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Our product range contains a wide range of micronutrient mixtures-Coffee Special, Bio product-Aadhar, Bio product-Azab, Bio product-Baba and Bio product-Bio-Jodi

Micronutrient Mixtures-Coffee Special

  • Foliar grade (liquid) 1 litre & 5 litres
  • Soil grade (Powder) 10 kg
  • This is a multi micronutrient mixture containing Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum as per Gazette notification by the respective State Fertilizer Committees.
  • Nutrients are in balanced proportion to suit the requirement of Coffee crop.
  • It increases the number of berry setting and increases the size of coffee beans in each berry.

Foliar grade (liquid) Dissolve @ 2.5 ml in one litre of water and spray on both sides of the leaf. Two sprays at an interval of one week is recommended.

Soil grade (Powder) Apply once in a year @ 10 kg per acre along with NPK fertilizers during May / Jun.

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Bio Product-Aadhar

  • Liquid 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml and 1 litre
  • Powder 250 g, 500 g and 1 kg
  • This is a Bio-fertilizer which contains Azospirillum spp. a free-living nitrogen fixing bacteria
  • It fixes atmospheric nitrogen to soil and is useful in cultivation of several non-leguminous & vegetables crops.
  • It induces plants to produce beneficial hormones like IAA, GA, Cytokinins and several vitamins.
  • It also induces plants to produce antibiotics which inhibits soil & plant pathogens.

Dosage / Acre:

Mix @ 250 ml / 2 kg of Aadhar with 100 kg of well-decomposed farm yard manure or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast in main field just before transplant/sowing.

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Bio Product-Azab

  • Liquid 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml & 1 litre
  • Powder 250 g, 500 g & 1 kg
  • It is a Bio-fertilizer which contains Azotobacter spp. a free-living nitrogen fixing bacteria.
  • It fixes atmospheric nitrogen to soil and is useful in cultivation of several non-leguminous & vegetables crops.
  • It induces plants to produce more of beneficial harmones like IAA, GA, Cytokinins and several vitamins.
  • It also induces plants to produce antibiotics which inhibits soil & plant pathogens.

Dosage / acre:

Mix @ 250 ml / 2 kg of Multiplex Azab with 100 kg well decomposed farm yard manure or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast in main field just before transplanting / sowing.

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Bio Product-Baba

  • Liquid 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml & 1 litre
  • Powder 100 g, 250 g, 500 g & 1 kg
  • This contains fungus Beauveria bassiana which causes white muscardine disease in many insects.
  • The fungus attacks the cuticle of pest insect and consumes body sap leaving the insects exoskeleton with white mycelial growth all over the body.
  • It controls white fly, aphids, thrips, mealy bugs, shoot borer, semi-looper & other caterpillars.

Dissolve @ 1 ml or 3 g of Multiplex Baba in one litre of water and spray on both sides of the leaf.

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Bio Product-Bio-Jodi

  • Foliar application: Apply @ 5 g of Multiplex Bio-Jodi /litre of water.
  • Powder 50g, 100g, 250g, 500g & 1kg
  • Liquid 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml & 1 litre
  • This is a combination product made with bio-bactericide and bio-fungicide which contains two most widely used beneficial bacteria (Pseudomonas fluorescence & Bacillus subtilis).
  • The organisms release antibiotics during sporulation which compete with other pathogens ultimately killing them or reducing their growth rate.
  • It produces phytotonic substances which helps in healthy growth and development of plants.

Soil application:Mix @ 1 2 kg of Multiplex Bio-Jodi with 100 kg Farm Yard manure/acre. Immediately after application mix thoroughly with soil and irrigate.

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Metarhizium-Bio Product

  • Liquid 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml & 1 litre
  • Powder 1 kg & 25 kg
  • This contains insect parasitic fungus (Metarhizium anisopliae) widely found in soil that infects insects like root weevils, plant hoppers, beetle grubs, black vine weevil, spindle bug, white ants, termites, mosquitoes, leaf hopper, beetles, etc


Foliar application: Dissolve 1 ml of Multiplex Metarhizium (Liquid)/litre of water or 3 g of Multiplex Metarhizium (powder) in one litre of water and apply on both sides of leaves.

Soil drenching: Dissolve @ 3 ml of Multiplex Metarhizium(liquid)/litre of water or 10 g of Multiplex Metarhizium (powder) in one litre of water and drench the base of each plant.

