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Herbal Juice

Our Complete range of products are Amla Juice, American Noni Juice, Neem Juice, Aloe Vera Juice with Wheatgrass and Pure Aloe Vera Juice.

Amla Juice

  • Feature Hair Protection, Skin
  • Packaging Type Glass Bottle
  • Form Liquid
  • Shelf Life 1 Year
  • Packaging Size 200 to 1000 ml
  • Material Amla
  • Carbohydrate 6.9 Gm/100 Gm
  • Storage Cool & Dry Place

Details :

  • Indian gooseberry is a tree that grows in India, the Middle East, and some southeast Asian countries. Indian gooseberry has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. Today people still use the fruit of the tree to make medicine.
  • Indian gooseberry is taken by mouth for  high cholesterol, "hardening of the arteries" (atherosclerosis), diabetes, pain and swelling of the pancreas (pancreatitis), cancer,   upset stomach, eye problems, joint pain, diarrhea, bloody diarrhea (dysentery),   osteoarthritis, obesity, "organ restoration", and for a skin disorder that causes unpigmented skin (vitiligo). It is also used to kill germs and reduce pain and swelling caused by the body's reaction to injury or illness (inflammation).

How does it work?Indian gooseberry seems to work by reducing total cholesterol levels, including the fatty acids called triglycerides, without affecting levels of the "good cholesterol" called high-density lipoprotein (HDL).

Uses & Effectiveness?
Insufficient Evidence for :

  • High cholesterol.  Some early research shows that taking Indian gooseberry for 4 weeks decreases low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or "bad") cholesterol in people with high cholesterol. Other early research shows that taking Indian gooseberry extract for 12 weeks decreases LDL cholesterol in obese people.
  • Osteoarthritis.  Research shows that taking two capsules of an Ayurvedic formula containing Indian gooseberry and several other ingredients three times daily for 24 weeks is as beneficial as taking glucosamine sulfate or the drug celecoxib for reducing pain in people with knee osteoarthritis.
  • Skin disorder that causes unpigmented skin (vitiligo).  Early research suggests that taking one tablet containing Indian gooseberry and other ingredients three times daily for 6 months along with standard treatment can increase skin repigmentation and reduce signs of inflammation better than standard treatment alone.
  • Bloody diarrhea (dysentery).
  • Cancer.
  • Diabetes.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Eye problems.
  • Hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis).
  • Indigestion.
  • Joint pain.
  • Obesity.
  • Swelling of the pancreas.
  • Other conditions - More evidence is needed to rate Indian gooseberry for these uses.
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American Noni Juice

  • Net Weight 450 ml
  • Certifications HALAL & Kosher certified and Produced under GMP regulations
  • Side- Effects Nil

A Complete  solution  has been  brought  in  India  by  one of  the  best  leading  manufacture  company  we  are  using it Regularly bring luster to your skin & strength to your organs. Natural Noni juice keeps you healthy, throughout. Natural Noni juice generates new health cells. Natural Noni juice helps people with many problems like Diabetes, Arthritis, Digestive disorders, Asthma, Heart problems, High cholesterol, High blood pressure, Weight management Menstrual disorders, Stress, Sleep disorders and Menstrual disorders.
We are recognized brand in providing the most quality world class healthcare products in the current scenario based on our  marketing  excellence. Natural  Noni  is 100% safe and  is without  side  effects .This product is HALAL & Kosher certified and Produced under GMP regulations. Because of any chemical or artificial material it has transformed the life of millions of people around the world. Get customized today.


Benefits of NONI :

  • Boosts Immune system
  • Regulates protein in the body
  • Regulates proper cell functioning
  • Rejuvenates the cell of the body
  • Improves metabolic system
  • Reduces the risk of cancer
  • Facilitates sound sleep
  • Improves circulatory system
  • Intestinal & Digestive Problems
  • Helps body system to function properly
  • Relieves stress and helps to stay calm & Relaxed

Natural Noni juice gives you 100 % results in diabetes without any side- Effects.

