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We offer the best product range of Steriliser, Breast Uplifting Nano Serum, Pet Care Products & Pet Hygiene Products, Anti Aging Natural Products and Car Odour Remover.

Nano Guard, Baby Care Kit

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We are offering nano guard, baby care kit. Nano technology products1. Baby care room steriliser for killing bacterias , fungi, viruses and purify air from smokes , pollution, dust etc. Nano technology rs. 8900 2. Baby care mosquito trap , no fumes, smell, chemicals, or smokes, it is eco friendly, non toxic, no monthly consumables. Rs. 2800 3. Oxygenated water generator for baby cloth wash , room wash, make oxygenated water for skin care. Use only oxygenated water for baby bathing , baby cloth sterilising, baby room and mat washing , cleaning rs. 9950 total kit if you buy separate inr 21650 if you buy as a kit inr. 20000

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Ozone Generator

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We are offering ozone generator. how does ozone work biochemically1. Inactivation of bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast and protozoa: ozone disrupts the integrity of the bacterial cell envelope through oxidation of the phospholipids and lipoproteins. In fungi, ozone inhibits cell growth at certain stages. With viruses, the ozone damages the viral capsid and upsets the reproductive cycle by disrupting the virus-to-cell contact with peroxidation. The weak enzyme coatings on cells which make them vulnerable to invasion by viruses make them susceptible to oxidation and elimination from the body, which then replaces them with healthy cells. 2. Enhancement of circulation: in circulatory disease, a clumping of red blood cells hinders blood flow through the small capillaries and decreases oxygen absorption due to reduced surface area. Ozone reduces or eliminates clumping and red cell flexibility is restored, along with oxygen carrying ability. Oxygenation of the tissues increases as the arterial partial pressure increases and viscosity decreases. Ozone also oxidizes the plaque in arteries, allowing the removal of the breakdown products, unclogging the blood vessels. 3. Stimulation of oxygen metabolism: ozone causes an increase in the red blood cell glycolysis rate. This leads to the stimulation of 2, 3-diphosphoglycerate (2, 3-dpg) which leads to an increase in the amount of oxygen released to the tissues. Ozone activates the krebs cycle by enhancing oxidative carboxylation of pyruvate, stimulating production of atp. Ozone also causes an increase in the nadh reducing process and helps to oxidize cytochrome c. There is a stimulation of the production of the enzymes which act as free radical scavengers and cell wall protectors: glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, catalase, and superoxide dismutase. Production of prostacyclin, a platelet aggregation inhibitor, and a vasodilator, is also induced by ozone4. Formation of peroxides: ozone reacts with the unsaturated fatty acids of the lipid layer in cellular membranes, forming hydro peroxides. There is a synergistic effect with cellular-formed h2o2. Lipid peroxidation products include alkoxyl and peroxyl radicals, singlet oxygen, ozonides, carbonides, carbonyls, alkanes and alkenes. 5. Dissolution of malignant tumors: ozone inhibits tumor metabolism. In addition, ozone oxidizes the outer lipid layer of malignant cells and destroys them through cell lysis (break-down). Phagocytes produce h2o2 and hydroxyl and ozone to kill bacteria and viruses. The generation of hydroxyl by killer cells is critical to their cytotoxic capability. Ozone stimulates conversion of arginine to citrulline, nitrite and nitrate by phagocytes, promoting their action on tumors. 6. Activation of the immune system:ozone administered at a concentration of between 35 and 55 ug/cc causes the greatest increase in the production of interferon and the greatest output of tumor necrosis factor (tnf) and interleukin 2. The production of interleukin 2 launches an entire cascade of subsequent immunological reactions. The cause of disease the human body is 2/3 water. If toxins are allowed to build up in the system, the water gets 'dirty'. If the blood ph varies up or down from 7.4, then the beneficial microbes that are necessary in the body begin to change their form, and disease results. To maintain a clean system, it is necessary to have a proper diet, one that produces a blood ph that is neither too alkaline (bacteria problems) or too acid (cancer problems). And it is necessary to have sufficient oxygen in the system to allow cellular respiration to be efficient and allow complete oxidation, preventing the production of carbon monoxide which the body cannot easily expel. Each cell burns sugar (carbohydrates) in oxygen to make its fuel atp. The carbon-hydrogen bond is cleaved, and oxygen bonds with the hydrogen, forming water (h2o) and carbon dioxide (co2). If there is insufficient oxygen available, carbon monoxide (co) is formed instead, excessive lactic acid is formed and the blood is made more acid. If this oxygen deprivation (hypoxia) continues long enough, the cell will no longer be able to sustain the process of oxidation and it will be forced to ferment its sugar anerobically. This is the first critical step to the development of cancer. Circulation of clean, oxygen-carrying blood is a basic requirement for optimum health, and this can be achieved by bringing ozone into the body. The least expensive way of doing that would be to live on a mountain far from the cities and breathe deeply -- the recipe for an eastern master. Failing that, we can use an ozone generator to create ozone from pure oxygen and bring that into the body in any one of a dozen ways in order to oxidize toxins and oxygenate the cells. Ozone works at the basic level of all the important bodily functions respiration, digestion, assimilation, elimination and immunity. And this is the answer to the question of what we substitute for the worthless and dangerous vaccination programs. Health benefits of oxygenated waterpositive effects of adequate oxygen in the tissuesimpacts blood pressure regulationinfluences the detoxification process in the liver by activation of cytochrome p450improvement of cell metabolism and biological oxidation through increased oxygen availability to mitochondria and regulation of internal and external concentrations of calcium ions (ca++)balance of stomach acid (h+) secreted by the parietal cells and transformation into water, normalization of h+/k+ - atp-ase and concentration of calcium ionsoptimize therapies for ischemic angina abdominalsimprovement of micro circulation in capillary blood vesselsanti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal effectsimprovements in hypoxia conditions such as asthma, allergies, etc. Acceleration of wound healingstimulate immune systemsslimming and weight lossbest skin care and best beauty enhancerboosting skin whitening naturallyre vitalizing brain cells , enhance memory poweravoid frequent health disordersrecovery from lot of health issuescan remove pesticides from veg & fruitsbest sterilizing agent available in the world

