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We offer the best product range of PORTABLE AUTO CLAVE, SURGICAL AUTO CLAVE, HORIZONTAL AUTO CLAVE, Tally.ERP 9 and Tally.Server 9.

Serological Water Bath

We are offering serological water bath.Technical description double walled, rectangular with attractive metallic colour.inner chamber made of stainless steel having 16 holes on the inside plate.controlled by digital temp. Controller from ambient temparature to 110c. Set temp. Will glow simultaneously on same display. optional : inbuilt water pump
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Serological Water Bath

We are offering serological water bath.Technical description double walled, rectangular with attractive metallic colour.inner chamber made of stainless steel having 16 holes on the inside plate.thermostatically controlled from ambient temparature to 110c with thermometer. bath consists of two pilot lamp, temp, control knob & onoff switch. complete with two trays, plug & cord. rating: 220230 volts., 5 amps, single phrase, 50 hz a.c. Supply
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Laminar Air Flow Cabinet

We are offering laminar air flow cabinet.Technical description working chamber size. : 3' x 2' x 2' m.s. Fabrication with powder coating paint & stainless steeltable top working area properly illuminated by diffused, glare free fluorescent light & consist of hepa filter & uv light. duly balanced, direct drive motor blower units. power requirement: 230 v. Single phase, 50 hz ac supply.
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Muffle Furnace

We are offering muffle furnace.Technical description outer body made by heavy guage m.s.sheet with attractive colour.muffle wounded by best quality kanthal wire with proper insulation.working temp. 950c 1200ccontrolled by digital temp. controller.
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Portable Auto Clave

We offer Portable Auto Clave. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Vertical, Single wall made of aluminium and lead is made byGun - metal. Fitted with pressure gauge, safety valves and steam releasecork calibrated on 15 lb inch2 , load 1.5 Kw Complete with plug & cord to work on 220230 volts singlephase 50 Hz A.C.mains. Optional : Made of stainless steel sheet.
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Blood Bank Refrigerator

We are offering blood bank refrigerator.Technical description outer body made by m.s.sheet with attractive colur & inner isof stainless steel. operating temp. 4c controlled by digital temp. Controller with accuracy of 0.5c. sealed branded compressor & air cooled condenser. rating : 220 v 50 hz. optional: chart recorder
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Vertical Auto Clave

TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Vertical, made of stainless steel sheetFitted with pressure gauge, safety valves and steam releasecork.Maximum pressure 20lb inch2 but calibrated on 15 lbinch2, load 2 Kw.Complete with plug & cord to work on 220230 volts singlephase 50 Hz.
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Surgical Auto Clave

We are offering surgical auto clave.Technical description double wall, made of 304 grade stainless steel. fitted with radial locking, automatic water level cut - offdevice, timer, pressure gauge, safety valves and steamrelease cork. maximum pressure 30lb inch2 but calibrated on 20lbinch2 , load 2kw. complete with plug & cord to work on 220230 volts single phrase 50hz a.c.mains.
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Horizontal Auto Clave

We are offering horizontal auto clave.Technical description inner chamber: 400 x 600 mm (78 litrs.) double wall, made of 304 grade stainless steel. fitted with radial locking, digital temp. Controller, automatic water level cut off device, automatic pressure control switch.6 kw load, to work on 440v 3 - phase supply.
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Tally.ERP 9

The Complete Business Management Solution At Tally, we have a hard-earned reputation for empowering businesses with stable, effective software products. Tally.ERP 9 has all the features required for high-performance business management. You bank and pay utility bills from home, why not do your business transactions? Or call up a stock status report and print a copy from wherever you are? Tally.ERP 9 has been designed with you in mind. Powerful connectivity makes information available with your staff, CA and other professionals, round-the-clock, in any place. It's also quick to install and allows incremental implementation-a novel capability that lets you activate just as many of its functions when required, even across locations.
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Tally.Server 9

Tally.Server 9 is a Series A Enterprise Class product for medium and large size businesses whose pace of growth requires for it to invest in infrastructure that will help them improve their business efficiencies. Tally.Server 9 helps enhance the power and control of Tally.ERP 9 Gold users by converting the existing peer-to-peer' kind of data access to server based data management. The Tally.Server 9 technology is built with multi-version concurrency capabilities for providing most efficient scalability. Requests from every user get equal priority and get solved in parallel with others, rather than sequentially. There is no queuing of access or modification requests and so every user will feel as if he were working with his own local copy or snapshot of data. Tally.Server 9 will ensure that the data accessmodification by a user is isolated to hisher own snapshot, thus allowing other users to operate smoothly.
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Tally.Developer 9

Tally.developer 9 is a comprehensive development environment designed specifically for the tdl (tally definition language). Tdl is the development language of tally.erp 9 and is used to build additional functionality into the product. Tdl enables the programmers to develop and deploy solutions rapidly with ease. Tally.developer 9 makes programmers life easier with powerful features like syntax highlighting, column selection and auto completion. Apart from this, the definition browser, schema browser and function browser are also available as a part of the product providing instant reference to the tdl programmer
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Tally ERP 9 Software

As technology evolves, businesses like yours have to keep in step to benefit. Satisfying your customers at the same time is often a challenge. We have designed shoper 9 to handle lakhs of skus (items), thousands of transactions per day and even support hundreds of stores in a chain. This way, the modern retail business gets to use its core strengths to full advantage. By way of its unequalled retail expertise and rich development, shoper 9 represents the best of breed.
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Tissue Floatation Bath

we offer Tissue Floatation Bath. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Double walled, round construction.Inner chamber made of black anodized aluminium & outer made of S.S. Sheet . Thermostatic control from ambient to 80C along with energy regulator .Complete with power cord, lord and power indicator.
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