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Electronic Components

Our Complete range of products are CHARGE SENSITIVE PRE-AMPLIFIER, PRE-AMPLIFIER, Linear Amplifier, SPECTROSCOPY AMPLIFIER and Linear Amplifiers.


Charge sensitive Pre-amplifier PA320 is designed for use with gas filled proportional detectors, X-ray proportional detectors, BF-3 & He3 neutron detectors etc. Users will have the choice to change the load resistors & charge sensitive feedback capacitor according to the gain & sensitivity requirement for a specific application. Charge sensitive pre amplifier consists of an operational amplifier with capacitive feedback & uses an N-FET in the input stage. Output driver transistor is capable of driving a 100 ohms impedance coaxial cable. Detector output is also brought out from the second stage, for using it for data acquisition purpose. This unit is provided with built in comparator with threshold adjustment to give TTL output for counting applications
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  • Feature Compact Solid state circuit design, , Suitable for wide range of NaI integral assemblies, Choice of both focus and gain adjustments by presets Etc.
  • Specifications Socket:Standard 14 contact pin
  • Voltage Divider 10 stage, directly compatible with all 2, 3 and 5 inch diameter PM tubes used in standard Bicron Etc
Pre-amplifier PA311 manufactured by NUCLEONIX essentially has a standard 14 contact socket, 10-stage voltage divider, pre-amplifier electronics. The Preamplifier is designed to suit a wide range of Standard detectors (Scintillation), integral assemblies. NUCLEONIX offers integral assemblies with the above Preamplifier. This Preamplifier is directly compatible with all 2, 3 and 5 inch diameter PM tubes used in standard detectors.
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Linear Amplifier

  • Feature Solid state design Input : Accepts both positive or negative input Typical gain : 600 +/-10% Adj. pulse shaping from 0.1 to 5 micro seconds Output : 0 to 8 volts positive Etc.
  • Input Polarity Positive or Negative
  • Input Impedance 93 ohms
Linear Amplifer LA 520 is a solid state pulse amplifier designed to shape and faithfully amplifies detector pre-amplifier output pulses to operable levels. Many of the Nuclear Detectors give small amplitude pulse outputs. These output pulses cannot be directly counted or analysed by scalers, countrate meters and single channel analyser, without being first amplifed. Featuring excellent non-overload characteristics, a high gain, low equivalent input noise and flexibility of pulse shaping, LA 520 is ideally suited for use with Nuclear Counting Systems such as Gammaray Spectrometers and other similar units. This unit features compact modular construction and its power requirements are met by Instrumentation bin and power supplies including minibin and power supply MB403 of Nucleonix make or its equivalent.
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  • Gain Range Continuously variable from X4 to X1500.
Spectroscopy Amplifier Type : SA524 is a high performance nuclear pulse shaping amplifier, ideally suited for use with all types of detectors such as germanium, silicon surface barrier and Si(Li) detectors. This is a single width NIM module with pile-up rejector (PUR), gated baseline restorer (BLR), auto threshold, diode limited unipolar output, BUSY and count-rate output as some of the key features designed into it. Some of the main applications of spectroscopy amplifier involve nuclear pulse height spectroscopy, nuclear timing spectroscopy, Counting Systems etc.
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