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We are offering oxygenator. amazing facts about ozoneis three atoms of oxygen (o2+o1=o3)is a very powerful form of "active oxygen"reverts back to oxygen (o2) within 20 minutesis god's way of purifying the air, making it fresh and cleanis powerful reactive and the strongest scientifically-proven safe oxidizer protects us from the harmful part of the uv rays in the upper atmosphereis the strongest natural algaecide, bactericide, virucide, fungicide, protozoazcide and parasiticide know to man, being used for 100+ years with 99% efficiencyis now being used to purify the municipal water supply in major u.s. Cities, including los angeles, fort worth/dallas, and milwaukee, plus over 3000 cities worldwideis a very misunderstood and under-applied substance that could do much to decontaminate our environment and to relieve a multitude of the environmental and medical problems that are afflicting humanity ozone is 3 atoms of oxygen bound together instead of the normal 2. It is created artificially as the result of ultraviolet light acting on oxygen to break up and recombine as threesomes. Ozone destroys algae, viruses, bacteria, and fungi on contact and it breaks down harmful chemicals into simpler less damaging molecules. Ozone kills microorganisms by rupturing their cell walls. Healthy cells are not damaged because of their self protective mechanisms. Ozone is oxygen. We breath in o2 oxygen from the air around us. Ozone is o3, so it has an extra electron looking to pair itself. This unstable electron is what makes ozone a wonderful cleanser. When we have a lightening storm ozone is created in the atmosphere and hydrogen peroxide (h202) is created in the water. They both will return o2 and h20 and at the same time cleanse the the earth. a "radical" is an atom with an unbalanced electrical charge, and it will seek to steal electrons from other atoms - such as the atoms of our body cells! our bodies need the help of "antioxidants" to neutralize the oxidation properties of those invading free radicals. There are thousands of research papers that point to the production of free radicals as the primary cause of aging. Free radicals are unstable molecules in the body created as part of the waste products or normal cellular metabolic activities. You are only as old as your cells! recent research has given new hope to the task of rejuvenating and extending the lifespan of cells. This cellular rejuvenation, life extension, and improved vitality has been achieved using special antioxidants that can actually keep cells looking and acting younger - and may even reverse the aging process !the human body represents one of the most perfectly designed and coordinated structures. However, all these structures are held in position by a dense network of systems which constantly work together to keep us going. free radicals are atoms with unpaired electrons, a natural occurrence in biochemical reactions. There could be no chemical reactions and thus no life without free radicals. The properties of free radicals vary widely. Some are toxic to all living cells, others only to the most vulnerable cells. Singlet oxygen, o1 is a highly reactive, beneficial free radical that acts as a scavenger of other harmful free radicals. The oxygen combines with some of them to render them harmless, thereby protecting cells from damage. Healthy cells produce enzymes that protect them from oxidation. These enzymes are glutathione peroxidise, super-oxide dismutase, catalyse, and reductase. Bacteria and viruses have no such enzyme protection and are therefore oxidized. By this elegant mechanism, ozone distinguishes between friends and foes and attacks only toxins, pathogens, and cells that have been damaged, weakened and infected. the anti-oxidant products are gaining in popularity as nutritional supplements due to vigorous promotion. They are really free radical scavengers and enzyme enhancers. They have been shown to help protect marginally healthy cells from free radical damage. Superoxide dismutase in particular has helped reduce a variety of disorders; normally it is among the body's most plentiful enzymes. Prolonged use of supplementary enzymes could tend to atrophy the body's ability to make these enzymes. In any case, it does not address the cause of the problem: oxygen starvation at the cellular level, which causes the cells to be too weak to make the enzymes that protect them; and toxins which prevent the free radical scavenging enzymes from doing their job.

