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Water Co2 9 Ltr (S/P) more...
We are Manufacturer of Fire Extinguishers. A fire extinguisher is an active fire protection device used to extinguish or control small fires, often in emergency situations. Class B Fire: Petroleum, Oil, Paint, Varnish, Solvent, Aviation Fuel, Flammable and Volatile Liquids etc. Class C Fire: Flammable more...
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Co2 Type Fire Extingusher 4.5 kg -Safetech more...
CO2s are designed for Class B and C . (flammable liquid and electrical) fires only . Carbon dioxide extinguishes work by displacing oxygen, or taking away the oxygen element of the fire triangle. The carbon dioxide is also very cold as it comes out of the extinguisher, so it cools the fuel as well. more...
Dioxide (CO2) extinguishers are most effective on Class B and C (liquids and electrical) fires. Since the gas disperses quickly, these extinguishers are only effective from 1 to 2 meters. The gas is stored as a compressed liquid; as it expands, it cools the surrounding air. The cooling will often cause ice to more...
FIRECHEM CO2 Extinguishers units provide the power to respond quickly and effectively by design to protect against Class B ( flammable liquids and gases ) and Class C ( energised electrical equipment ) fires. These extinguishers are well suited for indoor use in furnace rooms, printing presses, pump rooms, el more...