Soil application: Mix @ 250 ml of Multiplex Metarhizium(liquid) or 2 kg of Multiplex Metarhizium (Powder) with 100 kg FYM or 60 kg Multiplex Annapurna and apply to one acre.

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Nalpak-Bio Product

  • Powder 5 kg
  • Liquid 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 litre & 5 litres
  • This is a blend of various beneficial bacteria like nitrogen fixers (Azotobacter and Azospirillium), phosphate solubilizers and potash mobilizers.
  • It helps in fixing of nitrogen, solubilize and mobilize Phosphorus and potassium respectively and increases crop yield.
  • It helps in better utilization of applied major plant nutrients.

Dosage / acre:
Multiplex Nalpak @ 500 ml liquid or 5 kg of powder to be mixed with 100 kg of well decomposed farm yard manure or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast.

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Nisarga-Bio Product

  • Liquid 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 litre & 5 litre.
  • Powder 250 g, 500 g, 1 kg, 5 kg & 10 kg.
  • This contains Trichoderma viride fungi which controls many plant diseases
  • T. viride produces antibiotic substances that kill several plant pathogens or suppresses their growth
  • It controls root/collar/ stem rot, damping off, wilt & blight diseases of many crops.
  • It also releases plant growth promoting agents.


Foliar application:Dissolve @ 1 ml or 3 g of Multiplex Nisarga in one litre of water and spray on both sides of leaf during evening hours.

Soil application:Mix @ 100 ml or 1 2 kg of Multiplex Nisarga in 100 kg of FYM or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast on one acre.

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Niyanthran-Bio Product

  • Liquid 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml & 1 litre
  • Powder 1 kg & 25 kg
  • This conatins Paecilomyces liIacinus. This entomophagous fungal hyphae infests harmful soil borne plant parasitic nematodes and kills them
  • It controls the root knot nematodes and other nematodes


Soil application:Dissolve @ 3 ml/10 g of Multiplex Niyanthran in one litre of water, mix with 100 kg of FYM or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast on one acre.

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Sparsha- Bio Product

  • Liquid 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml & 1 litre
  • Powder 500 g & 1 kg
  • This contains Pseudomonas fluorescence bacteria which controls many plant diseases
  • It produces group of antibiotics which competes with other plant pathogens and suppresses their growth and kills them
  • It controls leaf, soil, seed & air borne diseases such as onion smut, paddy blast, bacterial wilt, die-back in chilli & tomato
  • It also releases plant growth promoting agents


Foliar application:Dissolve @ 1 ml or 3 g of Multiplex Sparsha in one litre of water and spray on both sides of leaves.

Soil application:Mix @ 100 ml or 1 2 kg of Multiplex Sparsha in 100 kg of FYM or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast on one acre.

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Sunrise- Bio Product

  • Liquid 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml & 1 litre
  • Powder 250 g, 500 g & 1 kg
  • This contains bacteria Rhizobium sp. In symbiotic association with leguminous crops the bacteria fixes large quantity of atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available for plants.
  • Rhizobium normally enters the root hairs, multiply and form nodules producing nitrogenous compounds which are utilized by the plants.
  • It can fix up to 20-40 kg of nitrogen per acre in one cropping season and leaves behind substantial quantity of nitrogen in soil for succeeding crops and increases yield.

Mix @ 250 ml or 2 kg of Multiplex Sunrise with 100 kg of well decomposed farm yard manure or Multiplex Annapurna and broadcast. Multiplex Sunrise is suitable for all leguminous crops.

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Varsha- Bio Product

  • Liquid 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml & 1 liter
  • Powder 1 kg & 25 kg
  • This contains Verticillium lecanii fungi. When the fungus meets the pest insect, it invades the body and kills the pest
  • It controls all soft bodied sucking insect pests like aphids, thrips, mealy bug, whitefly, scale insects & all types of mites


Dissolve @ 1 ml or 3 g of Multiplex Varsha in one litre of water and apply on both sides of the leaves.