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Delivery Time : 24HRS

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Air Steriliser

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We are offering air steriliser. ozone, when introduced into the atmosphere in low levels is an excellent air purifier. Ozone in itself is an unstable three-part molecule of oxygen. When an ozone molecule contacts a pollutant, it attaches itself to it and changes its molecular structure in most cases to carbon dioxide and hydrogen. By destroying viruses, bacteria and other microbial contaminants, the source of the odours is eliminated and the odours does not return. Ozone destroys the contaminant molecule; it does not mask it as other methods do. Ozone treats all of the air, not just the air that is pulled into it as do the vast majority of electronic filters that are on the market today. Ozone residual will revert back to pure oxygen, making it environmentally friendly. Applicationshotel roomsa/c cabinsdr's cabins featuresoperation theatrehospitalhome, office and public spaces

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We are offering steriliserfeatures:1) photo catalyst, capture bacteria in the uv irradiation, and thendecompose to harmless substances. 2) uv, directly sterilization by the wavelength, at the same time, ultraviolet light can activate photo catalyst, it is non-destructive tohuman body. 3) coarse filter, filter large particles material and variety of pollenand dust etc. 4) anions, directly fresh the air, increase the activity of oxygen, make people revive and refresh. 5) humidifier, humidifier can be individually removed to use, moistair can moist skin, make people refresh and natural in a confinedspace. 6) hepa, killing most of large molecular weight of hazardoussubstances. 7) cold catalyst sterilization, capture and kill harmful substances bythe flow air. 8) there is a unique fragrance which makes people revive andrefresh. 9) with the function of putting up on the wall. 10) timing (1248 hours)11) high, medium and low windshield. 12) auto-sensing (smell), can be automatically adjusted according todifferent odours windshield. 13) function switch independent switches, operation humanized. 14) remote control operation.

