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1 Products availableOur Complete range of products are Rotary Single Point Wire extensometer, Auto Warning Tell-Tale Extensometer, Double Point Wire extensometer and Assman Psychrometer.
INTRODUCTION: Rotary Extensometer In same areas conventional method of Roof Testing is not possible or convenient. There is no visual indication of how close is the system to ultimate failure.
Model-AWTT-O1 INTRODUCTION AWTTis primarily used in depillaring area. When bed separation exceeds certain value during depillarling operation (7mm in case of jhanjhara area) roof fall is likely to take place. AWTT is set to trigger at about 2mm less than specified value. When AWTT starts blinking, the machine & personnel are withdrawn to safer place.
With conventional free standing support such as props, there is obvious indication when they are carrying excessive load, the greater the load the greater the deformation.
This psychrometer has long been used as the standard wet & dry bulb psychrometer capable of measuring highly accurate humidity. Humidity of air can be precisely measured by this instrument. Two insulated type thermometers, as wet and dry bulbs, are located. By spring-wound, air movement is forced past the bulbs at a rate of about 3.5m/s to 6 m/s to ensure proper ventilation.