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Major Nutrient Krishay

  • Dosage For arecanut: Apply @ 700 to 750 g/palm/year as soil application
  • Available Packing 50 Kg
  • This is a granulated fertilizer and contains 14 % nitrogen; 06 % phosphorous and 21 % potassium
  • This fertilizer is ideally suitable for arecanut. It can also be used for other crops as per recommended dosage
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Multi PK -Major Nutrient

  • Available Packing 1 kg
  • This is 100% water soluble fertilizer and contains Phosphorus (52%) & Potassium (34%)
  • It is suitable for fertigation and foliar spray and can be used for correcting P & K deficiency symptoms


For foliar spray, dissolve @ 35g/litre of water.

For Fertigation apply @ 4-5 kg/acre on all crops.

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Multiplex Twin -Major Nutrient

  • Available Packing 1 kg & 5 kg
    • Thisis 100% water soluble fertilizer and contains Nitrogen (13%) & Potassium (45%)
    • It is suitable for fertigation and foliar spray and can be used for correcting N & K deficiency symptoms


For foliar spray, dissolve @ 34g/litre of water.

For Fertigation apply @ 4 -5 kg/acre on all crops.

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ONLY-K -Major Nutrient

  • Dosage For foliar spray, dissolve @ 4–5 g/litre of water. It can also be used for fertigation.
  • Available Packing: 1 kg
  • This is 100% water soluble fertilizer and contains Potassium (50%)
  • It is suitable for fertigation and foliar spray. It also provides Sulphur in soluble form
  • It provides better resistance to drought and frost by increasing thickness of the outer cell walls and improves plant health
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Pramukh -Major Nutrient

  • Available Packing 1 kg, 5 kg & 25 kg
  • Thisis 100% water soluble fertilizer and contains Nitrogen (19%), Phosphorus (19%) and Potassium (19%)
  • It is suitable for fertigation and foliar spray


For foliar spray, dissolve @ 34g/litre of water.

For Fertigation apply @ 4-5 kg/acre on all crops.

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Moti Mg-Secondary Nutrient

  • Dosage Dissolve @ 0.5 g/litre of water and spray on both sides of leaf.
  • Available Packing: 100 g, 250 g, 500 g & 1 kg
  • This contains magnesium in chelated form (Mg 6%) which is easily available to the plants
  • This is in powder form & is completely soluble in water
  • It supplies magnesium and corrects deficiency symptoms in the crop
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Moti Mg-Secondary Nutrient

  • Available Packing 1 Kg
  • This is in crystalline form and contains Magnesium (9.6%) which is 100 % water soluble
  • This helps in more synthesis of chlorophyll which in turn increases the food production in plants
  • It can also be used to rectify magnesium deficiency


Dissolve @ 3 4 g of Multiplex Multi Mag per litre of water and spray on both sides of leaf.

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Boron-Chelated Micronutrient

  • Dosage Apply @2 to 2.5 g/litre of water and spray on plants.
  • Available Packing Multiplex Boron: 500 g, 1 kg & 4 kg
  • This contains Boron (B10.5%) in powder form, 100% water soluble and is easily available to plants.
  • It improves flower & fruit setting and increases size of fruit.
  • Highly recommended for crops that require more Boron e.g. Tomato, Chilli, Capsicum and other fruit crops.
  • It can be used for all crops.
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Copper Sulphate-Chelated Micronutrient

  • Available Packing 25 kg & 50 kg
  • This contains 24 % copper and is used to prepare Bordeaux mixture.

Preparation of 1 % Bordeaux Mixture:
Dissolve @ 1.0 kg of Multiplex Copper Sulphate in 50 litres of water in the first container
In the second container dissolve 1.0 kg of Calcium carbonate or any lime source in 50 litres of water.
Finally mix both the solutions slowly in a third container by stirring continuously for solution to become neutral.

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Madhura Plus-Chelated Micronutrient

  • Dosage Dissolve @ 1 g/litre of water and spray on both sides of leaf.
  • Available Packing 1kg
  • This contains Boron, Potassium and Magnesium in powder form and is 100% water soluble.
  • It increases number of fruit set, weight of the fruit and taste of the fruit.
  • It corrects Boron, Potassium and Magnesium deficiencies in crops.
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Madura-Chelated Micronutrient

  • Dosage Dissolve @ 1 g/litre of water and spray on both sides of the leaf.
  • Available Packing 100 g & 250 g
  • This contains Boron and Potassium in powder form and is 100% water soluble.
  • It increases fruit set, weight of the fruit and taste of the fruit.
  • It corrects Boron and Potassium deficiencies in crops.
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Magnum Mn-Chelated Micronutrient

  • Available Packing 100 g, 250 g, 500 g & 1 kg
  • This contains manganese in chelated form (12%) which is easily available to plants.
  • It is in powder form & is completely soluble in water.
  • It helps in increased photosynthesis and metabolism of carbohydrate & N.