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Delivery Time : IMMEDIATE

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Breast Uplifting Nano Serum

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We are offering breast uplifting nano serum. nanosomes are naturally occurring components, which act as active transporters of vital nutrients required for the body. Nano breast firming serum has these nanosomes incorporates in it for the most effective nourishment of your breasts. The shape and firmness of your breasts are determined in a large part by the effectiveness of nanosomes in supplying the cells with nourishment. An adequate quantity of nanosomes made available with nano lady nano breast serum goes a long way in making your breasts firm and enhancing their volume, lifting them up further on your chest. Further, the active ingredients in nano breast serum aid in collagen synthesis collagen is a form of fibrous protein that is available throughout the body, forming the bulk of the connecting tissue in the body. Collagen synthesis is the process by which collagen is formed actively in the body. In effect, using nano breast serum regularly aids in collagen formation and hence, helps in breast tissues development, giving fullness to your breasts. pro-vitamin b5 available in nano breast serum helps in protecting the breast tissues formed and also aids in adding to the suppleness and texture of breast skin on the exterior. The combined effects of nanosomes, pro vitamin b5 and pueraria mirifica extracts add strength and vitality to soft tissues and make your breasts rejuvenated with nourishment. An additional effect of nano lady nano breast serum is that it works actively to stimulate the production of hormone estrogen. Estogen, the female sex hormone, when triggered, leads the way in the natural blossoming of your breasts from the basic cell structure to the outward firmness. Regular usage of the nano breast serum would eliminate the temptation to go under the scalpel for enhancement surgeries, saving you of vital investments and stress of surgical procedures. If the need is for firmer and fuller breasts with enhanced looks, you need to look no further than the natural way to enhance your cup sizes, with nano lady nano breast serum.

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Delivery Time : 24HRS

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Breast Enhancer-Nano Tech

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  • nano tech and herbal no side effects
  • quick action making breast big size
  • breast up lifting nano breast cream
How to Increase the Breast Size? Years of research and strife for perfection have resulted in the perfect blend of nanotechnology and nature. Pueraria Mirifica is the traditional secret of rejuvenation that has been passed on over generations, bringing voluptuous cup size virtually within your reach. Nano lady Nano Breast Cream has abundantly delved into natures treasure trove, with nanosomes, which act as active transporters of vital nutrients, enhancing breast shape and appearance by supplying the cells with nourishment. The effect is a well nourished and expanded cellular structure for naturally fuller breasts. Nano lady Nano Breast Cream also stimulates the hormone estrogen, which increases the content of liposomes, the basic fatty tissues that make up your breasts. If you have been asking for firmness, fullness and sensuality, its all within your reach now. The best part of using Nano lady Nano Breast Cream is that you can stay away from some of the more incisive options that many women resort to, in their quest for enhanced cup size. You do not have to be doubtful in your steps, as you weigh the outcomes of popping some breast enhancement pills along with your diet, and hoping they would turn up a miracle in some way, treating you with fuller breasts. And you would not have to shell out a fortune, fixing up appointments with an anonymous breast enhancement clinic and go through the ordeal of incisions and operations. Instead, Nano ladyNano Breast Cream relies on science and nature and the blend that the duo can bless your breasts with.

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Payment Terms : L/C, T/T, Western Union,

Delivery Time : 24hrs

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Hair Care Products

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We are offering hair care products. hair care - the green waydrinking the highly oxygenated water along with applying oxygenated castor oil will give excellent results in hair growth , hair premature greying, dandruff , hair fall and hair conditioning . Castor oil hair growth treatment is a natural method that helps your hair to grow healthier and thicker. That's why, if you notice that your hair is becoming thinner every time you check yourself in the mirror, it's probably time for you to find out more about the various castor oil uses and pick one. Hair growth treatment by means of castor oil has long been recognized in the alternative health field. It is considered a type of natural hair oil for baldness, which is actually a result of many factors such as your genetics, diet, stress level, environment and lifestyle. What are the benefits of oxygenated castor oil for hair growth? increase hair growththicken hair that is starting to thin outreduce and prevent hair damageeliminate dry hairmake the hair fuller and shinierdeeply condition and moisturize hair and scalpprevents dry scalpboost your hair's overall health how do you use oxygenated castor oil to prevent hair loss? here are the common step-by-step techniques for using castor oil in hair loss:using your fingertips, apply high quality castor oil to your roots and scalp. Make sure that you distribute the oil evenly on the scalp. Do your best to avoid the oil fro getting into your hair as its thick consistency may be hard to wash out. After applying it to your scalp, cover your hair with a plastic cap and wrap it in a towel. Let the oil stay in your hair for at least 15 to 20 minutes or allow it to set overnight. Wash it out with shampoo after to remove the castor oil. Do this once a week for 6-8 weeks to see the results.

