Welcome to Ms Insecticides India Limited
Manufacturer / Exporter / Supplier / Retailer Of Acetamiprid, Thiamethoxam, Sulfosulfuron, Prallethrin, Permethrin, Metsulfuron Methyl, Metalaxyl, Lambdacyhalothrin, Imidachloprid, Glyphosate, Fipronil, Deltamethrin, D Trans Allethrin, Cypermethrin, Clodinafop Propargyl, Chlorpyrifos, Butachlor, Alphamethrin, Thiophanate Methyl
Deputy General Manager
Hem Chandra Joshi / Shishir
Year of Establishment
Primary Business
Number of Employees
200 - 250
Annual Turnover
Rs. 50 to 100 Crore Approx.