Dissolve 0.5 g in a litre of water and spray on both the surface of leaves. Spray preferably in the cool hours of morning or evening. For better result use wetting agent Multiplex Maxiwet.

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Multiplex Iron-Chelated Micronutrient

  • Available Packing 1 kg
  • This contains 19% iron in partially chelated form. Iron plays vital role in photosynthesis and breakdown of carbohydrates.
  • It ensures normal growth of crops & high-quality yields and is suitable for all crops.

Foliar Spray: Dissolve @ 2.5 g of Multiplex Iron in a litre of water and spray liberally on both surfaces of the leaves.

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Multiplex Liquisil-Chelated Micronutrient

  • Available Packing 250 ml, 500 ml & 1.0 litre
  • This contains silica in combination with boron and potassium.
  • It provides resistance to water stress and helps fight high temperature stress of up to 41oC.
  • Silicon helps crops to increase tolerance to zinc deficiency and increases reproductive rate.
  • It is suitable for all crops.

Dissolve 1-2 ml of Multiplex Liquisil in one liter of water. First spray to be given 30 days after sowing or transplant. 2-3 sprays to be given at an interval of 20 days between the sprays.

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Micronutrient Mixtures-Apple Special

  • Available Packing 500 ml, 1 litre & 5 litre
  • This is a multi-micronutrient mixture in liquid form containing Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum as per Gazette notification by the respective State Fertilizer Committees.
  • It is especially manufactured to suit the requirement of apple crop.
  • It improves chlorophyll pigments in leaves, increases photosynthetic activity, increases flowering, fruit setting and fruit size.
  • It reduces cracking of fruits and reduces formation of misshapen fruits and yields better quality fruits.

Apply @ 2.5 g/litre of water on both sides of leaf as foliar spray. Three sprays are recommended

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Micronutrient Mixtures-ARECA GREEN

  • Available Packing 10 kg
  • This contains secondary and micro-nutrients in balanced form.
  • It improves soil structure, base saturation and corrects soil pH. Sulphur reduces soil salinity.
  • It increases chlorophyll pigments, increases photosynthetic activities and gives higher crop yield.
  • It induces regular flowering, better nut setting, reduces the incidence of Yellow leaf disease, increases nut weight and crop yield.

Apply @ 250 g per palm/year;
Time of application: May June & Sept Oct

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Micronutrient Mixtures-Arecanut Special

  • Dosage Apply @ 100 g per bearing palms and @ 50 g per non-bearing palm in two split doses.
  • Available Packing 10 kg
  • This is a multi micronutrient mixture in powder form containing Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum as per Gazette notification by the respective State Fertilizer Committees.
  • It is especially manufactured to suit the nutrient requirement of arecanut palms.
  • It induces inflorescence setting, enhances nut size, decreases nut dropping and gives better yield.
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Micronutrient MixturesBanana Special

  • Available Packing 5 kg & 10 kg
  • This is a multi micronutrient mixture in powder form containing Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum as per Gazette notification by the respective State Fertilizer Committee.
  • It helps in better utilization of applied nutrients, proper inflorescence setting, bigger and uniform size of fingers.
  • It enhances taste & quality of the fruit and gives higher yield.

Apply @ 20 kg/acre in two split applications or 20g per plant.
First application: @ 15 kg/acre three months after transplant
Second application: @ 5 kg/acre five to six months after transplant.

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Micronutrient Mixtures-BTC For Cotton

  • Available Packing 250g, 500g, 1 kg & 4 kg
  • This is in powder form which contains all essential nutrients and most of them are in chelated form to suit the requirement of cotton crop.
  • It helps in the production of various enzymes, protein synthesis and growth regulation.
  • It enhances initiation of healthy flowers and retains more number of bolls per plant.

Apply @ 2 g/litre of water and spray on both sides of the leaf. Repeat two more sprays at an interval of 15 days.

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Micronutrient Mixtures-Cardamom Special

  • Dosage Dissolve @ 2.5 ml/litre of water and spray on both sides of leaf.
  • Available Packing 1 litre & 5 litres
  • This is multimicronutrient mixture formulation in liquid form and contains Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum in balanced form to suit the nutrient requirements of Cardamom crop.
  • It helps in good growth of the crop and gives better yield.

