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Ayurvedic & Herbal Powders
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2 Products availableAnimal Feed Supplement
1 Products availablePure And Natural Herbs
1 Products availableSterilizers
1 Products availableHealth Care Products
1 Products availableWe offer the best product range of Calmin, Crd Check, Natural C, Natural E, Nephcure, Diareena, B Plex, Cal Di Phos Clear and Liv Grow, Livito.
Aquabotic is a herbal antimicrobial growth promoter and performance enhancer for fishes, prawns and shrimps. Aquqbiotic is an effective alternative to antibiotic growth promoters and brings significant improvement in aqua performance. Which acts by restricting the growth of intestinal pathogens eg. E.coli, Vibrio sp., Salmonella etc.Aqua biotic contains natural oligosaccharides, which act as prebiotics to augment the population of beneficial microflora in the gut and to increase the growth and multiplication of helpful lactobacilli. Antibiotic growth promoters have been major components on aqua culture nutrition that help to reduce the level of pathogenic microbial population in the gut, prevent loss of dietry energy and improve production performance.Now a days a serious problem in concern, the use of antibiotic growth promoters for aqua culture as use of any antibiotic over a period of time have the potential to create a pool of antibiotic resistant bacterial genes in the environment, allowing the pathogenic and non- pathogenic organisms to develop into supebugs causing direct or indirect human health hazards. A ban on usage of antibiotic growth promoters by marine products export development authority (MPEDA) and most of the countries importing aquaculture products has intensified the challenges of aqua farming.Since the action of aquabiotic is structural rather than at nuclear level , it controls pathogenic organisms more efficiently without resistant development. Directly acting phytocomponents of aquabiotic are fully biodegradable are completely metabolized leaving no residues in the eco-climate.Aquabiotic can be safely used as feed supplement to maintain optimum intake, digesion, absorption and utilization of feed in aquaculture by limiting the level of pathogenic gut organisms and to simultaneously improve growth, FCR, production performance with reduced incidence of infections and mortality.
Relaxon is naturally developed herbal feed supplement. Prawns and shrimps are more susceptible to stress than any other animals because of a great dependence upon their surrounding environment Stress disturbs the normal physiological equilibrium or homeostasis of the prawns by forcing a reallocation of energy within its system. Stress cause oxidative damage to cells and higher release of cortisol in blood. Cortisol, which inturn is carried by the blood to all the cells in the body. Stress adversely affects the production performance, reproductive efficiency and survival of aquatic species.Stress drains metabolic energy that would otherwise be utilized for maintaining normal body functions such as growth, digestion, disease resistance and reproduction etc.Relaxon increases the adaptability of the body against stress by helping to regulate the release of cortisol.Cortisol promotes the formation of glucose a fuel needed for nerve and muscle activity by breaking down fats and protrins to cope up with the stress. In the long run the increased use of proteins to make the fuel may be seriously damaging because proteins are needed for manufacture of new cells to maintain regular growth. The reduction in growth rate is associated with increased protein breakdown due to excess cortisol.The inhibitory action of cortisol on the formation of the infection fighting proteins called antibodies together with shrinkage of tissues which manufactureWBC's seriously impair the immune system of the body. The antioxidant action of relaxon spare the release the corticosteroids and thus maintain immune competence, normal body defense and energy reserves. Universal antioxidant action of relaxon prevents oxidative damage in aqueous as well as lipid phase in extracellular and intracellular spaces and cell membrane as well.
200 & 500 gm.Natural- C Aqua developed after a long research and experiments using many herbs with rich source of vitamin- C. Natural- C Aqua is a natural form of vitamin- C with many antioxidants which is very useful for fish, prawns and shrimps. Natural-C Aqua increases antistress properties in the aqua species. As compare to the synthetic vitamin-C, Natural-C aqua live active for long time in the body of fish, prawns and shrimps. Natural-C Aqua helps in improving growth, feed conversion efficiency and production. Natural-C Aqua increases the antioxidant level of the body in fish, prawns and shrimps. Natural-C Aqua comparatively more stable and completely absorbed than synthetic vitamin-C.
Natural-C Aqua should be mixed with water to make a paste which should then be thoroughly mixed with the feed and after drying given to the fish, prawns and shrimps.
1 kg pack.Natural C.E.premix is a mixture of natural form of Vitamin-C & Vitamin-E. Vitamin-C is water soluble, while Vitamin-E is fat soluble. In the production of natural C.E. premix used selected herbs which fulfill the requirement of Vitamin-C & E in fishes, prawns and other aqua species. Natural C.E. premix increases antistress properties in the aqua species. Synthetic Vitamin-C & Vitamin-E are mostly destroys when in the mixing of feed or water and in hot conditions. While natural C.E. vitamins present in natural C.E. premix do not destroy in mixing of feed or water and they live active for long time in the body of aqua species.due to the natural form of vitamins, fishes, prawns and shrimps adopt these easily& fastly. NaturalC.E. premix is very beneficial as compare to the synthetic vitamins. In the fishes, prawns etc natural C.E. premix helps in regulation of physical use of glucose & protein at high level and in right direction. Natural C.E. premix helps in the development of anti-stress properties & increase the antioxidant level of the body in fishes, prawns and shrimps.
