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Trimicro is an organic certified liquid biofertilizer developed from the consortia of bacteria having diverse potential to solubilize Zinc, Sulfur and Ferrous. Providing soluble forms of above mentioned minerals facilitate for easy uptake by plants. Synergistically this formulation also provides protection ag more...
Composition : Contains >1.2 billion cfu/gm Bacillus spp. Paracoccus spp. Key benefits Produces an array of organic maer and detritus degrading enzymes (Amylase, alkaline amylase, alkaline protease, alkaline cellulose and lipase) Prevents sulfide generaon in the pond boom by eventua more...
Mycorrhizae are symbiotic relationships that form between fungi and plants. The fungi colonize the root system of a host plant, providing increased water and nutrient absorption capabilities while the plant provides the fungus with carbohydrates formed from photosynthesis. Benefits to the crop and soil: more...
Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium more...
Increases Vegetative & Productive Growth of the Plant. Super Strong Plant Tonic for Increasing Yield & Better Can Be Used as Antistress Agent. more...
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Functions: 1) Controls fungal diseases effectively. 2) Act as a preventive as well as a curative fungicide. 3) Bunad is an herbal extract hence no side effects as well as no chemical residue. 4) Controls Downey mildew, powdery mildew, early blight, late blight, leaf curl, fruit rot, root rot, alterneria, blac more...
MODE OF ACTION : This micro-organism fixes the atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available to the crop. Azospirillum colonization is mainly on the root surface it enhances mineral and water uptake. Dr. Bacto's Nitrous: is a selective strains of nitrogen-fixing beneficial bacteria of Azospirillum spp. BENE more...
We are offering bio-fertilizers. more...
Probiotics for Septic tank Description : Light to dark brown liquid with sweet odour Benefits : 1. Degrades feacal sludge. 2. Eliminates bad odour. 3. Safe for all types of pipes and septic tanks. Method of Application : Add 3 Kg of Pure Jaggary in One Bucket (16 Litres) of Clean Water. A more...
KEY BENEFITS • Improves the Fertilization of the Soil • Improves Primary Macro nutrients Uptake • Fixes the Aerobic Nitrogen Continuously in all Crops • Solubilises Insoluble & Complex form of Phosphorus in Soil • Solubilise & Mobilize the Insoluble Potassium more...
Tierra Overseas is manufacturer and supplier of high quality Frateuria aurentia (Potash Mobilizing Bacteria) KMB in India. Potassium (K) is very essential for plant growth and is usually found abundant in soil. Total K (Potassium) content in soil ranges between 3, 000 to 100, 000 kg/ha in the upper 0.2 more...
Benefits- Mycorrhiza increases bio availability of inorganic and organic phosphorous. Provides plant with necessary strength to resist disease germs and unfavourable weather conditions. It increses availability of all Major and micronutrients. It is Capable of increasing yeild of crop by 15-20%. It has benefi more...
Grow Natural is nitrogen fixing obligate aerobe and this bacterium can fix Nitrogen up to 15kg/ha/year. Plant growth promoting species are commonly used to improve crop yield, as plant secretes the growth promoting hormones IAA that enhances germination and root development, and ultimately helps in absorption more...