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Gate One is an agri venture committed to solid living and use. We strike a balance between maintainable farming and sustainable living. We specifically linkyou to the agriculturists and our farms, giving fresh, solid, and non-contaminated tender coconutsand vegetables with common properties at your doorstep. more...
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Indulgе in thе purе, hydrating goodnеss of Sri Logha Exports' Tеndеr Coconuts, sourcеd from our lush plantations in Madurai. As thе prеfеrrеd Tеndеr Coconut suppliеr in Tamil Nadu, wе takе pridе in offеring you naturе's rеfrеshing еlixir with thе pеrfеct balancе of swееtnеss and h more...
Benefits: It stimulates pancreas to work and secrete all the secretions properly. It is also used in treating diabetes mellitus as it has an action similar to insulin thus helping in glucose metabolism. It stimulates digestion by properly stimulating the secretion of gastric juices. Helpful in asthma bronchit more...