Additional Information:

Packaging Details : Plastic Bottle

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Neem Juice

  • Shelf Life 6months
  • Color Green
  • Packaging Type Plastic Bottle
  • Form Liquid
  • Packaging Size 1ltr, 250ml, 500ml
  • Storage Keep away from direct sunlight., Store in a cool & dry place
  • Purity 100%
  • Instruction Shake well before use

Details :

  • Neem is a tree. The bark, leaves, and seeds are used to make medicine. Less frequently, the root, flower, and fruit are also used.
  • Neem leaf is used for  leprosy, eye disorders,   bloody nose, intestinal worms, stomachupset, loss of appetite, skin ulcers, diseases of the heart and  blood vessels (cardiovascular disease), fever, diabetes, gum disease  (gingivitis), and liverproblems. The leaf is also used for birth control  and to cause abortions.
  • The bark is used for malaria, stomach and intestinal ulcers, skin diseases, pain, and fever.
  • The flower is used for reducing bile, controlling phlegm, and treating intestinal worms.
  • The fruit is used for hemorrhoids, intestinal worms, urinary tract disorders, bloody nose, phlegm, eye disorders, diabetes, wounds, and leprosy.
  • Neem twigs are used for cough, asthma,   hemorrhoids, intestinal worms, low  spermlevels, urinary disorders, and  diabetes. People in the tropics sometimes chew neem twigs instead of using  toothbrushes, but this can cause illness; neem twigs are often contaminated with fungi within 2 weeks of harvest and should be avoided.
  • The seed and seed oil are used for leprosy and intestinal worms. They are also used for  birth control and to cause  abortions.
  • The stem, root bark, and fruit are used as a tonic and astringent.
  • Some people apply neem directly to the skin to treat head lice, skin diseases, wounds, and skin ulcers; as a mosquito repellent; and as a skin softener.
  • Inside the vagina, neem is used for  birth control.
  • Neem is also used as an insecticide.

How does it work?Neem contains chemicals that might help reduce blood sugar levels, heal ulcers in the digestive tract, prevent  conception, kill bacteria and prevent plaque formation in the mouth.

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Aloe Vera Juice With Wheatgrass

  • Cultivation Type Organic
  • Packaging Type Plastic Bottle
  • Form Liquid
  • Packaging Size 100ml, 1ltr, 200ml, 500ml
  • Shelf Life 6months
  • Purity 100%

Details :

  • Aloe is a cactus-like plant that grows in hot, dry climates. In the United States, aloe is grown in Florida, Texas, and Arizona. Aloe produces two substances, gel and latex, which are used for medicines. Aloe gel is the clear, jelly-like substance found in the inner part of the aloe plant leaf. Aloe latex comes from just under the plant's skin and is yellow in color. Some aloe products are made from the whole crushed leaf, so they contain both gel and latex. The aloe that is mentioned in the Bible is an unrelated fragrant wood used as incense.
  • Wheatgrass is a kind of grass. The above-ground parts, roots, and rhizome are used to make medicine. Wheatgrass is primarily used as a concentrated source of nutrients. It contains vitamin A, vitamin C, and  vitamin E, iron, calcium, magnesium, and amino acids.
  • Wheatgrass is taken by mouth to increase production of  hemoglobin, the chemical in red  blood cells  that carries oxygen, in patients with a  blood disorder  called beta-thalassemia. It is also commonly used for a variety of conditions including inflammatory bowel syndrome, diabetes,   high cholesterol, and many more, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses. 
  • Wheatgrass juice is a popular health drink. It is thought to benefit health only when fresh and taken on an empty stomach immediately after being mixed. But there is no research to date that supports this.
  • In foods and beverages, wheatgrass extracts are used as a flavoring component.
  • Aloe  medications  can be taken by mouth or applied to the skin. People take aloe gel by mouth for  weight loss,   diabetes,   hepatitis, inflammatory bowel diseases,   osteoarthritis, stomach ulcers, asthma,   radiation-related skin sores, fever, itching and  inflammation, and as a general tonic. A chemical in aloe called acemannan is taken by mouth for HIV/AIDS. Aloe extract is used for  high cholesterol.
  • Aloe latex is taken by mouth mainly as a  laxative  for  constipation. It is also used for  seizures, asthma, colds, bleeding, lack of a menstrual period, swelling of the colon (colitis),   depression, diabetes, eye conditions that cause blindness (glaucoma),   multiple sclerosis,   hemorrhoids,   varicose veins, joint  inflammation,   osteoarthritis, and vision problems. Fresh aloe leaves are taken by mouth for cancer.
  • People apply aloe gel to the skin for acne, an inflammatory skin condition called  lichen planus, inflammation in the mouth, burning mouth, radiation-induced skin damage, dental plaque,   diaper rash,   frostbite,   gum disease, bedsores, scabies, dandruff, wound healing,   hemorrhoids  and pain after surgery to remove internal  hemorrhoids,   osteoarthritis, inflammation, and as an antiseptic. Aloe extract and aloe gel are also applied to the skin for  genital herpes, scaly and  itchy skin, burns, sunburns, and  dry skin. Aloe extract is applied to the skin as an insect repellant. Aloe leaf juice is applied to the skin for  anal fissures. A chemical in aloe called acemannan is applied to the skin for dry sockets in the mouth and  canker sores.