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Baby Hygiene Products

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We offering baby hygiene products. Highly Oxygenated sterile water for mother and baby bathing to keep away from harmful Pathogens like - swine flu and Seasonal flu , Bacterias and Fungi . Thus keeping away from other disinfectant chemicals or other chemical formulations .Ozone (O3), a colorless gas, is the tri-atomic form of oxygen; also know as "Super Oxygen". It is a molecule consisting of three oxygen atoms (O1+O1+O1=O3). Ozone is formed naturally by the Ultra-Violet Rays of the sun (photochemical reaction) and by lightning (bio-electrical reaction). Ozone also formed synthetically by passing air or oxygen over a Ultra-Violet lamp (photochemical reaction). Some of the oxygen molecules split into two separate oxygen atoms. These single atoms then form semi-unstable bonds with the oxygen molecules (O2+O1=O3/Ozone). These oxygen molecules are highly reactive. This reactivity is because of the third atom of oxygen, also know as a "Hungry Atom". This atom being very eager to break away from this semiunstable bond and react with any oxidizable compound (organic or inorganic). Also due to its reactivity, Ozone has a very short life span (about 20 min.).Ozone is 3 atoms of oxygen bound together instead of the normal 2. It is created artificially as the result of ultraviolet light acting on oxygen to break up and recombine as threesomes. Ozone destroys algae, viruses, bacteria, and fungi on contact and it breaks down harmful chemicals into simpler less damaging molecules. Ozone kills microorganisms by rupturing their cell walls. Healthy cells are not damaged because of their self protective mechanisms.Ozone is Oxygen. We breath in O2 oxygen from the air around us. Ozone is O3, so it has an extra electron looking to pair itself. This unstable electron is what makes ozone a wonderful Cleanser. When we have a Lightening storm Ozone is created in the atmosphere and Hydrogen peroxide (H202) is created in the water. They both will return O2 and H20 and at the same time Cleanse the the earth.

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PET Care Products & PET Hygiene Products