Natural C.E. should be mixed with sufficient quantity of fresh water to make a paste which should then be thoroughly mixed with the feed and after drying given to the fish, prawns & shrimps.
1 kg pack.Ammonil is a natural animal feed supplement to effectively control the production and emission of ammonia and other noxious gases in fish, prawns, shrimps and other aqua species. Ammonia is a gas, which is very harmfull in aqua culture. Ammonia in gaseous form is primarily released from the gills of fish, prawns and shrimps as a metabolic waste from protein breakdown and from the lesser secondary sources such as decomposition of un-eaten feed and organic waste by bacterial actions. Ammonia is extremely toxic and its toxicity is occoured mainly due to its un-ionized form. Ammonia enters to the blood stream as a result of nitrogen metabolism containing high levels of ammonia which can cause both immediate and long term gill damages. Ammonia concentration is increased because of reduced algal population in the pond and due to reduced rate of assimilation of ammonia by plankton algae.High aquatic pH also severely account for the enhanced aqua concentration of ammonia..Due to the negative effect of ammonia fish usually become sluggish, often remain at the water surface as if gasping for air. Very serious effect of un-ionized ammonia are capable of killing fish over a few days starting at about 0.6 ppm. Chronic exposure to toxicammonia levels as low as 0.06 ppm can cause kidney damage, reduction in growth, brain malfunctioning and reduction in oxygen carrying capacity of fish. Since aquatic animals perform all their bodily functions in water, good water quality in aquaculture system should essentially be maintained, mainly in reference to ammonia concentration.
Ammonill should be mixed with sufficient quantity of fresh water to make a paste which should then be thoroughly mixed with the feed. After drying the same may be broadcasted or administered as per practice at the fish / Aqua farm. To be giving regularly or as advised by the aquaculture consultant.
500 gm pack.Zee plus is a perfect natural zeolilite for improving pond water quality in the aqua farming. It contains aqua grade pure zeolite fortifie oxygen releasers, natural gas absorbants and plankton promoters in appropriate quantities. It is derived from natural inorganic salts of calcium, potassium, silicon etc. with unique spongy characteristics and high binding capacity. The undigested feed, excreta, dead and decaying organic matters sattle down at the bottom of the pond. This leads to poor pond bottom and water quality.These organic matters release toxic gases like ammnia, sulphur dioxide, hydrogen sulphide etc. causing adverse effect on growth, health and livability. For the formation of ammonia from proteins, oxygen is consumed and thus dissolved oxygen in the pond is reduced. Methane is directly harmful to aqua species, which deteriorates the water ph and quality. It is essential to reduce the levels of these toxic substances to minimize growth depression, disease incidence and mortality in fish, prawns and shrimps.Zee plus enables highest adsorption and absorption of polluting toxic gases such as ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, sulphurdioxide etc. in the pond through its high cation exchange capacity (CEC), even in saline water and thus provides a healthy environment for fish, prawns, and shrimps. Zee plus captures cationic nutrients an control their rapid oxidation by bacteria. Zee plus enhance water quality by maintaining pond water ph by absorbing sodium ions. Zee plus improves retention of food in the gut and increases absorption of nutrients and improving FCR. Zeeplus is also play a very important role in case of ammonia, it reduces excretion of ammonia into the pond. Zeeplus is environmental friendly and cost effective for aqua farming.
Repeat every 20-30 days depending on the condition of the pond or advised by the Aquaculture consultant.
5 & 25 kg.Vitaron(Stress reliever, Immunity booster & Growth promoter)
(Vitamin A fortified with Phytochemicals for enhanced solubility, bioactivity and bioavailability)
Usage & Administration
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Electrol-C (With Betaine)(Superior rehydration drink with benefits of probiotics)
Summer management has always been a challenge for poultry industry and it leads to severe losses in terms of mortality, drop in growth rate and egg production. This product contains electrolytes in addition to Vitamin C which help birds to withstand heat and travelling stress and reduces mortality rate. Probiotics help in maintenance of gut health and work as growth promoter.
Usage & Administration
Packing & Presentation
Usage & Administration
Packing & Presentation
Highly effective in Cough and U.R.T infections
Respiratory tract infections are one of the most common ailments of animals which may vary in degree of severity from mild infection to life threatening conditions. The diseased animals are at constant stress and their production and performance decreases significantly. Cofnil contains selected medicinal herbs which acts as antimicrobial agents and also relieve symptoms of difficult breathing by acting as bronchodilator, mucolytic, expectorant and anti-tussive.
To be administered with Jaggery 2-3 times a day till recovery
Product presentation
100 gm Polyester pouch.An unique Immunomodulator consisting of Vitamin A, D3, B12, E, C and Selenium
Immune system of an animal is responsible for its fate against various infections and Immunity has a direct relation with health and production. Strong immune system is the best protection against all kind of stress and infections.
