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Common names - Gum Karaya, Gond Katira, Gum Tragacanth, Xue Yan, Sterculia. BGK Enterprise has a wide exposure and in depth understanding of the hydrocolliods industry. Our presence in Africa, Asia and Americas at grass root level gives us edge over others to cater to the needs of the ever-changing more...
The goodwill that we have gained in the market is owing to the offered Pasting Gum Powder that is available in air tight packaging. Clients spanning around the globe acknowledge it for its outstanding properties like precise pH value, accurate composition, purity and high effectiveness. Additionally, owing to more...
Guar Gum is relatively cost effective as compared to other thickeners and stabilizers along with it being an effective binder, plasticizer and emulsifier. One of the important properties of guar gum, a polysaccharide, is that it is high on galactose and mannose. Guar gum is also known as guarkernmehl, guaran, more...
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