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We are offering pet care products & pet hygiene products etc. the most powerful tool in pet hygiene "0xygen" natural/no chemicals or chemical process/takes o2 from atmosphere convert in to o3 then returning to o2 /the o1 is a free radical available there to attack virus-bacteria/fungi etc. Ozone kills microorganisms with a process known as "cellular lysis". In the oxidation process, ozone ruptures the cellular membrane of microorganisms and disperses the bacterial cytoplasm into solution, thus making reactivation impossible. This process takes place in about 2 seconds. Pets: use ozonated water to bathe and disinfect pets, remove fur odors, prevent growth of skin bacteria, and reduce flea breeding. Exotic pets' human health risk people and their pets. The two are often inseparable, with emotional ties nearly as tight as those between a parent and a young child, or between life partner s. Few other relationships feature such a high degree of physical contact. Slobbering kisses. Frequent caresses. Sometimes even the sharing of a pillow at bedtime. Many infectious diseases in humans can be acquired through contact with pets. Dogs and cats may be the most frequent household pets around the world, but there are also many other vertebrates that share our household environment. Summaryin addition to dogs, cats and birds, which are the most frequent house pets, rabbits, rodents, fish and turtles are also vertebrate species that commonly share the home environment. Lizards, snakes and ferrets are less common pets. These species can transmit numerous diseases, especially to children who are more likely to be in close contact with them. We presents a general review of zoonoses and potential zoonoses transmitted by rabbits, rodents and cold blooded vertebrates. Zoonoses transmitted by ferrets, a more recent popular house pet, are also considered. Although most zoonoses contracted from pets are relatively rare events, clinicians should be aware of any animal exposure, especially in immuno-compromised hosts. Because of the diversity and the large size of the pet population, exposure to animals should be systematically ascertained when examining a patient. pets can add an incredible amount of joy and companionship to the lives of the humans they live with. Studies show that more than 70% of all american homes own a pet. Not only do they make great friends, but it has also been proven that they can improve our ability to relax. Petting a cat or dog has been shown to lower our blood pressure and decrease our feelings of loneliness and isolation. a healthy pet is a good pet. And message here is that if you are taking good care of your pet, if it's regularly checked by a veterinarian, the risks are pretty low." "on the other hand, yes, you are dealing with live organisms here. And they may bring back and carry home dirty stuff." the list is impressive, ranging from skin conditions like ringworm to diarrhoea-causing bugs like salmonella, campylobacter and maybe c. Difficult to more exotic and health-threatening ailments like leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis and monkey pox, an animal cousin of smallpox. Pet hygiene with oxygenated waterroutine brushing, bathing, tooth care, and nail trimming are great ways to keep your pet clean and healthy. By maintaining your pet in a clean environment, we can prevent unnecessary skin and ear infections. here's a list of basic hygiene practices necessary for dogs and cats:- brush their fur every day brushing their teeth every day. Get their toenails trimmed every couple months . Keep your home clean to prevent skin and ear infections. Schedule routine checks with your pet's veterinarianhave your pet bathed in oxygenated water , groomed and trimmed at one of our locations. Assuring your pet's hair coat is brushed and free of debris, the ears are regularly checked and cleaned, and the nails are properly trimmed, are all components in providing the best life possible for your pet.

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Body Care Product

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We are offering body care product. body caresuperoxygenation for health oxygen is the most vital element required for human life and it is the key to good health. We can survive without water for a week and go without food for a month, but we can only live a few minutes without oxygen. Oxygen is the life-giving, life-sustaining element. All body activities require oxygen. Through oxidation, the body generates heat and energy from its fuel, and disposes of wastes and microbes. Our body contains two-thirds water. Since the water in our bodies is itself 8/9 oxygen by weight, we are therefore composed of nearly 60% oxygen. The best way to optimize health is to oxygenate every cell in our body. The more oxygen we have in our system, the more energy we produce, and the more efficiently we can eliminate wastes. Good health is dependent on the production, maintenance and flow of energy, which is produced by the oxidation of sugar. Oxidation is central to metabolism, circulation, respiration, digestion, assimilation and elimination. Oxygen purifies the blood, keeping it free of cellular waste buildup. Sufficient oxygen allows the body to rebuild itself and maintain the immune system. The basic requirements for each cell are sugar, amino acids, minerals, hormones, enzymes and oxygen. The cause of disease is the link between insufficient oxygen and disease has been firmly established. Insufficient oxygen can result in anything from mild fatigue to life-threatening disease. Ozone also has the ability to prevent cancer. If sufficient oxygen is provided to the cells so that they never drop below 40%, they will stay healthy, barring any chemical or radiation poisoning. It is as simple, and as difficult, as that. Many people today are using super oxygen generators to keep their cellular oxygen levels high, to prevent disease. Ozone increases microcirculation of the blood, by oxidizing plaque in the arteries, and reducing the clumping of red blood cells. This enables them to pick up oxygen in the lungs, and increases their flexibility, which is crucial to passage through the fine capillaries. People often ask whether they will have to continue to take ozone for the rest of their life. We say that if you want to prevent toxins from building up that could result in your cells from being deprived of oxygen and turning anerobic, then taking ozone is a small price to pay. Ozone taken on a daily basis ensures that the entire system receives the oxygen it needs, as well as eliminating toxins and any bacteria, viruses or cancer cells. Repeated treatments with ozone are required because viruses and bacteria seem to be more susceptible at different stages of their growth cycle. The beneficial effects of ozone are cumulative, as the body becomes cleaner, stored toxins are eliminated and the biological terrain is steadily improved. In this way, cancer is prevented. we now understand the chemical mechanisms of respiration and fermentation at the cellular level and how oxygen deficiency leads to cancer. This oxygen deficiency, or hypoxia, can be caused by many factors. Some poison may reach the cell and prevent oxygen uptake, or the excretory duct of a gland may become plugged up, as in breast cancer caused by lymph gland plugging. But the end result is the same. If the cell is chronically starved for oxygen, yet does not die, eventually cancer will result. Frequent small doses of respiratory poisons are therefore more dangerous than a single large dose, where there is the chance that the cells will be killed rather than become anerobic and eventually cancerous. All carcinogens impair cellular respiration. The word carcinogen is an empty word. The continual search for more carcinogenic substances is an utter waste of time and money, because this obscures the true cause of cancer, which is the oxygen starvation of the cell. It also prevents the proper treatment of cancer with oxygen therapies, because of misunderstanding the cause. To destroy cancer, what is required is the introduction of massive amounts of singlet oxygen at the cellular level. This can be done by ingesting homozon or introducing ozone. These two treatments have been in use for over 100 years, with excellent success. They must be taken repeatedly, as the beneficial effect is.

