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Vibratory Compactor

Our product range contains a wide range of Needle Vibrators, Screed Vibrator and Vibratory Compactors

Needle Vibrators

  • Excellent performance
  • Corrosion resistant
  • Competitive prices
  • High quality rubber flexible pipes used for longer life
  • Spare parts easily available for maintenance repair at site.
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Screed Vibrator

To get a really leveled and durable concrete surface, the concrete should be compacted and leveled with double beam screed vibrator. It is designed to give optimum vibration and long life. The surface vibrators for panel width up to 6 meter are used for most type of concrete floor. The vibrators penetrating depth is 100to 150mm depending on beam length and concrete consistency. It consists of beam unit and vibration unit for electric drive. Beams are 100mm light alloy sections and standard beam length is 4.2 meters or 3.5metres.


For longer length of span or beam 2 nos. Shuttering vibrators can be used by equally placing them on the beam.

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