Our Products
Our offered Product range includes Genetics and Molecular Biology Model, General Botany Models and biology model.
Biotech Genetics & Molecular Bio-Model IN SHOWCASE
Code Number | Product description | Price (Rs.) |
BGEM1 | Typical plant or animal cell under electron microscope | 450 |
BGEM2 | Generalised plant cell or Animal cell- Highly detail | 450 |
BGEM3 | Typical chromosome- Detail as seenunder electron microscope. | 450 |
BGEM4 | Types of Chromosome- Complete in showcase set of 2 | 550 |
BGEM5 | Mitochondri- Detailed to show the doucle membrane | 550 |
BGEM6 | Types of cell membrane- A set of 3 highly detailed. | 550 |
BGEM7 | Nucleus- Detailed model | 550 |
BGEM8 | Cell wall thickening- set of 5 (1)Spiral (2) Annular (3) Reticular (4) Scaliriform (5) Simple |
1200 |
BGEM9 | Golgi body- Detailed large Model- Clearly explained | 550 |
BGEM10 | Types of Lysosome detailed-Clearly explained | 550 |
BGEM11 | Endoplasmic Reticulum- Clearly explained | 550 |
BGEM12 | Plastids Microscopic structure-Clearly explained. | 550 |
BGEM13 | Mitosis set of 10 model- It consists of the following stages : (1) resting cell (2) Prophase (3) late Prophase (4) Metaphase (5) Anaphase (6) Late Anaphase (7) Telophase (8) Late Telophase (9) Daughter cell (10) A detailed cell | 1300 |
BGEM14 | Mitosis- Set of 14 models fully detailed | 2000 |
BGEM15 | Meiosis set of 10 models- Consist of - (1) Leptotene (2) Pachytene (3) First Meitotic division (4) Zygotene (5) II Meiotic division (6) Metaphase (7) Early diakinesis (8) Telophase I (9) Telophase II (10) 4 Cell division. | 1300 |
BGEM16 | Meiosis- Set of 14 models fully detailed | 2000 |
BGEM17 | DNA Model(Watson & crick) This model represent the concept of the DNA Molecule in simple form but with sufficien accuracy details. It consist of following 4 models BGEM 17 A B C D | FULL SET 3000 |
BGEM17A | Double helical structure of DNA | 950 |
BGEM17B | Biological structure of DNA | 600 |
BGEM17C | Linking of Necleotides. | 750 |
BGEM17D | Replicating of DNA. | 950 |
BGEM18 | Structure of RNA Model- (Watson & Crick)- with in a cell Complete set of 3 models- detailed BELOW BGEM 18 (A,B,C) |
2500 |
BGEM18A | Helical structure of RNA. | 950 |
BGEM18B | Linking of Nacleotides | 750 |
BGEM18C | RNA Mechanism Protine synthesis | 950 |
Code Number | Product description | Price (Rs.) |
BBM1 | Anabaena- A magnified filaments, showing skinete heterocyst | 650 |
BBM2 | Nostoc- showing the filamentous colonies four hetero cysts | 650 |
BBM3 | Nostoc- Same as above but set of two model | 650 |
BBM4 | Oscillatoria- Set of 2 models complete filament and cell structure | 650 |
BBM5 | Chlamydomonas- showing the cup like chloroplasts, embedded pyrenoid nucleus, two contractile vacuoles | 650 |
BBM6 | Chlamydomonas LH- set of 12 models fully labelled in showcase | 1300 |
BBM7 | Volovx- showing two large colonies forming cells with other details | 650 |
BBM8 | Volvox- set of 15 models fully labelled in showcase | 1300 |
BBM9 | Eudorina LH- detailed dev. stages during life cycle, set of 12 models | 1300 |
BBM10 | Pandorina LH- Detailed dev. stages during life cycle, set of 12 models | 1300 |
BBM11 | Padiastrum- showing the coenoium and three stages of reproduction | 800 |
BBM12 | Hydrodictyon- a set of 8 models in showcase | 1300 |
BBM13 | Ulothrix- set of two models showing singles filament with holdfast and detailed internal structure with reproductive stages | 800 |
BBM14 | Ulothrix LH- showing morphology and complete life history with A-sexual and sexual Rep. in showcase set of 15 models | 1300 |
BBM15 | Coleochete LH- Showing the discoid form and stages in life cycle, set of 13 fully labelled in showcase | 1300 |
BBM16 | Oedogonium- Single detailed structure on board | 1300 |
BBM17 | Oedogonium- (set of three) a young filament showing holdfast cell structure cap cell and oogonial stage | 1100 |
BBM18 | Oedogonium LH- showcase 12 stages in its life history in showcase | 2300 |
BBM19 | Spirogyra- Cell filament showing cell wall protoplasm nuclesu chromatophores pyrenoids and starch grains & other details | 650 |
BBM20 | Spirogyra LH- set of 12 models in showcase fully labelled | 1300 |
BBM21 | Zygnema- Model showing rediating chloropast with nucleus 650/- 22 Closteriu |
650 |
BBM22 | Closterium- set of 3 stages in reproduction | 1250 |
BBM23 | Closterium- single cell detailed structure | 1200 |
