Safe Working Temperature : (-) 40º C to (+) 180º C
We manufacture the best quality Polyester Webbing Slings to suit all kinds of lifting applications. All slings are proof load tested and certified prior to dispatch at our test bench. more...
Polyester Webbing Slings is one of thepioneers to introduce Polyester Slings with brand “SENMO” Polyesterlifting slings are light in weight and have good breaking strength. Theother advantages of products are they have a high resistance against alkalis, acids and salt water imore...
Round Slings is one of thepioneers to introduce Polyester Slings with brand “SENMO” Polyesterlifting slings are light in weight and have good breaking strength. Theother advantages of products are they have a high resistance against alkalis, acids and salt water in general.Almore...
We manufacture the best quality Polyester Webbing Slings to suit all kinds of lifting applications. Features : Made from 100% Polyester Yarn Safe Working Temperature (-) 40º C to (+) 180º C Elasticity : 2.5 to 3% Conforms to BS EN 1492-1:2000 Design samore...
Triumph Infra Equipment are reliable wire rope sling supplier and manufacturer. Wire Rope is defined as a Construction of several strands, wound helically in one or more layers. Strand is an element of Rope Cosseting of assembly of several wires of appropriate shapes & dimensmore...