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Late Dr. JA Nelson Rajaratnam, who has dedicated himself all to Tea Industrial research & developments, formed the Jaat R&D. His dedication motivated him to start the New Jaat Research & Development center in 1991 at the northern west of Tamil nadu, South India. His motto was to save energy through adapting nature relativity concepts; moreover, his success ratio was 100% in the tea sector.
The most popular concept invented by him to tea industries was Aerodynamic tea drying and Auto-logical concept to reduce skilled staff and frequent handling of the food product. In addition, by his motivation, his son Mr. Smith Ananth has designed his hot air Generator that is proven as the most efficient in the world today. The efficiency was two times higher than the existing hot air generators.
After the existense of his loving father in 1998, Mr. NR Smith Ananth took charge of the institute. In the year 1998, New Jaat started its industrial infrastructure NJTT LEGION to manufacture its own designed innovative machines for tea industries. Slowly it spread it technologies to develop the locally required special purpose machinery for the newly raising industrial sector.
Mr. Smith is the CEO of the NJTT LEGION, also serving as the Chief Inventor for the R&D division. He is ready to face any engineering challenges with his recruited efficient team ahead. The NJTT is always ready to serve the needy customers to their Expectation.
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