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An extremely aggressive grasper, it is used basically for 1 function. It is used to hold the gall bladder while the organ is removed through a 10mm port site . Its ability to grasp very tightly is a function of its size, long, sharp teeth and the nature of a single action jaw. more...
Payments : We accept payments through PayPal Shipping Policy We ship through FEDEX DHL BOMBINO ARAMEX average transit time 5-10 working days (Standard Shipping) We ship through Registered Mail by India Post which takes 11-24 working days (Economy Shipping) International Buyers – Please Note : Import dut more...
Buyers can stay rest assured for damage-free products from our end as we make use of quality packing material. We also fulfill different packing requirements of the clients such as customized or standard. We own a well-constructed storage space that helps in keeping the batch under secured conditions and away more...
Cutting Instruments, Holding Instruments, Haemostatic forceps, Retractors, Accessories And Implants, Wire Passer more...