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Micronutrient Mixtures-Chamak

  • Dosage Apply @ 3g/litre of water and spray on both sides of leaf
  • Available Packing 100 g, 250 g, 500 g & 1 kg
  • This is available in powder form and contains Calcium & Boron nutrients.
  • It induces better structural & physiological stability to crop and helps for better flowering and fruit setting.
  • It is suitable for all crops and improves shelf life of end produce.
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Micronutrient Mixtures-Crop Miracle

  • Dosage Dissolve @ 2.5 ml/litre of water and spray on both side of the leaf.
  • Available Packing 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml & 1 litre
  • This is multimicronutrient mixture in liquid form containing Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum
  • When used in early stages of the crop it increases root proliferation, improves nutrient uptake and improves vigor of young seedlings
  • It can be used on all crops
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Garden Mixture

  • Available Packing 500 Gm
  • This contains major plant nutrients (NPK), secondary nutrients (Ca, Mg & S) and micro nutrients (Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum) and it is complete plant food, ideal for garden plants
  • It is available in powder form and use of this product will improve the overall growth and development of garden plants

Depending upon the foliage and age of the plant, apply @ 10 -15 g to each of the plant as soil application and mix it thoroughly at the root zone. Repeat the application once in two months.

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Micronutrient Mixtures-General Special

  • Available Packing: 8 kg
  • This is a multimicronutrient mixture in powder form containing Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum as per Gazette notification by the respective State Fertilizer Committees
  • This keeps ginger plants healthy and helps crop to develop disease resistance, impart natural color to rhizome and increases number of rhizomes per hill

Apply @ 4 kg/acre at 30 days after sowing.
Second dose @ 4 kg/acre after 90 days of sowing.

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Micronutrient Mixtures-Grapes Special

  • Available Packing: 10 kg
  • This is a multimicronutrient mixture in powder form containing Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum as per Gazette notification by the respective State Fertilizer Committees
  • This is specially prepared for Grape vines
  • It improves the inflorescence setting, increases berry size, decreases berry dropping, helps to bear uniform sized berry, more berry stiffness, shining berries with added weight and more yield

Apply @ 15 -20 kg/acre in two split doses, First application: in March/ April and Second application: during September/October.

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Micronutrient Mixtures-Green Challenger

  • Available Packing Available Packing:
  • This is a liquid formulation and contains chelated zinc and boron in a balanced proportion and it is ideally suitable for tea crop
  • The foliar spray ensures easy availability of nutrients, makes plants healthy and increases quality & yield

Mix @ 1.0 ml in a litre of water and spray on the tea bush continuously at an interval of 30 to 45 days.

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Micronutrient Mixtures-Mag Zinc

  • Dosage Dissolve @ 2.5 g/ litre of water and spray on both sides of leaf.
  • Available Packing 1 kg & 4 kg
  • This contains Magnesium, Zinc & Boron in powder formulation
  • Being essential nutrients they are required to complete the normal plant life cycle
  • It can be used for all crops
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MagZinc For Cereal Crops

  • Available Packing 500 g
  • This contains Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Iron and Boron
  • This helps in chlorophyll pigment synthesis and more photosynthetic activity in cereal crops
  • It increases the quality and quantity of the yield
  • This can be used on all cereal crops

Dissolve 3.0 g per litre of water. First spray 30 days after germination. Second spray before booting stage.

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Maize Special

  • Available Packing 500 g
  • This is a multimicronutrient mixture containing Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum as per Gazette notification by the respective State Fertilizer Committees
  • This contains nutrients in balanced proportion to meet the requirement of maize crop
  • This improves the vigor of young plants, increases cob size and grain filling

Apply @ 2.5 g/litre of water on both sides of leaf as foliar spray. Three sprays are recommended.

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Multimax-micronutrient Mixtures

  • Available Packing 100 g, 250 g, 500 g, 1 kg & 5 kg
  • This contains micronutrients like Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum in 100 % water soluble form
  • This is in powder form and helps to correct deficiencies of the above-mentioned nutrients at critical stages of growth and development of crop
  • It helps in seed & fruit setting and increases yield. It is suitable for all crops

Dissolve @ 3g per litre of water and spray on both sides of leaf. Two sprays are recommended.
For fertigation: 2 3 kg per acre.

