Our Products
We offer a complete product range of Camphor Oil White, Champaca White Absolute Oil, Lotus White Absolute Oil and White Ginger Lily Absolute Oil
It is having different properties, which are mixed together, to provide relief against many of the problems either they are internal or external in body parts. These properties areanti inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic and antiviral. In the traditional or ancient times, the lumps of camphor wood was worn around the neck to provide relief. This was the tradition of India, China and Sri Lanka. Today also, come parts of these countries and the Chinese people are using the method to cure against all sorts of problems. It provides relief inside the throat so that the person can get a boon against the infections and diseases. The aroma used in the camphor oil white is sharp, woody undertone. The parts of wood are used in the treatment portion. It is also advised to the people who are treating their disease through homeopathic not to take this treatment in between of that treatment as it can provide a side effect to a patient. In addition, it is harmful during pregnancy and pregnant women should avoid it. The fragrance smell of the camphor oil white is quiet strong and powerful. This is the reason that it stays on the body for a long time so that it can provide relief to a person gradually. This is the best way to cure a problem.
There are various problems and infections in which the camphor oil white is always used. This is the reason that it is coming from the traditional times. There are several problems in which it is used as a medicated and few of them are coughs, cold, macular aches, inflammation, sprains, infections, nervous tension and oily skin conditions. However, there are some cautions that a person has to take while using this oil. As it smells hard and provide problem to eyes, it is kept away from eyes and also from the reach of children. One of the major uses of this oil is in the field of aromatherapy. Through this, the throat infection can be treated through vapor therapy, which is very common now days. There are different companies who are manufacturing the product through different other things which are helpful in providing care against all kinds of problems.
The Champaca white Absolute oil is extracted from the beautiful flower of a subtropical tree, the Champaca Michlia by the process of solvent extraction. The white and yellow petals are of great medicinal value. The attractive fragrance of these flowers make them a favorite ingredient in high end perfumes. The Absolute oil has antimicrobial characteristics and can also be used as an anti-oxidant.
Being an oil of great cosmetic value, it is used in shampoos and creams to add that extra zing.
The most common use of the white Champaca absolute oil is in aromatherapy. The oil is used in aroma lamps, light bulb rings and mist sprays. They can also be used with inhalers.
Champaca White Absolute oil is used in some of the most expensive perfumes in the world because of its intense indulging scents.This Champaca absolute oil is used in the production of gels and creams. It is known to strengthen the mind and body alike. It effectively soothes the muscles of the body while seductively enticing your partner and you. Its dark scent makes it perfect for getting you in the mood.
In Hindu mythology, the white Lotus was sacred to Goddess Saraswati- the Goddess of wisdom. The flower is known symbol of knowledge and awakening. It grows in mucky ponds and stagnant waters. The White Lotus blossoms just before sunrise every day. The Lotus white Absolute Oil is solvent extracted from the Nelumbo nucifera. The oil is quite similar to the Lotus Pink absolute oil in many ways. Its exotic florals tones make it of great use in the bathing industry and in aromatherapy.
The white Lotus Absolute Oil finds use in perfumes and diffusers. One can relax better with a stimulating massage with this absolute oil. This oil is used in the manufacture of scented candles, body sprays and mists.
The oil is used in aromatherapy as soothes the senses. The oil brings emotional bliss and contentment. It is mostly used to treating those who suffer from hormonal imbalance. It has the capability to calm and soothe the restless.
Hedychium is a perennial plant that is found in Asia and the Himalayas. The common name for white ginger lily is garland flower, green lily, butterfly flower, dulan champa and kahili ginger. It has a lasting an exotic fragrance.
White Ginger Lily Absolute Oilis extracted from the flowerwhite lily byhexine solvent method. It has a divine odors that resembles the sweet smell of honey. There is a distinct difference in the aroma between White Ginger Lily absolute and White ginger lily. White Ginger Lily is uncommon and premium in nature. The oil is a clear brown liquid with awarm woody and spicy fragrance. The flower of ginger lily grows a lot near Mumbai. The white ginger lily flower is used to decorate idol of Ganesh on Ganesh Chaturthi.
White Ginger Lily Absolute Oilis used in oil burners and warmers. When blended with other oils it is used in making perfume, massage oils, bath salt, shampoos and bath oil. The scented oil is used around the world to make potpourri, creams soaps, and candles. . It is comfortingand calmingoil to the nervous system that promotes love and peace. As a cosmetic, it can also be used directly as a cleanser and moisturizer for rejuvenating the skin. It is widely used in gyms and beauty parlors
PRODUCT NAME | : | White Ginger Lily Absolute Oil |
SCIENTIFIC NAME | : | Hedychium coronarium |
COLOUR AND ODOR | : | Honey like sweet sensual aroma from a slight brown colour liquid. |
EXTRACTION METHOD | : | Hexine free solvent |