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1 Products availableWe offer a complete product range of Smallman Clip, Haulage Rope Cappel, detonator, C.S. Gear and Friction Wedge Cappel
Dismantling Joints
Dismantling Joints NMC Dismantling Joint is a double flanged fitting that allows longitudinal adjustments in flanged pipe systems. It has been developed to provide greater flexibility at both the planning and installation stages of flanged pipework systems and for subsequent maintenance. Download PDF
They are of Steel Construction provided with soft iron jaws. Centre Bolt adjustment eliminates slit.
NMC Head Gear Pulley are supplied conforming as per IS 9239:1999 Materials used are of following specification1) CASTING : Conforms to Grade 25 of IS 2102) AXLE : Axle is of Class 5 of IS 1875.3) SPOKES : Conforms to IS 8500.
Design :NMC Haulage Rope Cappel conforms to D.G.M S. Technical Circular No. 1 2of 1 976
1. NMC intrinsically safe Continuity Circuit Tester primarily determines the continuity of blasting circuit. Metalliferous & Coal Mines Regulation 169 (5) States, When More than one shot are to be fired at the same time; the circuit shall be tested, either for electrical resistance or for continuity, before connecting it to the firing apparatus. Such a test shall be made with an apparatus specifically designed for the purpose.
It is light weight and ideal for- underground mines. Ventilation survey up to 20 reading can be stored.
Digital sound Lever Meter provides the convenience of digital readability. It is a precise and portable Meter for measurement of noise level in decible.
Wide Range, Portable type, Better Performance.
DGMS / S & I / Tech. cir. (approval) No. 02 dated 18-06-2009 has advised the industry to equip themselves with 50T anchorage testing Machine.
It consists of an outer non-rusting tube inside which a close fitting rod slides. On this rod a scale is graduated with 1 mm least count by etching operation. The scale does not fade because of etching.
4 LEGGED C. S. GERA ; CAPRCITY : 5 TON. Chains are manufactured from 20N1 55 Cr 50 Mo 20 of IS : 4432-2004 (SAE-8620) D.G.M.S. Approval No. (HQ)/NMC/APP/CSG/SH/1/84/480/Dhanbad, Dated, the 23rd July, 2008 .
TAPERED FRICTION WEDGE CAPPEL (RELIANCE TYPE CAPPLE) NMC Tapered Friction Wedge Cappels are efficient than other forms of attachment because it exerts its grip upon the rope itself in its entirely, and not on a mass of disunited wires. Furthermore, no bending stresses are set up as the rope is maintained in its true vertical plane. They conform generally to IS : 7587 (Part II) 2006. Material: Rope Cappels are manufactured from 11 Mn2 of IS :4432-1967 or 20 C 15 of IS : 5517- 2004 .
'NMC' Safety Hook operation and detaches the Cage or skips from the winding rope in the event of an over wind.
ROPE SUSPENSION EQUIPMENT NMC Equipment for the suspension fo Sinking Gear conforms to D.G.M.S. Design and is duly tested by C I M F R. .
The standard supply of cappel is as shown in the diagrams and dimensions on the back page but within reason the eye dimensions i.e. and D can be modified to suit any particular requirement.
WHITE METAL SOCKET TYPE WINDING ROPE CAPPEL N MC White Metal Socket type Cappels are supplied for all rope and loads. They conform to IS : 7587 (Part II) 2006. They are used for connecting winding rope to the suspension Gear. The length of the taper of the basket is usually not less than 6 times and not more than 8 times the diameter of the rope and the angle of taper is between 3 and 6 .
1. NMC Prop puller primarily is meant for pulling the props etc. from goaf area. Alternatively it can be used for felling the trees, pulling the machines.
Pitot Tube is standard air velocity meter. It consists of two concentric tubes. Inner one measures total pressure existing in the fluid stream, the outer measures static pressure only. When these tubes are connected to Manometers only the velocity pressure is registered. This pressure is a measure of linear velocity of gases.
'NMC' Whirling Hygrometer Consists of two thermometers with least count of 0.50 C and range 0-50 C and are mounted side by side in a plastic wooden frame.
Select the Magnehelic gage for high accuracy - guaranteed within 2% of full scale. Using simple, frictionless Magnehelic movement, it quickly indicates low air or non-corrosive gas pressure - either positive, negative (vacuum) or differential. The design resists shock, vibration and over-pressures. No manometer fluid to evaporate, freeze or cause toxic or leveling problems. Its inexpensive, too.
Smoke Generator consists of Glass tube containing granulated pumic stone saturated with anhydrous tin or titanium tatrachioride. Glass tube is fitted with a rubber aspirator bulb thro rubber tube at one end & the other end is in the form of a tip coyred by a rubber cap.
The Kata Thermometer :- The Kata Thermometer consists of an alcohol thermometer with a large bulb A 4 cm. long and 2 cm. In diameter and a stern 20 cm. long. graduated only at two points namely 38C and 35C It may be used for dry or wet. For wet Kata Cooling power reading the bulb Is first placed In hot water so that the liquid rises and partly fills the upper reservior C. It Is then exposed to the air.
Improved N MC Water Gauge comprise two no 6mm straight corning glass tubes terminating into a brass block with a connecting passage. One limb is open to atmosphere & other is connected to fan drift. A tap is provided to close the connection while taking reading. A scale with adjusting screw is mounted behind the glass tubes. A spirit level helps in keeping the instrument vertical.
(AS PER DGMS TECHNICAL CIRCULAR / 04) Dated 28.09.2010 NMC Hydraulic Cappel Banding Machine has been developed to replace the traditional method of Sledge Hammering during Banding and Disbanding of FWRC. It should be used at the time of re-capping of FWRC.
The quality and performance of the gasket and sealing rings is a crucial factor in the efficiency of any compression-fit pipe joint. NMC are able to offer gaskets & sealing rings in a variety of designs and compounds to suit a wide range of applications.
FUSION BONDED EPOXY It is a thermosetting powder coating material based on a special epoxy resin system designed to provide maximum protection against corrosion.
To complete the grooved pipework system, a wide range of fittings are available. They are supplied with prepared ends to eliminate on-site preparation. These fittings are either cast or fabricated from steel, with pressures equivalent to that of the same sized grooved joint. We reserve the right to supply in fabricated steel when castings are not available. Fittings in alternative materials i.e. Stainless steel and aluminium are also available. (Note: dimensions may vary from standard).
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Maxi Range offers the possibility to cover a much larger diameter range than in the past and more pipe materials can be joined whether in steel, ductile iron, cast iron, asbestos cement, PVC or almost any other rigid pipe material.
Gaskets: EPDM Compound Grade 'E' to BS EN 681-1:1996 suitable for water, sewage, many strong oxidizing chemicals & food applications or Nitrile compound Grade 'G' to BS:2494:1990 Grade G suitable for natural gas, petroleum products. Low aromatic fuels, compressed air, sewage & drainage. Stud & Nuts: Steel fastener to Grade 6.8 (SS available on request)
A range of tapping Tees that allows flanged branched connections to be made to an existing water main, whist it remains pressurized. Kwik Tee can be used in conjunction with all popular pipe materials. Range : DN80-DN300.