha, Beta, Gamma & X-rays. Alpha & beta is measured in CPS or CPM & gamma & X-Rays are measured in dose mode. Unit is calibrated using a standard CS - 137 calibration device. It measures contamination in CPS or CPM mode and low level gamma dose rate in mRhr Svh It has lot of unique features which include user interface, through a set of four command buttons & the visual indication to the user is on 16x2 LCD dotmatrix display module. This unit has preset alarm facility which can be set throughout the range of the instrument. Unit can store upto 1000 readings and stored data can be downloaded into PC using data communication software, through built-in RS232 serial port.

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Air-sampler detector assembly consists of a filter holder 60mm dia, a suction chamber with air inlet and outlet & detector housing fabricated with stainless steel .Alpha-Beta detector consists of ZnS(Ag) scintillator deposited on Plastic scintillator of 50mm diameter, coupled to matched PMT with Pre-amplifier. Detector efficiency achieved for Alpha is about 25% with Am241 and for Beta it is about 25% with Sr90 Yt90 and Collection efficiency obtained is better than 97% is achieved with this design. Suction chambers design facilitates the user to easily replace the filter paper periodically as per the requirement. Electronic module: This will indicate, the air sample activity deposited on the filter paper in terms of CPM CPS Bq .Other built-in electronic sub-systems include HV module, SMPS, controller card, EMIEMC filters, current loop circuit, relay & relay driver circuit, etc .Front panel has TFT display with touch screen, alarms indication on TFT display, audio buzzer, etc. Enclosure has connectors for connecting to Scintillation probe, 17 pin IO connector, test sockets, Ethernet connector, A.C. mains switch, fuse holder etc. This module will provide alarm annunciation both visual and aural when the activity exceeds preset level. This system provides current loop output; relay output on 17 pin IO connector. Ethernet port facilitates connection to NXG_RadGrid SCADA for data communication for visualization of CAM parameters.
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Foot Contamination Monitor FCM 738 manufactured by NUCLEONIX SYSTEMS primarily serves as a personnel monitoring system for checking the alpha contamination of foot of radiation workers technicians working in Nuclear Power Plants, reactors, Radiochemical plants and other similar installations. This is floor mounted design. Start of counting is initiated by an IR source detector arrangement. Guidance to the user during monitoring is in the form of textual messages during monitoring & at the end of monitoring.
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Continuous Air Monitor

Continuous Air Monitor, Type: AM732A manufactured by Nucleonix Systems, designed using state-of-art electronics is primarily used for monitoring Alpha activity present in the form of suspended particulate in air. It is very much essential to monitor the quality of air in & around Radiochemical plants, reprocessing plants and other similar facilities. It essentially has an air suction system comprising of a suction pump, rotometers to measure air flow rate, Alpha suction chamber. This system has Alpha air-sampler detector assembly consists of a filter holder 60mm dia, a suction chamber with air inlet and outlet & detector housing fabricated with stainless steel. Alpha Detector consists of ZnS (Ag) deposited on loose mylar support of 50mm dia coupled to matched PMT with Pre-amplifier. Detector Efficiency achieved is of the order of 25% for Plutonium alpha particles over the entire window area. Collection efficiency better than 97% is achieved with this design. Suction chamber design facilitates the user to easily replace the filter paper(s) periodically as per the requirement.
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