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3 line LED display Measures Phase voltage, Line voltage, Average voltage, Phase current, Average current, Frequency, RPM Models with secondary current of 5A and 1A Password protected programming mode through keypad includes RPM : Number of poles programmable from 2 to 16 CTPT ratio. Suitable for 5060 Hz elect more...
Auxiliary Supply 110V model (Range 85-130V), 240V model (Range 180-270V), Burden 0.2 VA max. Per input for voltage & current signals 3 VA max. on auxiliary supply, Accuracy Class 1.0 for VoltAmmeterKWhPF Meter (Class 0.5 on request) for Hz 0.1% of full scale Display 0.5 inches, 7 Segment super bright LED more...
DESCRIPTION:- It is a Combined Voltage, Current & Frequency meter. The meter incorporates micro-controller to measure & indicate these parameters simultaneously on three separate LED displays. BASIC FUNCTIONS OF VOLTAGE TRANSFORMERS ARE . . . Requires only one meter instead of three meters to indicate Voltage more...