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Micronutrient Fertilizer For Coconut

  • Available Packing 1 kg & 5 kg
    • This is a multimicronutrient mixture containing Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum as per Gazette notification by the respective State Fertilizer Committees
    • This is a powder formulation and ideally suited for coconut palms

It improves inflorescence setting, enhances nut size, decreases nut dropping and increases yield

Dosage:Apply @ 200 -250 g for bearing palm and @ 100-150 g for non-bearing palm in two split doses.

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Micronutrient Fertilizer For FRUITS

  • Available Packing 500 g & 1 kg.

Multiplex Multi-micronutrient fertilizer for Fruitscontains Zinc, Iron, Manganese, Copper, Boron and Molybdenum. Application of this controls premature shedding of flowers and results in increased fruit setting. It also improves the fruit colour, size and taste. It can be used on all fruit crops.


Dissolve @ 2.5 g in a litre of water and spray on both the surfaces of leaves. First spray just before flowering. Second spray during flowering or 25 days after first spray. Third spray when the fruits are of bean size.

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Micronutrient Fertilizer For MANGO

  • Available Packing 500 g.
  • This contains micronutrients like Zinc, Iron, Copper, Boron, Manganese & Molybdenum. Give two sprays at an interval of 20 days before flowering to control malformation of fruits
  • This regulates the ideal male and female ratio in the flowers, imparts attractive color to fruits, enhances keeping quality of fruits and increases yield.This product to be used for Mango crop only.

Foliar Application: Dissolve 2.5 g in a litre of water and spray on both sides of leaves.
First spray : Before flowering (for initiation of flowers & to control malformation).
Second spray: During flowering stage (Helps to open inflorescence to the maximum size and enables early normal fruit set).
Third spray: After fruit set, when fruits are of bean size (can be sprayed along with fungicides and insecticides). Fourth spray: To be given 30 days after third spray.

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Micronutrient Fertilizer For MUSTARD, CUMIN And CORIANDER

  • Available Packing 500 g & 1 kg
  • This contains Zinc, Iron, Manganese, Copper, Boron and Molybdenum
  • It increases number of branches, number of flowers and controls flower shedding
  • Improves quality and yield of the respective crops


Dissolve 2.5 g in a litre of water and spray on both surfaces of leaves

First spray 30 35 days after germination

Second spray 20 days after first spray

Third spray 15 days after second spray

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Micronutrient Fertilizer For Pan

  • Dosage Apply @ 8 – 10 kg/acre in the month of September/October.
  • Available Packing 1 kg & 5 kg
  • This is a multimicronutrient mixture which contains Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum in balanced proportion and is suitable for cultivation of Pan crop
  • This product is available in powder form and helps in good growth and development of Pan crop
  • This enhances the size of the leaf with better palatability and essence
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Micronutrient Fertilizer For Potato

  • Available Packing 250 g & 500 g
  • This is a multimicronutrient mixture containing Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron & Molybdenum as per Gazette notification by the respective State Fertilizer Committees for Potato crop
  • This helps in healthy plant growth and yields better quality tubers


Apply @ 2.5 g/litre of water.

First spray to be given 30 days after sowing

Second spray to be given 30-35 days after first spray.

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Micronutrient Fertilizer For Spices

  • Dosage Dissolve 2.5 g in a litre of water and spray on both sides of leaves
  • Available Packing 500 g
  • This contains micronutrients in readily available form and balanced proportion to suit the requirements of all spice crops
  • This helps plants to develop disease resistance
  • It keeps the plants healthy and maintains better quality essence and flavor
  • It also improves quality and quantity of yield and the product can be used for all spice crops

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Micronutrient Fertilizer For Tea

    • This contains secondary and micronutrients required in balanced proportion for Tea crop
    • It promotes healthy growth of tea bush
    • Required quantity of Auxin (NAA) is added to induce stability, ensure efficient absorption of nutrients and enhance photosynthesis
    • Since it is a balanced formulation, it will overcome the hidden nutrient deficiencies and ensures higher yield
    • Formulation is made based on the recommendations given by UPASI Tea Scientific Department (UPASI Tea Research



Powder Apply @ 8 kg per acre per year

Liquid Apply @ 2.5 ml/litre of water

Available Packing:Powder 50 kg.Liquid 250 ml, 500 ml, 1.0 litre & 5.0 litres

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