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Our offered Product range includes Mahogany Wood, Kongu Wood, Rubber Wood, African Teak Wood and Merbau Wood.

Mahogany Wood

  • Material Decorative
  • Color Red
  • Type Mahagony

Mahogany is a kind of woodthe straight-grained, reddish-brown timber of three tropical hardwood species of the genus Swietenia, indigenous to the Americas, part of the pantropical chinaberry family, Meliaceae.


Swietenia species are classified officially as "genuine mahogany", other Meliaceae species with timber uses are classified as "true mahogany." (Only the Swietenia species can be called "genuine mahogany.")

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Kongu Wood

  • Color Yellow
  • Material Wood
  • Type Wood

There is another type of wood called Sal (Kongu) which is also commonly used. However the timber yard where i bought wood said its not available now-a-days. People also use country wood for making doors, however finding lengthy wood will be a bit difficult.


Teak is the most elegant and durable wood. It is the most suitable wood for making good carvings and design in it. It has good texture and it has better water resistance compared to other woods. From what i have heard there are many grades/types of teak (Burma teak, African teak etc).

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Rubber Wood

  • Material Wood
  • Color Dark Brown
  • Type Wood

Rubberwood is a hardwood belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family Rubberwood has very little tendency to warp or crack Rubberwood-Eco Friendly!


The rubber industry was established in South and Southeast Asia at the end of the 19th century after the rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis, was introduced from its native South America. Rubber plantations around the world presently cover some 9 million ha, with almost 95 percent in Asia and more than 75 percent in the three largest producer countries Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia.

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African Teak Wood

  • Material Wood
  • Color Brown
  • Type Wood

Teak is found in tropical areas of the world. Thailand, Burma and India are just three countries. Teak is a natural wood, ideal for outside furniture. It contains natural oils that protect it against wet and cold weather.


Backed with expertise and knowledge in wood industry, we are counted amongst the foremost traders, suppliers and exporters of African Teak Wood Timber. These are available at economical prices in the market. It is known for longer life, smooth finish and heat resistance properties.

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Merbau Wood

  • Material Wood
  • Color dark brown
  • Type Wood

merbau has an orangish-brown color when freshly cut, which ages to a darker reddish-brown. Color between boards can be highly variable.


There are also small yellow mineral deposits found throughout the wood, making it easier to separate from other lookalikes. (these yellow deposits are water-soluble and can cause staining.) this wood has excellent strength characteristics, along with excellent stability, making it ideally suited for use as wood flooring and other applications where strength is important.

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Padauk Wood

  • Material Padaukwood
  • Color Heartwood
  • Type Timber

Heartwood color can vary, ranging from a pale pinkish orange to a deep brownish red. Most pieces tend to start reddish orange when freshly cut, darkening substantially over time to a reddish/purplish brown (some lighter pieces age to a grayish brown). See the article Preventing Color Changes in Exotic Woods for more information. Grain/Texture: Grain is usually straight, but can sometimes be interlocked. With a coarse, open texture and good natural luster. Endgrain: Diffuse-porous; large pores in no specific arrangement; solitary and radial multiples of 2-3; mineral deposits occasionally present; growth rings indistinct; rays not visible without lens; apotracheal parenchyma diffuse-in-aggregates, banded; paratracheal parenchyma aliform (winged), confluent, and banded. Rot Resistance: Has excellent decay resistance, and is rated as durable to very durable. Padauk is also reported to be resistant to termites and other insects. Workability: Overall Padauk is easy to work; tearout may also occur during planing on quartersawn or interlocked grain. Padauk turns, glues, and finishes well. Odor: Padauk has a faint, pleasing scent while being worked. Allergies/Toxicity: Although severe reactions are quite uncommon, Padauk has been reported as a sensitizer. Usually most common reactions simply include eye, skin, and respiratory irritation. See the articles Wood Allergies and Toxicity and Wood Dust Safety for more information. Pricing/Availability: Widely imported as lumber in a variety of lengths and thicknesses, as well as turning and craft blanks. Should be moderately priced for an import. Sustainability: This wood species is not listed in the CITES Appendices or on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Common Uses: Veneer, flooring, turned objects, musical instruments, furniture, tool handles, and other small specialty wood objects.


Padauk has a very unique reddish orange coloration, and the wood is sometimes referred to by the name Vermillion. Unfortunately, this dramatic color is inevitably darkened to a deep reddish brown color. (See the article Preventing Color Changes in Exotic Woods for more information.) UV-inhibiting finishes may prolong, but not prevent the gradual color-shift of this brightly colored wood. Padauk is moderately heavy, strong, and stiff, with exceptional stability. Its a popular hardwood among hobbyist woodworkers because of its unique color and low cost. Padauk is perhaps the most frequently misspelled (and mispronounced) wood species, with Padouk, Paduk, and Paduak being common misspellings. The most common pronunciation is pah-DUKE, it is sometimes mispronounced as Paducaha city in Kentucky.

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Vengai Heavy Wood

  • Color Brown
  • Material :Decorative
  • Type Vengai

Vengai is very strong and heavy wood which is commonly used in south Tamil Nadu. It was real heavy when compared to woods of same size. The main problem with this wood is that it leaks red coloured oil after some time


People also use country wood for making doors, however finding lengthy wood will be a bit difficult. Vengai for door frames and windows (considering the cost reduction when compared to Padauk).

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