BBM24 | Vaucheria- (set of 2) showing branching coenocytic body | 650 |
BBM25 | Vaucheria LH - set of 13 model showing all details | 1300 |
BBM26 | Botrydium LH- set of models showing the aerial portion of the body converted into a sporangium, the formation of aplanospores, the rhizoidal region | 1300 |
BBM27 | Chara- Set of 4 Models detachable showing a fruiting plant with antheridium minute structure of antherozooids and part of a spermatic filament showing antherozooids with globule and nucule | 1300 |
BBM28 | Chara- Globule on stand | 900 |
BBM29 | Chara- Nucule on stand | 900 |
BBM30 | Chara LH- a set of 14 models showing detailed structure of all the stages in reproduction complete in showcase | 1300 |
BBM31 | Ectocarpus LH- Showing all important stages including unilocular and plurilocular stages set of 12 models | 1300 |
BBM32 | Fucus- showing the dichotomous thallus, the region of sex organs at the branch tip and the air bladde | 950 |
BBM33 | Fucus- A set of 2 models showing antheridial and oogonia conceptacies | 1200 |
BBM34 | Fucus LH- a set of 12 models showing oogonia antheridia detailed models fully libelled in showcase | 1300 |
BBM35 | Laminaria- showing blade like body stipe and hold fast | 550 |
BBM36 | Diatoms- As beautiful Model showing in detail, the complex structure of a diatom cell, greatly enlarged | 700 |
BBM37 | Diatoms- Set of 6 in showcase showing different forms of diatoms and their structure | 1300 |
BBM38 | Batrachospermum life cycle- a set of 11 models in showcase showing plant body, young carpogonium, male gemate, mature corpogoium zygote and formation of haploid gonimoblasts | 1300 |
BBM39 | Batrachospermum- Detialed single cell enlarged | 650 |
BBM40 | Sargassum life cycle- a set of 14 models, in showcase | 1300 |
BBM41 | Dictyota life cycle- a set of 13 models completely labelled in showcase | 1300 |
BBM42 | Polysiphonia LH- a set of 12 models micro models set of 6 showing plant body antheridia spermatic corpogonium and its fertillization and teltrasposic plant in showcase | 1300 |
Code Number | Product description | Price (Rs.) |
BBM43 | Coccus bacteria models - highly enlarged set of 5 in showcase | 650 |
BBM44 | Bacteria- set of 16 models in showcase | 1300 |
BBM45 | Bacillum Bacteria- set of 6 greatly enlarged in showcase | 650 |
BBM46 | Spirillum Bacteria- A set of 7 models higly enlarged in showcase | 650 |
BBM47 | Generalized structure of typical bacteria- detailed model | 650 |
BBM48 | Disease causing bacteria of man- A set of 12 models | 1400 |
BBM49 | Virus-polyhedra symmetry- a typical detailed structure | 1200 |
BBM50 | Virus-tabacco mosaic virus (TMV)- Helical Symmentry | 1200 |
BBM51 | Vurus- Bacteriophage- T. even series (T4) complex symmetry | 1200 |
BBM52 | Life cycle ;of Bacteriophage- A detailed model in showcase set of 8 | 1200 |
BBM53 | Aids Virus (HIV Human) | 1200 |
BBM54 | Antigen antibody Reaction | 1200 |
Code Number | Product description | Price (Rs.) |
BBM53 | Rhizopus LH- (A sexual reproduction) Complete life cycle showing a sexual reproduction fully labelled (set fo 11 models) | 1300 |
BBM54 | Rhizopus LH- (sexual rproduction ) Complete life cycle showing sexual reproduction fully labelled in showcase (set of 15 models) | 1300 |
BBM55 | Pilobolus LH- set of 10 models fully detailed in showcase | 650 |
BBM56 | Pythium LH- set of 10 models fully detailed in showcase | 1300 |
BBM57 | Phytophthora infestans - cross section of potato leaf showing mycelium and sporangium sporangia | 650 |
BBM58 | phytophthora infestans LH - (set of 12 )showing all the repd. stages | 1300 |
BBM59 | mucor mucedo - colonial detailed model on board | 650 |
BBM60 | Mucor mucedo LH- showing sexual reproduction in showcase | 1300 |
BBM61 | Mucor mucedo LH- showing detailed structure on stand | 1300 |
BBM62 | Yeast- single cell showing detailed structure on stand | 650 |
BBM63 | Yeast life cycle-A set of 21 model in showcase | 1300 |
BBM64 | Aspergillus (eurotium) life cycle - set of 12 model in showcase | 1300 |
BBM65 | Erysiphae graminis life cycle - set of 12 model in showcase | 1300 |
BBM66 | Peziza life cycle-(A set of 15 models) all stages in showcase | 1300 |
BBM67 | peziza - (VS of apotheciumDetailed anatomy | 650 |
BBM68 | Morchella Life cycle - (A set of 13)showing all important stages | 2300 |
BBM69 | Morchella - single plant detailed and enlarged | 650 |
