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Physiotherapy Products & Equipment

We are leaders in the market for providing best range of HEAVYDUTY SLING, STANDARD DUTY SLING, Flat Webbing Sling and ROUNDED SLING


Sliver colored and PU treatment fights abrasion for additional sling life. Printed WLL on the webbing indicates the vertical rated load of slings for additional safety. UV-resistant, eliminating material ageing or embrittlement.

Width EyeLength Vertical Chocker Vertical Basket ≥60° Basket 45°≤≡Y60°Basket 30°≤≡Y45°Basket Minimum Qty.(pcs)
1 8.5 1600 1280 3200 2720 2240 1600 100
2 10 3200 2560 6400 4480 4340 3200 100
3 11 4700 3760 9400 7990 6580 4700 60
4 12 6200 4960 12400 10540 8680 6200 60
5 14 7800 6240 15600 13260 10920 7800 30
6 16 9300 7440 18600 15810 13020 9300 30
1 8.5 3200 2560 6400 5440 4480 3200 100
2 10 6400 5120 12800 10880 8960 6400 100
3 11 8800 7040 17600 14960 12320 8800 60
4 12 11500 9200 23000 19550 16100 11500 60
5 14 13700 10960 27400 23290 19180 13700 30
6 16 16500 13200 33000 28050 23100 16500 30
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Sliver colored and PU treatment fights abrasion for additional sling life. Printed WLL on the webbing indicates the vertical rated load of slings for additional safety.

Web Width Vertical Chocker Vertical Basket ≥60°Basket 45°≤≡Y60 °Basket 30°≤≡Y45 °Basket Minimum Qty.(pcs)
1 3200 2560 6400 5440 4480 3200 100
2 6400 5120 12800 10880 8960 6400 100
3 8800 7040 17600 14960 12320 8800 100
4 11500 9200 23000 19550 16100 11500 50
5 13700 10960 27400 23290 19180 13700 50
6 16500 13200 33000 28050 23100 16500 30
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Flat Webbing Sling

Each 25mm webbing width is equal to 1 tonne capacity. UV-resistant, eliminating material ageing or embrittlement. Moisture-resistant fabric, thus preventing forst damage.

Width mm Colour coded according to DIN-En1492-1 Working Load Limit with 1 webbing sling Working Load Limit with 2 webbing sling
Straight lift Chocked lift


Straight lift up to

Chocked lift up to 45º Straight lift 
0º-7º 7º- 45º 45º-60º
1,0 0,8 2,0 1,4 1,0 1,4 1,12 1,0 0,8
25 WLL 1T 1.000 800 2.000 1.400 1.000 1.400 1.120 1.000 800
50 WLL 2T 2.000 1.600 4.000 2.800 2.000 2.800 2.240 2.000 1.600
75 WLL 3T 3.000 2.400 6.000 4.200 3.000 4.200 3.360 3.000 2.400
100 WLL 4T 4.000 3.200 8.000 5.600 4.000 5.600 4.480 4.000 3.200
125 WLL 5T 5.000 4.000 10.000 7.000 5.000 7.000 5.600 5.000 4.000
150 WLL 6T 6.000 4.800 12.000 8.400 6.000 8.400 6.7200 6.000 4.800

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The round sling inner core is made from high tensile polyester fibre which is wound continuously without a join to provide the maximum possible strength. This core is protected by a tough woven tubular sleeve also made from polyester without side stitch. It serves to protect both the inner core of the sling and the surface of the product when it is lifting. Polyester round sling with two poly woven heavy sleeve.

Working Load Limit with 1 round sling Working Load Limit with 2 round slings
Stt. lift Ch lift 0-7º


Straight lift up to 45º Chocked lift up to 45º Straight lift 45º-60º Chocked lift 45º-60º
Bus7º 7º-45º 45º-60º 45ºã-60º
1.0 0.5 2.0 1.4 1.0 0.7 0.5 1.4 1.12 1.0 0.8
1.000 800 2.000 1.400 1.000 700 500 1.400 1.120 1.000 800
2.000 1.600 4.000 2.800 2.000 1.400 1.000 2.800 2.240 2.000 1.600
3.000 2.400 6.000 4.200 3.000 2.100 1.500 4.200 3.360 3.000 2.400
4.000 3.200 8.000 5.600 4.000 2.800 2.000 5.600 4.480 4.000 3.200
5.000 4.000 10.000 7.000 5.000 3.500 2.500 7.000 5.600 5.000 4.000
6.000 4.800 12.000 8.400 6.000 4.200 3.000 8.400 6.720 6.000 4.800
8.000 6.400 16.000 11.200 8.000 5.600 4.000 11.200 8.960 8.000 6.400
10.000 8.000 20.000 14.000 10.000 7.000 5.000 14.000 11.200 10.000 8.000
12.000 9.600 24.000 16.800 12.000 8.400 6.000 16.800 13.440 12.000 9.600
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