Our Products
We offer the best product range of Electrical Engineering Laboratory Instruments, Measurement of Inductance And Capacitance, Sensors Trainer Captech, Aggregate Rushing Value Apparatus and Aggregate Impact Value Test Apparatus.
Code: EEA0006
Electrical Engineering Laboratory Instruments - Leading suppliers of Electrical machines and controls to various Technical Institutes from India.
AC / DC Motors
DC Motors ( Shunt / Series / Compound )AC Slipring Induction Motors ( Wound Rotor 3 Phase )AC 3 Phase Sq. Cage Induction Motor ( Also Pole changing)AC 1 Phase Sq. Cage Induction motor ( CSCR / CSIR / Split Phase / CR )AC 3 Phase Synchronous Motor ( Self Induction Start Synchronous Run)Universal Motor / AC Series Motor ( upto 1.0 HP )Repulsion Motor ( upto 1.0 HP )Switched Reluctance Motor ( upto 1.0 HP )
Code: EEN0013
Measurement of Inductance And Capacitance.Measurement of Inductance And Capacitance
Measurement Of Inductance & Capacitance By Maxwells L C Bridge
Experimental Training Board has been designed specifically for the study of Maxwells L/C Bridge. Using this bridge the value of unknown capacitor or an unknown inductor can be found. The board is absolutely self contained and requires no other apparatus. Practical experience on this board carries great educative value for Science and Engineering Students.
Object:To study Maxwells L/C Bridge.1. To measure value of unknown capacitance.2. To measure value of unknown Inductance.
Code: EEH0004
Sensors Trainer Captech.
Sensors Trainer Captech ManufacturerThe system include:
The Control Desk :
The Operative Part:
The Sensors
The programming software Micro and its cable, as well as the XBTL programming software for the Magelis and its cable are provided with the bench.
Option :Code: Aggregate0008
Aggregate Rushing Value Apparatus.
Aggregate Rushing Value Apparatus
Aggregate Rushing Value Apparatus from Civil Mechanical Laboratory India
Aggregate Rushing Value Apparatus Consists of Case hardened Mild steel cylindrical container of 150mm dia + 0.5mm x 130mm to 140mm high with Aggregate Rushing Value Apparatus for Civil Engineering from Laboratory Equipment Manufacturers India - base plate 200 to 230mm square x 6mm thick. A plunger of 148mm + 0.5mm dia x 100 to 115mm high. All parts directly coming in to contact with the specimen during the test are made of mild steel duly case hardened. Supplied complete with tamping rod, 16mm dia x 600mm long, one end rounded
Code: Aggregate0009
Aggregate Impact Value Test Apparatus.
Aggregate Impact Value Test Apparatus
Aggregate Impact Value Test Apparatus from Civil Mechanical Laboratory India
Aggregate Impact Value Test Apparatus Used to determine the impact value of aggregate. The sturdy construction consists of a base and support columns to form a rigid framework around the quick release trigger mechanism to ensure an effective free fall of the hammer during test. Aggregate Impact Value Test Apparatus for Civil Engineering from Laboratory Equipment Manufacturers India - The free fall can be adjusted through 380 5mm. The hammer is provided with a locking arrangement. The apparatus is supplied complete with cylindrical cup, metal measure 75mm dia x 50mm high and a tamping rod.