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Anti Aging Natural Products

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We are offering anti aging natural products. during youth, our bodies produce high levels of human growth hormone which, in turn, produces growth factors responsible for the growth and development of our bodies.growth factor levels peak in youth, when our bodies fully develop. around age 20, our production of growth factors starts declining. By age 30, we have already lost much of our youthful ability to repair and regenerate the cells in our body's systems. antioxidants protect cell membranes from free radicals. These oxygen modulators are believed to destroy free radicals by feeding them electrons which change their chemical structure into more stable compounds, like h2o2 (hydrogen peroxide), that actually enhance the oxidation process by creating more cellular energy. an important benefit of ozone is that it increases the effectiveness of the antioxidant enzyme system, which scavenges excess free radicals in the body. Free radicals are molecules with unpaired electrons on their outer ring. Their structure enables them to latch onto other molecules and damage cells, tissues, and organs. Once this occurs, they weaken physical vitality and can damage body systems, including the neurological, cardiovascular and immune systems. The idea of biochemical invaders impairing immunity and overall health is difficult to grasp, since they are part of the system and not directly visible. By contrast, the impact of outside invaders, such as bacteria and viruses, is easier to understand, as their damage is more visible. It cannot compare, however, to the destruction caused by free radicals. Nothing kills more certainly. Unlike bacteria, viruses, and parasites, which can coexist with the body, free radicals are not friendly coexisters. These have one tendency--to cause havoc in the system. Free radical damage results in a variety of symptoms and degenerative radicals contribute to over 60 diseases or health-related symptoms, 22 ranging from aging of the skin to chronic fatigue to damage to cell membranes, leading to cell destruction, to damage to dna, which can cause precancerous conditions. the doctor goes on to explain his enthusiasm for ozone as an anti-aging factor: "ozone, first of all, has what I have called the homeopathic ozone effect. This reverses most latent overt aging factors and disease processes that happen in the body that you don't even know about. In a six-month period, after just one ozone application, virtually every single person tells me of dramatic improvements. "the second thing is the immune-modulating effect of ozone and the reduction of allergic factors. An allergy is an accumulation of fluid. It prevents you from absorbing nutrients and causes other symptoms. Any person who has significant allergies is in a constant state of nutritional deficiency. "third, it reverses the cross-linking of the collagen and reduces the aging pigment . By reversing those things, it will restore the elasticity in all tissues. "it removes the arterial plaque the same way it removes plaque in the pipes of heating/air-conditioning systems. It also removes the fibrin in the veins by breaking it down to pieces that are recognized by the macrophages and then scavenged away. Indirectly, it works like a rotor-rooter by changing unnecessary fibrin deposits or arterial plaque to a point from which both the arteries and veins are cleaned out. Obviously, if you have more circulation to all parts of your body, all toxins can be removed and every cell of the body functions better. ". As far as immune modulation is concerned . Many researchers say that a person is as old as the immune system. If you can have a perfectly young immune system, the rest of the body will follow suit and you will be as young as your immune system again."in short, oxygen helps to protect cell membranes from free radical damage and thus prevents premature aging, cancer, heart disease, and many other degenerative conditions. Every second, oxygen fights on behalf of every cell in the body. Oxygen, ozone, and substantial quantities of various nutrients, including beta carotene, vitamins c, e, b6, zinc, selenium, glutathione, pygnogenol, and quercetin, help the body to better utilize oxygen. Combining the right amount of vitamins with a live foods diet, and adjunctive therapies as needed, prevents premature sickness and aging.

