features: type of control pid control unit digital indicating controller, temperature sensor type rtd, pt100 heating control proportional power controller, (ssr), input 4-20 ma, capacity 20 a. heater type electrical 2 coil, capacity 3 kw. rotameter 6-200 lph., process tank capacimore...
Type of control PID Control unit Digital indicating controller , Temperature sensor Type RTD, PT100 Heating control Proportional power controller (SSR), Input 4-20 mA, Capacity 20 A Heater Type 3 bulb , Capacity 300 W Process Chamber: Fitted with bulb & Cooling Fan. 230 +/- 10more...
type of control pid control unit digital indicating controller, input type 4-20ma i to p converter input 4-20ma, output 3-15 psig control valve type pneumatic, size 1/2", input 3–15 psig, air to close, linear type rotameter 10-200 lph, pump submersible with sump tank flow measumore...
BLUEFIC INDUSTRIAL AND SCIENTIFIC TECHNOLOGIES is proud to present innovative and unique solution for agriculture industry in the form of Seed Bag Trier. Made from best quality materials this Seed Bag Trier is known for its durability and strength. These easy to use and light weimore...
Padsons Seed Sampler An automatic seed sampler consists of a sampling device , an outlet for the seed sample , a container for collecting the composite sample Padsons Seed Sampler machine is basically lab model. Machine have got a sample capacity of 800 grams approximatmore...