BBM70 | Ustilago life cycle - (Set of 12) showing all important stages | 1300 |
BBM71 | Cystopus (albugo-white-rust) - showing adetailed model | 650 |
BBM72 | Cystopus (albugo) - (A set of 16 models ) showing complete life cycle | 1300 |
BBM73 | Cystopus-(A sexual repd.)detailed set of 14 stages in showcase | 1300 |
BBM74 | Cystopus - (sexualrepd.)detailed development set of 12 | 1300 |
BBM75 | Claviceps - (ergot of rey)detailed structure | 650 |
BBM76 | Claviceps LH- set of 12 stages in showcase | 1300 |
BBM77 | Penicillium - (showing a sexual and sexual stages)L.H.in showcase | 1300 |
BBM78 | Tilletia carries - (smut)Germinating spore and detached conida | 650 |
BBM79 | Puccinia Graminis - details individual model | 650 |
BBM80 | Puccinia spores - set of 4 models in showcase | 650 |
BBM81 | Puccinia graminis life cycle - set of 15 models in showcase | 1300 |
BBM82 | Agaricus life - (set of 15 model) showing all stages | 1300 |
BBM83 | lichen thallus TS - showing cortex algal layer, medulla etc. | 1100 |
BBM84 | Lichen - Apothecion V.S detailad structure | 1100 |
Code Number | Product description | Price (Rs.) |
BBM85 | Riccia thallus - A vertical transverse section, showing detailed anatomy | 650 |
BBM86 | Riccia life cycle - (A set of 15 models) a detailed labelledmodel | 1300 |
BBM87 | Marchantia-male receptacle (antheridiophore)cut open vertically | 650 |
BBM88 | Marchantia polymorpha - Antheridium cut open vertically | 650 |
BBM89 | Marchantia polymorpha - Female receptacle (archegoniophore entire) | 650 |
BBM90 | Marchantia polymorpha - entire thallus with gemma cup | 650 |
BBM91 | Marchantia polymorpha - sporogonium mature | 650 |
BBM92 | Marchantia LH- (A set of 16 models) showing antheridiophore fertilization sporophytes and stages in germination | 1300 |
BBM93 | Marchantia LH 3-D structure- (set of 12 detailed showing individual stage on stand | 5000 |
BBM94 | Anthoceros life cycle - (set of 16 models)showing all details | 1300 |
BBM95 | Development of moss plant - (set of 13 model) showing various stages in the life history of moss in showcase | 1300 |
BBM96 | Moss plant - entire with sporophyte on stand | 650 |
BBM97 | Moss capsules- Dissactable L.S. detailed of its internal structure | 650 |
BBM98 | Moss stem - TS on board | 650 |
BBM99 | Moss antheridium - LS on pedastal stand | 650 |
BBM100 | Moss archegonium on pedestal stand | 650 |
Code Number | Product description | Price (Rs.) |
BBM 101 | Equisetum - (field horse tail) cone and shoot entire | 650 |
BBM 102 | Equisetum - life cycle prothallus development showing various stage | 1300 |
BBM 103 | Equisetum - A set of 15 model in showcase | 1300 |
BBM 104 | Equisetum - Male prothallus with antheridia | 650 |
BBM 105 | Equisetum - cone LS | 650 |
BBM 106 | Equisetum - coneTS | 650 |
BBM 107 | Equisetum -Stem TS | 650 |
BBM 108 | Marsilea petiole - TS detailed | 650 |
BBM 109 | Marsilea rhizome - TS detailed | 650 |
BBM 110 | Marsilea sporocarp - TS detailed | 650 |
BBM 111 | Marsilea sporocarp - LS detailed | 650 |
BBM 112 | Marsilea sporocarp - VS detailed | 650 |
BBM 113 | Marsilea life cycle - A set of 16 models important stage of life cycle | 1300 |
BBM 114 | Psilotum stem TS-showing detailed structure | 650 |
BBM 115 | Psilotum life cycle -set of 8 models showing all stages in showcase | 2200 |
BBM 116 | Isoetes life cycle - set of 13 models showing all stages in shawcase | 2000 |
BBM 117 | Fern - a leaflet bearing numerous sori | 650 |
BBM 118 | Fern- Sporophyll TS through pinnule and sorus | 650 |
BBM 119 | Fern-adult prothallus with sex organ | 650 |
BBM 120 | Fern development of antheridia - set of 4 models in showcase | 1300 |
BBM 121 | Fern life cycle -A set of 13 models in showcase giving detailed stages | 2000 |
BBM 122 | Fern LH-set of 8 models each on seprate stand 3 dimensional | 3000 |
BBM 123 | Fern rhizome - TS | 650 |
BBM 124 | Fern root TS | 650 |
BBM 125 | Fern petiole TS - on board | 450 |
BBM 126 | Lycopodium stem TS - detailed model of board | 650 |
BBM 127 | Lycopodium strobilus LS and TS set of 2 models | 1100 |
BBM 128 | Lycopodium LH-A set of 15 fully labelled showing all stages of life cycle | 1400 |
BBM 129 | Selaginella cone LS and TS | 1200 |
BBM 130 | Selaginella life cycle-A set of 14 models in showcase fully labelled | 1400 |
BBM 131 | Selaginella stem TS | 650 |