Appetite and digestion of animal depends upon optimum secretion of digestive juices, failing to which animal may go off-feed or its proper digestion may be hampered. Special herbs used in this formulation improve secretion and digestion without any side effect.
Product presentation
Herbodox -100 is the natural antiseptic and sterilizer. It posses strong antimicrobial action against gram positive and gram negative pathogenic bacteria and reduces the causative diseases in fish, prawns and shrimps. Herbodox-100 exhibits bactericidal action against the micro-organisms causing entric an systemic infections. Herbodox-100 is an unique, potent effective and powerful sterilizer. Herbodox-100 is extremely harmfull to bacteria, virus, fungi and protozoa and harmless to shrimps, prawns and fishes.
DOSAGEANDAPPLICATION:Shrimp, prawns and fish ponds: 1-2 litres /hac (1 metre water depth) Dilute required quantity of Herbodox -100 in 100 litre of water and spray uniformly throughout the pond or as advised by the aquaculture consultant.
1 Litre bottle.
Stick plus is a unique natural binding agent and it contains natural protein based feed attractants which ensure smooth consumption and administered powders with pelleted feed for fish, prawns and shrimps. The properties of Stick plus does not affected with different water and pond condition such as varying pH, temperature and salinities Stick plus blends easily with firm grip with all powder formulations, controlling their bio-availibility and preventing wastage.
Take the required quantity of powder formulation and mix with stick plus to form a gel/ paste and apply the same on feed pellets, shade dry and broadcast. 20 ml to 30 ml of stick plus is recommended per kg of pellet feed or as advised by the aquaculture consultant.
CAL D PHOS PLUSConcentrated formulation with the galactagogues herbs, Chelated minerals, Vitamins & Amino acids
IndicationsOptimizes the bioavailability of Calcium & Phosphorus increase the milk production in stressful condition also Useful against the parturient paresis & hypocalcaemia Synergistic action of the chelated mineral & amino acid enhance the immune system Check the heavy metal toxicity
Dosage and UsageLarge Animal 80-150 mlSmall Animal 10-25 ml To be given daily for 10 days in every month
Presentation500 ml, 1 Ltr., 5 Ltr., 20 Ltr. & 35 Ltr. HDPE jar.
CAL D PHOS GELA complete solution for dairy cattle
Milking cows and other dairy cattle should always be provided adequate amounts of calcium to maximize production and minimize health problems. A major concern in the mineral feeding of dry cows/cattle relates to providing optimum levels of calcium and phosphorus in order to decrease the occurrence of milk fever. Prevention of milk fever if an important consideration in maximizing reproductive efficiency. Cal-D-Phos Gel is a unique product formulated by Natural Herbs and Formulation, which prevents from all above said problems.
Directions for useRegular Use For higher milk yield, administer 50-70 ml per animal per day for 5-10 days or as advised by Consultant Veterinarian.To Prevent Milk fever give one tube at the first sign of calving and give another tube 6 to12 hrs. Post calving, repeat every 12 hrs. as needed or as advised by Consultant Veterinarian. A post calving dose of Cal-D-Phos is very beneficial.
Product presentation
250 ml in Tube.
Remedy of ring worm, eczema, degnalla and other fungal infections. Foot rot in sheep foot lessions in foot and mouth disease and burns.
Direction for UseClean the affected part and apply inciheal once a day or as advised by the veterinarian.
Presentation50 gm in tube.
UTRO-ONHerbal uterine tonic and ecbolic which helps in expulsion of retained placenta
UTRO-ON is a formulation of various herbal extract is overcome in fertility and other related problems lead to in futility
Dosage and Usage
Product presentation
PACHAK BATISAUnique herbal digestive formulation
Appetite and digestion of animal depends upon optimum secretion of digestive juices, failing to which animal may go off-feed or its proper digestion may be hampered. Special herbs used in this formulation improve secretion and digestion without any side effect.
Product presentation
Dosage and Usage
GERMI GUARDAnti-fungal, anti-bacterial and fly repellent herbal spray and ointment for effective wound treatment
Wound healing is a spontaneous response of body against injury, which repairs the damage and restores the anatomical and functional continuity. Various bacteria, fungi and parasites are known to infect intact or damaged skin, leading to increased suffering and decreased production. Germi Guard spray has antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and fly repellent properties which prevent infections and infestations, thus provides faster relief, minimize suffering and production losses
Dosage and UsageWash and clean dry the affected area and apply Germi Guard once or twice daily Shake well before use (In case of spray)
Product presentation100 ml Spray bottle.
VITAMIX AF PlusChelated Milk enhancer
Usage & Administration
Natural-E(With Selenium)(Phytoextracts having bioactivity of alpha-tocopherol)
Usage & AdministrationLiquid
Powder:Mixing ratio:
Packing & Presentation