Our Products
We offer the best product range of Decorative Roof Tiles, Concrete Roof Tiles, Ceiling Tiles and Clay Flower Ceiling Tile.
Our firm is a very famous name of the market for manufacturing and supplying of a wide range of Decorative Roof Tiles in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. These are largely used in various sectors. Highly admired for their quality, designs and longer life. Available at leading market rates.
Decorative tilework should be distinguished from mosaic, where forms are made of great numbers of tiny irregularly positioned tesserae in a single color, usually of glass or sometimes ceramic.
Create a stunning concrete roof. From the double pantile design of the Mendip interlocking tile to the authentic cross camber design of the concrete plain tile,
our concrete roof tile range has proven performance properties matched by aesthetic characteristics, which approach the look, feel and even weathering appearance of 'natural' products more closely.
ceiling tiles were still used in some construction projects. Its important to know if your home or office space has asbestos ceiling products particularly if youre planning to remodel. Left alone, asbestos products may not be harmful.
Ceiling tiles, tile adhesives, dry wall, duct wrap, and ceiling texture sprays from the 1940s through the 1990s. One of the most common uses of asbestos ceiling tiles was in drop ceilings.
A Clay Flower Tile is a manufactured piece of hard-wearing material such as ceramic, stone, metal, or even glass, generally used for covering roofs, floors, walls, showers, or other objects such as tabletops. Alternatively, tile can sometimes refer to similar units made from lightweight materials such as perlite, wood, and mineral wool, typically used for wall and ceiling applications.
Clay flower tilework should be distinguished from mosaic, where forms are made of great numbers of tiny irregularly positioned tesserae in a single color, usually of glass or sometimes ceramic.