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Slimming Products, Weight Loss Products

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We are offering slimming products, weight loss products. obesity (the more excess fat we carry, the more deficient in oxygen we become) drinking ozonated water can help to regulate ph balance throughout the entire body , reflexes, regulate metabolism and trigger fat burning, improve digestive health, heart and circulatory system, once in the blood, ozone reacts with fatty acids and the cell membranes of erythrocytes. Ozone's reaction at the membrane starts glycolysis, the breakdown of fats. This increases atp, which is the energy system in the body. This, in turn, carries and releases oxygen molecules. More oxygen in the system enables the organism to do a variety of things, since the body thrives on oxygen. "most microbes are anaerobic; they thrive without oxygen, and cannot live in the presence of added oxygen in the bloodstream. The ozone and the fatty acid cell membrane then do a reaction that occurs at that membrane which creates peroxide. A lot of destructive processes that go on are due to an accumulation of peroxide. That's why antioxidants are so important, in not only ozone treatment but in day-to-day living, because of all the environmental pollution that occurs. When that happens, it creates an increase in peroxides that go unchecked. What happens is that when these peroxides accumulate within the cell, there's an increased production of a specific biochemical called 23dpg diphosphoglycerate, which enables oxygen to be released from the haemoglobin molecule. "now all of a sudden we're freeing up more oxygen from the haemoglobin molecule. Haemoglobin carries oxygen. Now, we've got all this oxygen released going throughout our vascular system and it has antimicrobial, antiviral activity.

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Car Odour Remover

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Pack(s)
We are offering car odour removerfeature: adopts both negative ion and ozone technology. Ions remove toxic substances including the dust and odors, ozone kills virus which will be then deoxidized into oxygen without secondary pollution, which the chemical agents can not achieve. function: 1) it also has the function of sterilization. Kill virus car gas smell which will be then deoxidized into oxygen without secondary pollution, and make people feel as if in the forest after rain. 2) it has the best medicine functions, reducing chances of cough, sneeze, asthma, get rid of cigarette smoke, and dust and so on. 3) it maintains fresh car air, effectively preventing of air-conditioning diseases, improving metabolism, relieving fatigue and protecting eyesight.

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Payment Terms : T/T,

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Fridge Steriliser

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Pack(s)
We are offering fridge steriliseran innovative and intelligent device utilizes ozone purification technology to purify the stuffy area in your home. 1) neutralize stale and foul odors with fresh air inside refrigerators, shoe closets, bathrooms and cars, and extra. 2) very ideal for use in refrigerator to keep the foods fresh for longer time. 3) kill certain types of bacteria to avoid the growth of mildew. 4) built-in micro cpu intelligently controls the operation cycle & mode by one touch and indicates with the colored led. 5) run for about 90 days on 4 aa batteries. 6) no costly filter to replace ever. 7) naturally neutralize odors without any cover-up scents or fragrance. 8. very elegant and space-saving design.

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Payment Terms : T/T,

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