Features :

  • Helps to promote digestion. F
  • Helps to maintain a healthy immune system,
  • Helps to maintain a healthy weight & a healthy skin.
  • Helps in detoxification (purification) of blood, & resolves foul odors of breath and sweat.
  • Alkaline food that helps balance blood pH towards normal.
  • Helps increases Hemoglobin (Red Blood Cells countl RBC count) in blood.
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Pure Aloe Vera Juice

  • Type Herbal
  • Certification FSSAI Certified
  • Shelf Life 1 Year
  • Feature Good For Skin, Good Quality, No Preservative Added
  • Form Liquid
  • Part Leaf
  • Packaging Size 100ml, 200ml, 500ml

Details :

  • Aloe is a cactus-like plant that grows in hot, dry climates. In the United States, aloe is grown in Florida, Texas, and Arizona. Aloe produces two substances, gel and latex, which are used for medicines. Aloe gel is the clear, jelly-like substance found in the inner part of the aloe plant leaf. Aloe latex comes from just under the plant's skin and is yellow in color. Some aloe products are made from the whole crushed leaf, so they contain both gel and latex. The aloe that is mentioned in the Bible is an unrelated fragrant wood used as incense.
  • Aloe medications can be taken by mouth or applied to the skin. People take aloe gel by mouth for  weight loss, diabetes,   hepatitis, inflammatory bowel diseases, osteoarthritis, stomach ulcers, asthma,   radiation-related skin sores, fever, itching and  inflammation, and as a general tonic. A chemical in aloe called acemannan is taken by mouth for HIV/AIDS. Aloe extract is used for  high cholesterol.
  • Aloe latex is taken by mouth mainly as a  laxative  for  constipation. It is also used for  seizures, asthma, colds, bleeding, lack of a menstrual period, swelling of the colon (colitis),   depression, diabetes, eye conditions that cause blindness (glaucoma),   multiple sclerosis, hemorrhoids,   varicose veins, joint  inflammation, osteoarthritis, and vision problems. Fresh aloe leaves are taken by mouth for cancer.
  • People apply aloe gel to the skin for acne, an inflammatory skin condition called  lichen planus, inflammation in the mouth, burning mouth, radiation-induced skin damage, dental plaque,   diaper rash, frostbite, gum disease, bedsores, scabies, dandruff, wound healing, hemorrhoids  and pain after surgery to remove internal  hemorrhoids,   osteoarthritis, inflammation, and as an antiseptic. Aloe extract and aloe gel are also applied to the skin for  genital herpes, scaly and itchy skin, burns, sunburns, and  dry skin. Aloe extract is applied to the skin as an insect repellant. Aloe leaf juice is applied to the skin for anal fissures. A chemical in aloe called acemannan is applied to the skin for dry sockets in the mouth and  canker sores.

How does it work?

  • The useful parts of aloe are the gel and latex. The gel is obtained from the cells in the center of the leaf; and the latex is obtained from the cells just beneath the leaf skin.
  • Aloe gel might cause changes in the skin that might help diseases like psoriasis.
  • Aloe seems to be able to speed wound healing by improving blood circulation through the area and preventing cell death around a wound.
  • It also appears that aloe gel has properties that are harmful to certain types of bacteria and fungi.
  • Aloe latex contains chemicals that work as a laxative.
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