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Measuring Instruments & Equipment

Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of MICRO-R-SURVEY METER, RADMON Survey Meter and RAD CHECK METERS.


Micro-R Survey Meter Type : UR 705 manufactured by NUCLEONIX SYSTEMS is primarily designed to measure low level Gamma and X-radiation. This Portable Survey Meter, designed around integrally coupled 1" x 1" NaI(Tl) Scintillator to a 1 12" PMT, will offer an optimum performance in counting Low-Level Gamma Radiation dose rate. This unit can measure and display dose rates in the range of 0-10000 Rhr on a dot matrix LCD Display. Dose rates close to natural background levels can be measured accurately. This unit is ideally suitable for Radiometric and Environmental Radiation Monitoring involving low-level radiation dose rates. This unit employs micro-controller based design and has number of unique features. User can store up to 1000 readings at the press of a button and can recall back, for visual indication on a dot matrix LCD display. This unit is provided with a built-in micro USB port (optionally) through which the stored data can be down loaded into PC.
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RADMON Survey Meter

  • Feature Conforms to ANSI N42.17A performance specifications for Health Physics instrumentation (portable) & compliant, It is designed around Microcontroller Chip, Uses energy compensated GM Counter. Etc
RADMON (micro) Type : RM703 is a G.M. Detector based, battery powered, hand-held, general purpose radiation Survey Meter. This will be useful for dose rate measurements in Nuclear installations, Radiochemical plants, Reprocessing plants, etc. Additionally it will be useful in medical, agricultural, industrial and other installations where radioactive isotopes are used for a variety of applications. This product is designed around a Microcontroller Chip. It is provided with alpha Numeric LCD display for indicating the doserate in digits, dose rate as a bar graph, cumulative dose in digits. It covers wide range from 0 to 20Rhr in two range with auto ranging. This unit has a facility for storing the data into built-in EEPROM along with real time. The stored data can be recalled on to the display or transmitted to PC.
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  • Feature Ideal choice for checking Radioactive Contamination (RaC) in metal Industries including Steel, Brass, Aluminium, Foundry and engineering industrial products, Etc.
Rad Check Meter manufactured by NUCLEONIX SYSTEMS is primarily designed to measure Radioactive Contamination (RaC) in metals such as steel, brass, Aluminium, castings, other alloys and machined parts. It is an ideal choice for all export houses who are into the above line of products. This Portable Meter uses a sensitive scintillator with PMT as the detector. This meter gives optimum performance and measures very efficiently Low-Level Gamma Radiative Contamination (RaC) in a variety of situations.RC705 I & E measures contamination in doserate in Siverts hr (nanomicro), Roentzen hr (micro), CPS, CPM. It has built in user presettable alarm facility to declare the product as contaminated. Unit gives audio visual alarms once it exceeds preset level. It is advised to preset the alarm at least 1.5 times or more than background radiation level, at that place. Unit can detect less than 0.05Svhr in a field of 0.2 Svhr during a period of 1 sec (when tested with Cs-137 and Co-60).
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